Jal el-Dib Residents Resort to Sit-in over Cabinet Failure to Find Solution to Traffic

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The residents of Jal el-Dib and neighboring areas are expected to stage a sit-in on Tuesday morning on the Beirut-Jounieh highway in protest of the cabinet’s failure to find an alternative solution to traffic after the dismantlement of the metal bridge, Voice of Lebanon radio (93.3) reported.

Head of the Council of Development and Reconstruction Nabil al-Jisr told VDL that the cabinet is stalling the matter.

Engineer Elie Helou said that the council had presented the maps to the cabinet and is awaiting the response to continue its work.

He told the radio station that the new bridge will be 150 meters away from the old one that was dismantled, adding the Jal el-Dib municipality refused setting up two U shaped bridges above the highway.

Helou noted that adopting any other alternatives will lead to a decision to pull down some of the buildings on the sides of the highway.

Public Works and Transport Minister Ghazi al-Aridi told al-Joumhouria newspaper said that “he has no information on the matter.”

“I don’t know the real reason behind the crisis… the reason might be due to funding problems or some personal political accounts,” al-Aridi told the daily.

The minister said that the Council of Development and Reconstruction is under Prime Minister Najib Miqati’s authority.

“I can’t do anything about it,” al-Aridi stressed.

Elie Bejjani, a member of Jal el-Dib municipality, told the daily that the resident of the area might refer to “escalations if the matter wasn’t dealt with in a serious manner.”

In February, the Council dismantled the metal bridge after warnings the structure could collapse.

The decision to remove the bridge was taken after a building collapsed in Ashrafiyeh’s Fassouh neighborhood, leaving 27 people dead and 12 others injured.

The collapse put the spotlight on the dismal state of old properties across the country and sparked widespread anger and accusations that authorities had failed to address the problem.

Comments 5
Default-user-icon Mukhtar Nabatiyeh (Guest) 02 April 2012, 13:21

@mowaten of iran: and whose man are you? Khamainei? Nassrallah? or Bashar?

Default-user-icon mish-mowaten (Guest) 02 April 2012, 13:33

@ mish-mowaten: .... and you are supposed to be faithful to your sectarian thug of thugs!

Thumb geha 02 April 2012, 16:12

so like M8! you launch accusations before having a single fact :)

Default-user-icon freelebanese (Guest) 03 April 2012, 01:34

hahah you Lebanese are soo stupid people, you talk as if you dont know that are all thieves,corrupt and terrorist on their own people and you still defend them as if they are saints.just ask them what have they done so far since 20 years and from where did they all get that millions and became sooo rich? such a fool people.you will never develop or progress

Thumb kesrweneh 03 April 2012, 09:59

so paying billions for Aakar highway is good and healthy,( a road used by hundreds of people max), but it's not ok to pay 5 million$ for the Jal El dib bridge used by hundreds of thousands daily! come on M14 people don't you use this bridge? are you all living in Halba? for once use reason not reflexes