Raad stresses Syrian people's 'right to self-determination'

The head of Hezbollah's parliamentary bloc, MP Mohammad Raad, has noted that the regime change in Syria was not spontaneous, but rather the product of a "program prepared by regional and international forces whose interests intersected over changing the authority in Syria."
In an article he published in al-Akhbar newspaper, Raad acknowledged that "the Syrian armed and opposition factions have become in power in Syria."
"The Islamic Resistance stresses the right of the brotherly Syrian people to determine the fate of their political system and also their own fate," Raad added, noting that "change must be expressed by the Syrian people with all its components and formations.
Moreover, Raad emphasized that "Syria's unity is an essential matter that should not be tampered with," adding that "those who want political freedom must be sovereign in their orientations and national commitments."