FPM hits back at Salam over representation standards

The Free Patriotic Movement responded Wednesday to remarks voiced overnight by Prime Minister Nawaf Salam regarding the negotiations that resulted in the exclusion of the FPM from the new government.
“Mr. Prime Minister Nawaf Salam said that the only standard that the FPM insisted on was the process of counting the members of the parliamentary blocs, but the truth is that the FPM’s only standard was fairness and treating everyone equally,” the FPM said.
“The premier’s standard was selectivity and double standards as to partisans, politicized figures, experts, the sizes of representation, the right to making nominations, and the distribution of portfolios, especially as to misrepresenting sects, components and blocs,” the FPM added.
Salam had said in a TV interview overnight that some blocs tried to “impose their standards” on him, such as “the size of representation and number of ministers.”
“The FPM had a problem regarding the size of its representation, due to the difference between the number of its current MPs and the number of its (expelled) MPs, in addition to the number of the votes it received in the elections, but I did not manage to understand these calculations,” Salam added.