What will Nasrallah say in his speech on Friday?


The time has become “appropriate for speaking” and Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s anticipated speech on Friday will carry “surprises,” sources close to Hezbollah said.

“Regardless of appeals and overbidding, Sayyed Nasrallah will not send reassurance messages to anyone but the Palestinian side,” the sources told al-Liwaa newspaper in remarks published Thursday.

Nasrallah will tell the Palestinians that “the (Lebanese) resistance will not abandon them,” the sources added.

“Sayyed Nasrallah will address a clear threat to the Israelis that any shot fired on Lebanese territory will ignite the war and the targeting of any civilian on Lebanese territory will also ignite the war,” the sources said.

“The resistance will not accept any restrictions on its people and after Nasrallah’s speech everyone will return and they will pick the crops in the border villages,” the sources added.

The Nidaa al-Watan newspaper has meanwhile learned that Nasrallah will declare that “Hezbollah is not seeking war but is ready for it should it be imposed on it."

He will “warn Israel of the consequences of any foolishness it might commit or any crossing of the red lines, by saying that it will see what it has never seen in its history and what will make it forget the day of October 7,” the daily added.

“He will not declare war but rather preparedness for it, knowing that Hamas will emerge victorious and that the countdown for Israel’s demise has begun,” the newspaper quoted its sources as saying.

Comments 7
Thumb Machia 02 November 2023, 15:29

Nasrallah has no shame. Making clips while 10,000 Palestinians were killed.
Whatever he decides to do, it has no meaning.
The balance of military power is way against the axis militias.
Post his speech, he will continue with his show of skirmishes on the border that is killing young Lebanese men.
The other alternative is not even in the books.

Thumb farsical.resistance 02 November 2023, 16:10

There we go again, as I predicted, another day another hassin story. But I like it. It's good. I for one is very exited to finally see hassin tomorrow; the real hassin. It's like seeing a piece of the true cross. There are so many fake ones, seeing the true one is inspiring. It's the same with hassin. Tomorrow early, you will find me in my La-Z-Boy® chair, with my hassin turban cap on, my hassin scarf with his smiling face on both ends, my hassin "go hassin go" flag and my yellow "hassin is #1" spring loaded foam finger that can't stop shaking, rooting for him like he's Messi. Come to think of it whatever hassin says it will be messy, very messy. It's 2 minutes to midnight and I'm ready!

Thumb i.report 02 November 2023, 18:24

If Hezbollah refrains from launching a full-scale attack on the Israeli Occupation Forces, it may result in a loss of their legitimacy and their stated reason for existence. Such restraint would indicate that their primary goal is to occupy and control Lebanon on behalf of Iran. Additionally, it will be seen as a sign of weakness, making them vulnerable to internal challenges. Hassan should be aware of these implications and act accordingly.

Missing phillipo 02 November 2023, 18:54

Israeli Occupation Forces? Exactly hoew many square millimeters of Lebanese territory are Israeli forces occupying. According to the UN, the answer is None, Nil, Zero.
We all know that the eventual target of Irans' Lap-dog in Lebanon, the Hizballah terrorists, is to occupy the whole of the country on behalf of their masters.

Thumb i.report 02 November 2023, 19:20

Since when do Zionist terrorists care about the UN? There are 104 UN resolutions Israel is refusing to implement. Your time is up ZioNazis!

Thumb Mystic 02 November 2023, 19:41

The Resistance has been committed to Al Aqsa since the day it has been established, they are convinced and ready to be martyred for Al Aqsa, I wish you can actually convince the main sunni countries to do the same. Mainly Türkiye and Egypt the most powerful of them to assist the Palestinians.

Thumb gebran_sons 03 November 2023, 09:50

SERIOUS TALK 8: Nassralah anticipated speech was written 25 years ago when Iran’s Basij created, funded, armed and indoctrinated Hizbollah to serve as its Foreign Legion and occupy South Lebanon to turn it into an Iranian rocket base. Hizb is Iran’s mercenaries used for regional hegemony, bloc Shia democracy from reaching Iran, and blackmail West in pursuit of nuclear nirvana. Iran & Hizb never cared for Palestinians. No help for refugees except arming radical factions. Hariri Assassination and 2006 War was to protect Hizb Iranian arms when growing demand for disarming. Similar in May 2007. Iran armed Hamas for same reason as Hizb but gladly sacrificed it for its objective. Hizb will not enter war to help Hamas for not risking its arms and control of Lebanon, thus becoming useless to Iran. Iran/Hizb may wait for changing world opinion against Israel for a small skirmish, not even “liberating” Shebaa. But they’ll use every excuse to stay out of war. Jumblat wake up!