Israel uses Arrow-3 system for 1st time to intercept Yemen missile

Israel said it used one of its most advanced air and missile defense systems for the first time Thursday to intercept a missile launched toward Israel in the Red Sea region.
The system, known as the Arrow 3, is designed to intercept long-range missiles outside the atmosphere, according to a joint statement from Israel's military and Ministry of Defense.
Thursday marks the Arrow 3 system’s first missile interception since it was deployed in 2017. Last week, the Arrow 2 system was used to intercept a missile for the first time, the statement said.
The Arrow 3 system was co-developed and co-produced by the Israel Missile Defense Organization in the Israel Ministry of Defense and the United States Missile Defense Agency, led by Israel Aerospace Industries. It is one of the most advanced air and missile defense systems of its kind in the world for intercepting long-range ballistic missiles.