Report: Jumblat doesn't support vain proposals, prefers Berri's initiative


Former Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat considers Speaker Nabih Berri's presidential initiative as "an emergency exit" from the presidential deadlock, close sources to the Druze leader said.

The sources told al-Joumhouria newspaper, in remarks published Thursday, that Jumblat does not support unproductive presidential proposals that lack impetus.

Crisis-hit Lebanon has been without a president since Michel Aoun's term ended in October 2022, as tensions boil on the border with Israel since October 7.

As neither of the two main blocs -- Hezbollah and its opponents -- has the majority required to elect a president, Berri has called for a ten-day-long dialogue. The Lebanese Forces refuse a dialogue chaired by Berri.

Opposition lawmakers started their own initiative, announcing two suggestions to facilitate the election of a president. They suggested consultations in parliament not chaired by Berri.

Amal sources told al-Joumhouria that Berri's initiative is ongoing and would pave the way for a solution. "A president has never been elected and will never been elected without consensus," they said.

Comments 1
Thumb gebran_sons 25 July 2024, 18:09

Meeting of Dinosaurs: Butcher of Tehran and Butcher of Cedar Revolution. When a third of Iranians, most educated & productive, demonstrated during 2010 Green Revolution against the brutal Iranian regime, asking nothing more than democracy enjoyed by Lebanese Shia, instead of Berri supporting their democratic aspirations as Imam Sadr would have certainly done, he sided with the criminal Basij enabling the brutal suppression and killing of thousands of the Green Revolution supporters. Iran would be totally different if Berri did not put his personal benefit over Shia aspirations. History will crown him as Butcher of Tehran. Similarly, Jumblat who one day was a pillar of Cedar Revolution seeking democracy, sovereignty, freedom and justice; is now Hizbollah’s Trojan Horse and dean of Political Mafia working against all these principles, justifying Lebanon occupation by Iran’s Foreign Legion, the Lebanese Houthis or Hizbollah, and working against our sovereignty.