Iran acting FM discusses Gaza war with Hezbollah Nasrallah


Iran's acting foreign minister Ali Bagheri Kani met Tuesday with Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, a day after he arrived in Lebanon on his first official diplomatic visit since his predecessor died last month.

Bagheri discussed with Nasrallah "proposed solutions" for ending the war, the Iran-backed Lebanese group said.

The two men "reviewed the latest regional political and security developments, especially on the Gaza and Lebanon fronts, and the proposed solutions," a Hezbollah statement said.

U.S. President Joe Biden outlined a three-stage roadmap towards a full ceasefire on Friday that he said was a new offer from Israel that he urged Hamas to accept.

However, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took issue with Biden's presentation of what was on the table, stressing that the war would continue until all of Israel's "goals are achieved".

Netanyahu said that included the destruction of Hamas's capacity to govern Gaza or pose a military threat to Israel.

Bagheri arrived in Lebanon Monday on his first foreign trip since being named caretaker minister following the death of his predecessor Hossein Amir-Abdollahian in a helicopter crash last month that also killed president Ebrahim Raisi.

He met Monday with Lebanese counterpart Abdallah Bouhabib as well as Lebanese Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri and caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati. He also met with Palestinian factions and others.

At a press conference on Monday, Bagheri said the United States should halt all aid to Israel rather than propose a ceasefire.

He said he had chosen Lebanon for his first official visit "because Lebanon is the cradle of resistance" against Israel.

Bagheri is set to visit neighboring Syria later Tuesday, where an apparent Israeli airstrike on an Iranian diplomatic building in Damascus in April put the Middle East on a knife edge, unleashing series of escalatory attacks that threatened to set off a wider regional war. He is due to hold talks in Damascus with his Syrian counterpart Faisal Mekdad and President Bashar al-Assad.

Iran's Tasnim news agency said Bagheri "talked with the leaders of the Palestinian resistance groups in Syria" at the Iranian embassy in Damascus.

Comments 1
Missing phillipo 04 June 2024, 15:32

He wasn't discussing Gaza with Nasrallah. He was issuing orders telling him exactly what Iran is demanding that Hizballah does for it.