Jumblat Lauds Syria's Muslim Brotherhood Declaration, Slams Fears of Islamist Movements

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Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat praised on Monday the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood’s statement on the developments in their country, saying that it reflected the Sunni population’s openness to regional changes.

He said: “The Muslim Brotherhood demonstrated moderation, diversity, and equality.”

He made his remarks in Turkey where he took part in the Socialist International conference in Istanbul.

“This same openness has been demonstrated in the Muslim Brotherhood in Tunisia and Egypt, so why are there growing fears of Islamist movements?” wondered Jumblat.

Addressing Russia’s position on the Syrian crisis, he wondered: “Shouldn’t pleasing the Arab world, which has a Sunni majority, reflect positively on the former Soviet states that have a majority of Sunnis?”

“It is time to stop the statements of some Russian strategic analysts who have defended the Syrian regime at any cost,” added the PSP leader.

“Are Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s warnings over a civil war in Syria a way of making the Syrians choose between a settlement with the ruling regime or a potential war?” he asked.

“Is this the most Russia can do?” he wondered.

“It is strange how the Arab initiative on Syria, which called for ending the violence, releasing political prisoners, and withdrawing the army from the streets, has developed into demanding a two-hour ceasefire per day,” noted the Druze chief.

“Is this the most that the international community can do?” he continued.

Jumblat stressed the need for reaching a political solution to the Syrian crisis, warning that its continuation will lead to a civil war that will negatively affect the entire region.

He renewed the PSP’s position that the Syrian refugees in Lebanon need to be protected and provided with the necessary aid.

Syria's Muslim Brotherhood will share power and respect democracy if President Bashar Assad is toppled, its leader said on Sunday.

"The regime is trying to show that the Muslim Brotherhood are trying to control Syria alone," Mohammad Riad al-Shaqfa told a news conference in Istanbul in remarks translated into English.

"We want a democratic Syria and we do not want to control the country alone," he said, ahead of the international conference of "Friends of Syria," scheduled in Istanbul for April 1.

During his Turkey trip, Jumblat held talks with a delegation from the Syrian opposition before which he stressed the need for their unity and reaching a political solution to the crisis.

Upon his return to Lebanon, he commented on U.S. Treasury Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence David Cohen’s recent visit to Lebanon, saying that he “supports sanctions against the Syrian regime, while keeping in mind the ongoing dispute between the U.S. administration and Hizbullah.”

He added however that he rejects targeting the funds of Lebanese in various banks around the world.

Cohen had warned Lebanese officials against allowing Syria or Iran to use their country to evade international sanctions.

He said the essential message that he delivered to the officials is that they should take the utmost precaution and be sure that Lebanon would not slide towards permitting Syria or Iran to use it in an attempt to evade the sanctions.

The American official held talks with Prime Minister Najib Miqati, Central Bank Governor Riyad Salameh and a number of representatives from the Lebanese banking sector last week.

Comments 32
Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 26 March 2012, 17:52

walid beik will decide when to shoot the govmt he created,he is a joker and a jockey.
u dont understand him bcose u cannot follow him, its a question of equations and military balance.

Thumb jcamerican 26 March 2012, 18:10

Can you be more explicit.

Default-user-icon Lonely (Guest) 26 March 2012, 20:22

lol she wanted to say that it was only one night and he left her the next morning

Thumb geha 26 March 2012, 18:18

the tide has shifted dramatically regionally and internationally, but m8 guys & girls have yet to realize it :)

Thumb jcamerican 26 March 2012, 18:50

Jumblat stressed the need for reaching a political solution to the Syrian crisis, warning that its continuation will lead to a civil war that will negatively affect the entire region.

Explain this one for me geha. Political solution? The tide is coming, not shifting, more like a tsunami.

Thumb geha 26 March 2012, 19:39

if you want it plainly, I will give you the outcome:
- assad regime will fall soon
- syria will remain under russian dominance, without iran.
- hizbushaitan will be destroyed in the upcoming war.
- iran will be isolated, like north korea, until it implodes internally.
this is the agreed deal between the US and russia :)

Default-user-icon trueself (Guest) 26 March 2012, 18:35

I do agree with Jumblat on the issue of moderation that the Islmaic brotherhood in Syria has stated in its statement to the public. However, I would draw Jumblat's attention to the fact that the Sunnis in syria constitute more than 75% of the population and hence their ascent to power which is eventual will automatically be translated into brotherhood dominance and hence their enaction of their believes that could disadvantage other religious minorities. I do really hope this not to be the case bacause if it is, then Lebanon whether knowlingly or unknowingly would slip into the same pit leading to endless strife and wars. having said this though doesn't lend my support to the brutal regime in Syria which has to leave. I only hope that with the regime's change in Syria we in Lebanon could have peace at last. We are tired of being used as a springboard for strife and wars.

Missing youssefhaddad 26 March 2012, 19:34

The muslim brotherhood declaration has extracted a lot of cards from the hands of the despot.
Hopefully they mean what they say and do understand that the future in this world belongs to moderation and tolerance.

Default-user-icon Leo (Guest) 26 March 2012, 20:11

This is interesting. Jumblat seems to ask a lot of retorical questions about Syria. He seems to speak about issues in Syria more than serious issues here in Lebanon. It seems that Jumblat concerns about Syria has taken up more of his thoughts that does the problems here.

Thumb cedar 26 March 2012, 20:35

Free Lebanon before talking about freeing syria.

Missing ulpianus 26 March 2012, 21:07

Free Syria will (hopefully) result in a free Lebanon.

Thumb benzona 26 March 2012, 22:17

Tyrian: you're right. The next step is to free Iran from the theocrats.

Thumb benzona 26 March 2012, 20:55

The time has come for (Syrian) Christians, Druze, Sunni, Kurds (not all are Muslims) to get out of their hiding places and book their seats for the upcoming government. And yes, the alawi minority should be included, but obviously not the same people as now.

Thumb jcamerican 26 March 2012, 22:39

You make it sound like a field trip.

Missing jabalena 26 March 2012, 21:02

hizballah role is getting less and less of a meaning to a lebanese and the silent majority who wants to abide the state rule. Its weapons have become a burden to the shia community.

The best option for them would have been merging with the state armed forces as suggested by no one but your enemy walid jumblat. Had they listened to him way back then, it would have been a great exit strategy for them. I suppose the iranian and the batthist agenda may have them pointed in a different direction - which is not in Lebanon's best interest at this point in time.

Fayez karam, our proud mossad agent will be released form jail soon - what is your take on that dude?

Missing ulpianus 26 March 2012, 21:04

I´m not with Jumblat, but the "turns with the wind issue" is getting old and overused, as the Lebanese political system. Lebanese should learn from him. YES if we have to turn our views/stances for the benefit of our country and well being. That is what they do in the west, and in every civilized country.
What is good today, may not be good tomorrow.

In fact, Jumblat has been the most consistent poltician of Lebanon: Always looking for the best of his sect. I wish we could take that to national leve.

Missing realist 26 March 2012, 21:59

The only hypocrites around are hizbustan, go watch them praying on a christian campus. Watch them kill the best lebanese statesmen. Watch them do fraud, drug trafficing. Watch them free FAYEZ KARAM in less than two years. Hypocrisy?? dont make a fool of yourself mr. irani. The suni muslims are the majority in the arab world and it is only natural they choose their representation. get over it.

Missing realist 26 March 2012, 22:00

"little groups" in your dreams khayen (not mowaten). do little groups need the entire Syrian army to battle them? more than 10,000 killed? cities destroyed with tanks? children/women raped?these 'little groups' are the Syrian people idiot.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 26 March 2012, 22:07

naharnet... why?

Thumb jcamerican 26 March 2012, 22:35

I agree with your statement. Nobody ever responded to my question. Why would HA attack and take over Beirut. Then leave like nothing happened. It doesn't make any sense for someone wants to take over Lebanon.

Missing minlibnan 26 March 2012, 23:01

FT, dont allow yourself to be made a fool by HA media. HA lost the was against the Druze. Just like Amal did in the civil war. HA had 300 troops in barouk mountain surrender to the Druze. You can YouTube LBC report. Or jazeera archives. HA lost to poorly armed unexpecting civilians. Not even to PSP or LF. Just civilians. Dont confuse HA heartless soldiers with those of real men. And don't ever imagine HA with large numbers will equal to a win, ever. You better not be a betting man. HA is lucky to controll the dump in southern Beirut. We all know the outcome of a real war between PSP and HA. It will be a repeat of PSP and Amal.

Missing minlibnan 26 March 2012, 23:45

If Assad has an ounce of respect for his people he would have stepped down long ago.

Missing helicopter 27 March 2012, 05:38

Sometimes the threat of force is more effective than actually waging a war. The US was able to get Lybia to give up any mass weapons programs simply by threatening it. While when it waged war in Iraq, the cost was too high. Same is true for H.A... they are no fools.

Default-user-icon Enough (Guest) 27 March 2012, 06:28

All ways the same old comments against poor Jumblat, since the M8's can not attack the truth in his words, they just attack the man.

I give Jumblat a lot of credit for standing up and telling the truth about the Assad government. Specially since he is speaking from above ground, unlike the Glorious Iranian Rat.

Flamer, no need to remind us that Nasrallah needs to stay underwround because of all the smart guidance missiles that are hovering above Lebanon... But that must make Jumblat a very brave man since the biggest killer of political leaders is the car bomb and Hezbollah has never been in short supply of those ;-)

Thumb benzona 27 March 2012, 08:52

And what do you look like FT? Can we get a picture of you? Upload one on imageshack will ya! You don't need to remove your turban nor shave your beard. We're open minded pele you know.

Thumb jcamerican 27 March 2012, 10:12

She got a lot of votes. Wonder why? lol. Reminds them of their inflatable devices.

Default-user-icon Shame (Guest) 27 March 2012, 14:47

people like you will be locked up in the States for sexual harassment! I doubt you live in the U.S. But, if you do, it seems you have not learned anything about civilized societies and you remain a shia thug!

Thumb benzona 27 March 2012, 10:17

I have nothing against the Shia. However, I can't stand people stealing our electricity, threatening and killing us with weapons and more importantly trying to impose onto us their religious beliefs.

Default-user-icon GB (Guest) 27 March 2012, 10:30

If someone believes that The Muslim Brotherhood can free themselves from the influence of the Salafists, you'd be fooling yourselves. Look what is happening in Egypt... Plus the fact that Clown Jumblatt is certainely not someone you can rely on as tomorrow he'll make a U-turn...

Default-user-icon Mohammad_ca (Guest) 27 March 2012, 14:23

What is happening in Egypt? Enlighten us please...

Thumb thepatriot 27 March 2012, 11:22

Wow, that's a great feedback FT.

Default-user-icon Mohammad_ca (Guest) 27 March 2012, 14:22

And what are they doing in Egypt ya dumbass? What about hizbolla and its weapons which it has used internally and externally? You have no problem believing them. Hypocrite.