Aoun: Miqati is Responsible for Any Delay in Electricity File

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Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun stated on Tuesday that a final agreement with companies on leasing power-generating vessels has not been reached yet.

He said after the Change and Reform bloc’s weekly meeting: “Prime Minister Najib Miqati is responsible for any delay in the electricity file.”

“A single delay will take place at the expense of pumping electricity into the Lebanese power grid,” he added.

The government had recently approved a proposal to lease power-generating ships, but negotiations are still ongoing with two companies that would provide them.

Addressing discussions on the parliamentary electoral law, Aoun remarked: “We don’t want to limit the representation of any side, however if that side’s political weight is small, we don’t want it to be taking a greater parliamentary share than it deserves.”

He made his statement in an indirect reference to Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat.

Transportation and Public Works Minister Ghazi Aridi had noted on Monday that adopting proportional representation in the electoral law would “target” Jumblat in order to limit his representation.

Furthermore, Aoun voiced his support for proportional representation, hoping that the government would make proposals on the electoral law.

Commenting on retired Brigadier General Fayez Karam’s release from prison, the MP said: “He was imprisoned, released, paid us a visit, and then left to Zgharta.”

On Environment Minister Nazem al-Khoury’s refusal to approve the leasing of power-generating ships until a study is conducted on the pollution they may cause, Aoun said: “Water in Lebanon has been transformed into sewage, what has the minister done about that?”

“Let them pay closer attention to what they have done to the environment and not to a ship that will be granting people electricity,” he stressed.

  • 03 April 2012, 17:17

    Aoun: They have completed some civil services appointments and we hope they will continue the rest of the appointments. This issue does not concern me since there are some sides that are working on destroying the state. It is up to us to determine how to avoid losses.

  • 03 April 2012, 17:16

    Aoun: Let them pay closer attention to what they have done to the environment and not to a ship that will be granting people electricity.

  • 03 April 2012, 17:16

    Aoun on the environment minister’s criticism that power-generating vessels pollute the sea: Does the environment minister know where Zouk power plant pollutants are dumped? Has he taken measures to tackle this issue?

  • 03 April 2012, 17:14

    Aoun on Karam’s release: He was imprisoned, released, paid us a visit, and then left to Zgharta.

  • 03 April 2012, 17:10

    Aoun on electricity file: The prime minister is responsible for any delay in achieving any progress in leasing the power-generating ships.

  • 03 April 2012, 17:09

    Aoun: The government should present its proposals on the parliamentary electoral law. We don’t want to limit the representation of any side. People want their rights restored.

  • 03 April 2012, 17:09

    Aoun: It’s unfortunate that the government always delays in approving a state budget.

  • 03 April 2012, 17:06

    Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun after Change and Reform bloc weekly meeting: Crime has become strangely widespread in Lebanon recently and we call on the Interior Ministry to pay attention to this matter.

Comments 26
Thumb thepatriot 03 April 2012, 17:24

"Crime has become strangely widespread in Lebanon recently and we call on the Interior Ministry to pay attention to this matter..."

Keep your advice for your good people:

Fayez Ghosn (FPM) Minister of Defence: The king of porous borders, and the best friend of the Syrian Army (allowed to enter, kill, and retire at wish!)

Nicolas Sehnaoui (FPM): Minister of Telecoms: The King of the cellular...our cell lines have never been this catastrophic! Lousy job!

Charbel Nahas (FPM)... comment on this one...he's gone thank God!

Gebran Bassil (FPM): The non elected Mafioso...needless to say more about him!

Fadi Aboud (FPM): When he will stop his racket on the Faqra Club Project, maybe he'll get to work!

Finally, Marwan Charbel... well he attacks him, but wasn't this guy a consensus between Aoun and Sleiman? Aoun wanted him there... so who's responsible for his lousy work...??

Yessss... another farce from Michel Claoun...

Missing Perestroika 03 April 2012, 18:09

c'est clair, " we call on the Interior Ministry to pay attention to this matter", por favor ye3ni 7aji ba2a te3ti drouss wa ka2annak fo2 l kel, 3endak telet l wozara bel 7okommi w bedalak tbarbir, tfadal shteghil, farjina l "2esla7 wel teghyir" w 7aji mozayeda 3al sha3eb!!

Khedou 3ala 7aki w hawbara!

Thumb kesrweneh 04 April 2012, 10:25

I understand u being M14 hinders ur logic and oblige u to criticize any FPM project even if it’s good and healthy, but ur also a grown Lebanese so take medicine for your chronic M14nisme u’ll feel much better

Thumb kesrweneh 04 April 2012, 10:25

Patriot, come on man even you don't believe what you are writing:
1-Fayez Ghossn, and the Lebanese army have arrested more weapon smugglers in a few months then their predecessors in years
2- Sehnaoui!!? 3.9G, cheaper faster and better DSl, full renovation of the mobile network (thus the few problems encountered in 2011),an excellent coverage thanks to the coupling of the 2 cies
3-Charbel Nahas confronted the Mafia to protect your rights (unless you own a multibillion cie)
4- Gebran Bassil created the 1st viable plan for EDL in years, fought to get us Gaz and Diesel cars (more economic and less polluting) made 3 big water projects for Beirut Mount Lebanon and the North, unfolded Kabbani for the thief he is…
5- Fady Abboud, gave a great push to tourism despite the region turmoil (and what about the Faqra racketing? Man the guy lives their get ur facts right)

Thumb thepatriot 04 April 2012, 11:05

1-He arrests the smugglers one one side, not on the other...biased!
Plus, he welcomes the syrian army everytime they enter our territory.
Plus he allows syrian services to kidnap and exfiltrate syrian nationals from Lebanese territory...
2-You live in denial. Invoices did not go down, and you cannot have a conversation without having your line cut 3 times!
3- I have quite a few employees and the Nahas plan would have drawn us! I have elaborated on the mater more than once.
4- Wrong. Now you should get your facts right! Again, I have elaborated long enough on the mater...see what has been done, and see the previous projects, see who stoped them, and take a look at the last 5 ministers of NRG!
5- Again! You get your facts right! I know where he lives, what he does, and what developments he blocks in Faqra because Mr Abboud needs his "compensation"...

stop wasting my time now...

Missing applesandoranges 03 April 2012, 17:27

rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb..................

Thumb thepatriot 04 April 2012, 15:54


Seriously're what? 12??

Get lost!

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 03 April 2012, 17:32

The corruption and theft block leader. Who voted for this criminal??

Default-user-icon his proud papy (Guest) 03 April 2012, 19:09

Oh why don't the big bad Mikati let my Geb steal, everybody does it and lord knows after I'm gone he ain't gonna be able to find a job as doorman at a two dollar whorehouse in dahieh. Chatal has gotten used to the good life DAMIT!

Thumb beiruti 03 April 2012, 21:58

Its always somebody else's fault. The guy never takes responsibility for anything, none of is screw ups, which are too many to count.

Default-user-icon Muhamada (Guest) 03 April 2012, 22:01

Like always Mr. Know it all and it is every one else fault, so you stay at the bottom with you blaming all, quit this stage man, you really dont get it anymore, you need to build a Russian sauna and stay away from the press or more privacy with your mate Hassouna Hezboshaitan, HA HA HA mad man.

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 03 April 2012, 22:25

Tell your friends the Shia to pay for electricity including 30 years of debt and interest.

Thumb bigsami 03 April 2012, 22:49

Can you add a bit of charisma and/or refinement with your posts that might reflect a little educational background that exceeds a 2 year old? Boy some folks just don't get it.

Missing inveritas 04 April 2012, 06:31

Folks like you, you mean?

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 04 April 2012, 02:10

When I left the country in the night in my pajamas.....It was also someone elses fault!!!

Thumb Marc 04 April 2012, 04:11

That waste is making lots of people sick in Lebanon. In fact, there were nuclear waste disposed during the same time all over. There are few reports on the net that pin point some of them

Missing inveritas 04 April 2012, 06:29

Oh yes, let's call Hezbollah the enemy when they keep Israel from entering in the front door. You know what? Let's shoot them all, the bloody traitors, why would they risk their lives for this wonderful country if they're protecting scum like this?

Missing inveritas 04 April 2012, 06:31

Hey FlameThrower, I don't even think you can call them the political opposition, but rather scum and villainy who would do anything to damage their country and fill up their pockets.

Missing trigger 04 April 2012, 09:25

for 2 simple reasons:
-they need to TRY to get anything done before the elections because it is not looking so good for FPM (except in the south) and they need electors.
-they would never get the majority again, therefore they would loose the much awaited commissions from the so-called "electricity file"

Thumb kesrweneh 04 April 2012, 10:43

hehehe trigger u should read the M14 statistics (if they let u, dunnow how high positionned u are). After the "fal ya7kum el 2ekhwan" and the Church burnings era Geagea and Co, have lost about 40% of their neutral supporters (forget about the Fanatics those are doomed) this is more then 150,000 voters. this was the reason behind Geagea constant attack on FPM. Man M14 is headed for a big loss in christian zones especially in Mount Lebanon and Beirut 1st district

Missing trigger 04 April 2012, 09:26

"why are they so resistant to any studies or oversight of this project and are doing anything to get it approved so quickly"
because $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Thumb kesrweneh 04 April 2012, 10:36

u really didn't get It man, he said ships are not more polluting then the factories that has been here for decades. I hope the clarification helped

Thumb kesrweneh 04 April 2012, 10:39

that FPM chose the least of 2 evils. can u imagine a country ruled by HArriri now? all the Takfiris Wahabis and 2ekhwan running free, bombing the place, issuing takfiri Fatwas... Horror movie grade

Thumb kesrweneh 04 April 2012, 10:46

Hassan... the almost 1million Christian who voted FPm despite Bkerkeh, Ksa money, and SS threats are our weight, it's about 55% of the christians. In Kesrwan (the place you know so well) Bkerkeh+ Bon+ Khazen+ Boueiz+ LF+ Kataeb+ Ahrar+Ketleh+ Michel Sleiman+fer3 ma3lumet) manged to get 46% of the voters FPm alone had 54%! so do the Math M14 has a max of 25% of the christian voters, this is the small weight he meant

Thumb sophia_angle 04 April 2012, 12:32

This present government is the most terrible kind ever, indolent, time-consuming, apathetic, sluggish, however it is billion away improved than its entire predecessor that ever governed. God bless you General you’re the knight in shining armor.:D

Default-user-icon InnocentBysitter (Guest) 04 April 2012, 13:10

Oh, don't mind me. I only read the actual news as a sort of "introduction" to the really fun stuff on Naharnet - namely all these comments...