Miqati Throws Ball in Aoun’s Court as Cabinet Impasse Remains at Standstill
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Prime Minister Najib Miqati reiterated on Thursday that averting the cabinet crisis depends on the ministers who should implement the government’s decisions, According to An Nahar newspaper.
“I am definite that (Free Patriotic Movement leader) MP Michel Aoun, who is keen to maintain the cabinet’s credibility, will give (Labor) Minister Charbel Nahhas the right advice,” Miqati told the daily.
He was referring to Nahhas’ refusal to sign the transportation allowance decree that was approved by the cabinet last month describing it as “illegal.”
In January, the cabinet approved a wage hike decree. But the transportation and education allowances remained the contention point as Nahhas was tasked by the government to prepare a draft law and refer it to the parliament for adoption, allowing the government to set the minimum rates for the allowances and “legalizing” them.
Miqati denied any mediation by officials to resolve the dispute with Aoun.
The premier and the ministers of Aoun’s Change and Reform Parliamentary bloc have bickered over Miqati’s decision to appoint top civil servants in state posts reserved for Christians without consulting them.
Their dispute worsened last week after Miqati said ministers who don’t want to abide by the cabinet’s decision should resign. But Aoun slammed the premier, saying he should quit.
According to al-Liwaa newspaper, Speaker Nabih Berri is convinced that he shouldn’t interfere in the dispute between Miqati and Aoun.
The daily reported that Berri reproached Miqati on his decision to suspend the cabinet sessions. However, the speaker criticized Nahhas for not signing a decision that was approved by the cabinet.
Parliamentary sources told the newspaper that the situation will not remain at standstill.
“The officials will reach a solution as they all agree on the importance” consolidating Lebanon, they said.
Ministerial sources told the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat that Aoun’s strong rhetoric has taken his relations with President Michel Suleiman and Miqati to the “edge.” They expected the crisis to remain open-ended.
Energy Minister Jebran Bassil, who is loyal to Aoun, told al-Joumhouria newspaper that “the cabinet’s work will not stop” despite Miqati’s decision to suspend its meetings.

Does anyone know we are in the 21st Century, not in the barbaric times.

"maintain the cabinet’s credibility..."
Huh? Credibility?? What credibility???

congratulations!!!!!! no need to agree...no need to govern the country....no need to issue decrees for oil and gas....no need to make a budget....it's ok all the money from oil and gas can wait while ISRAEL IS STEALING OUR GAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Previous governments were handicapped due to representation of all bickering parties but this government should be 1 colour government and still they can't agree. SHAME ON THEM

Read carefully the headline, it confirms what I suspected.... They are playing ball!

the filthy zionist media scum hallucinate something irrelevant.
they would like to hallucinate something relevant but they can't