Geagea Warns March 14 in Eye of the Storm

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Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea told March 14 opposition officials that Christians in Lebanon would have suffered from the consequences of his assassination if snipers succeeded in killing him.

Al-Liwaa daily on Thursday quoted Geagea as saying in his address to the officials during their large-scale meeting at his residence in Maarab that “March 14 is in the eye of the storm.”

“We should all be aware of that and act in this regard,” he said.

The LF chief also put his assassination attempt within the framework of the “big confrontation taking place in the region.”

Had the snipers shot him, the incident “would have had dangerous repercussions on the Christian presence in Lebanon.”

“The battle that the Syrian regime and its allies are fighting is a final battle of either killing or be killed,” the sources of the conferees quoted Geagea as saying.

The LF chief urged March 14 to find serious and thoughtful ways to confront the battle that could last for a couple of months or a year or two, the sources told al-Liwaa.

LF MP Antoine Zahra also told Voice of Lebanon radio (93.3) that “the government’s different sides” have taken the decision to resume the attacks on Lebanese opposition personalities.

The March 14 coalition said following its Maarab meeting on Wednesday that the government should repeal a decision preventing the Internal Security Forces from accessing what is known as the telecom data which it believes would help in the probe of Geagea’s attempted murder.

According to al-Liwaa, the statement was drafted by a committee that included MPs George Adwan and Ammar Houry, former lawmaker Elias Atallah and Marwan Saqr from the Democratic Renewal Movement of ex-MP Nassib Lahoud, who died in February.

The movement returned to its membership in the March 14 forces, al-Liwaa said.

The Phalange party was also present to throw his support behind Geagea although it wasn’t participating in the meetings of the March 14 general-secretariat.

The party’s leader Amin Gemayel and his son MP Sami Gemayel did not attend the gathering but lawmaker Elie Marouni was present.

Meanwhile, informed sources said that investigators have found new evidence in their probe into Geagea’s assassination attempt.

They are carrying out tests on pieces of cloths and an empty bottle found in the vicinity of the area where snipers shot at Geagea as he was walking in the garden of his fortified residence.

Investigators are also probing the movement of suspects from and to the area where the snipers were located, the sources told al-Liwaa.

Comments 23
Thumb geha 12 April 2012, 09:21

this government is a government of murderors. just look at each one of them and see how much blood they have on their hands.
oh and yes, the stupid m8 guys will now say the history of m14 is not better, to which I agree, but they have stopped and changed course.
m8 are still murdering and they have to be stopped, especially hizbushaitan and their fpm followers.

Missing inveritas 12 April 2012, 12:30

So hold on a second, in what say has M14 changed? They still plunder and loot like pirates and want to separate Lebanon into little religious states. We are one people, united. The only one separating us both is you lot.

Missing forces 12 April 2012, 12:01

4 hezb members at large for murder, have been given refuge by hezb and hezb publicly regecting any outcome way before a verdict was reached.

Thumb geha 12 April 2012, 12:45

the cost of the STL is less than the commissions taken by Bassil on the leasing of the ships :)
go play in your corner little FT :)

Thumb geha 12 April 2012, 13:26

well explain then his bank account stupid boy. I told you earlier to go play in your corner :)
all you do ehn you do not have a reply is insult others like a little frustrated boy :)

Missing rudy 12 April 2012, 15:01

And let me guess FT, this only applies to M8 people, that whole exposure BS you came up with. If M14 guys make money, they are stealing, right?

Thumb kesrweneh 12 April 2012, 20:50

Geha with no proof any allegation is a lie. if he has lands show us the "nafe melkye" it costs 50$, if he has a private jet show us the documents it can be brought from MEA. and since M14 are not showing any documents for now they are pure liers,sorry to dissapoint u.

Default-user-icon Haifa (Guest) 12 April 2012, 14:10

Poor Lebanon.What a joke.

Default-user-icon me (Guest) 12 April 2012, 16:14

@ Flamethrower

Wow! Do you realize what you are saying? He has more money because he has more exposure for his business? In all civilized countries this will trigger immediately an investigation for corruption and abuse of power or inside information. BTW he should stop any private business if he is serving the state (and this is true for m14 and m8) and avoid any conflict of interest. Remember this is a guy we are paying to do good to our country NOT to his business. They can write books, share their vision (in his case it will be more like a hilarious comedy), do public speaking in private conferences and make money like that (because it serves the purpose). But saying his business is benefiting from his exposure is basically admitting that he is PERSONALLY benefiting from his position as a public SERVANT. In my book this is called STEALING!

and thank you for proving the point...

Missing peace 12 April 2012, 17:46

totally right, there is a big difference between living comfortably from one s business and getting rich all of a sudden from architecture! and as you say a honest politician shouldn t run his business while in power, and if so accept to be a minister without salary without stealing money from the people! but M8 sense of justice is very strange and only one way...

Thumb kesrweneh 12 April 2012, 20:54

you have severely misunderstood the concept. if a cabinet members knows about a highway project andf buys a land their this is called abus d'influence or abus de pouvoir depending on the case. however if you get more exposure because you are a singer or an actor or a politician this is positive side effect and it's legal.BTW Rafic Harrir became PM with a personal fortune of 4billions he lost his position with 16billions while the country was indebt of 30 billions, now this might rise doubts

Thumb kesrweneh 12 April 2012, 20:55

and upon paying the heritage taxes the Harriri family should have payed 1 billion in taxes but they changed the law for 24 hours and payed only 1 million, fot his the whole family should be in jail

Missing peace 12 April 2012, 22:43

you should remember what your master aoun said: he held the syrians responsible for the debts thefts and corruption system in lebanon... why don t you ask bashar to pay back the billions he stole?

oh! wait, he is your new master now ...

Default-user-icon trueself (Guest) 12 April 2012, 17:00

If geagea were to be killed, the situation in Lebanon would not have witnessed any major upheavel whatsoever. people would condemn and incident and that's it. I don't think that anyone's killing would trigger any major incidence, even if that was Hassan Nasslalah. The situation in lebanon is so unimportant now due to the Syria dilemma, nothing in it would matter to anyone. The Lebanese on the other hand are tired of civil wars and hence everyone especially Geagea should duck low and protect his neck. I think if bashir Gumayel did the same, he would have still been alive. The best policy for every polician now is to keep low profile until things clarify in Syria. Syria situation is unlikely to carry on for more than a few months. Either assad would prevail or his opponents wuld take over. In either case, the situation in Syria would never be the same.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (Guest) 12 April 2012, 17:19

@ Flamethrower, and what about Hariri,is exposing himself also is stealing? wlek you are really incredible, how well did your Master Aoun brainwash you, nobody is telling you Hariri is clean but at least build up your downtown, airport, schools for both christians and muslims and i know many christians that have studied in Hariri schools as much as muslims. You will tell me they need future votes, i will tell you you are blind as a bat, your general did nothing since he returned exept yelling and forecasting bullshit day after day, giving himself excuses, firing people in his FPM like Abou jamra, nahhas, and harbors a general giving information about him and " resistance " to the zionists.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (Guest) 12 April 2012, 17:27

Hariri has lots of companies that work on buying big telecom shares abroad, even before beeing in the Lebanese governement. One of them is Turk cell. Just look at Carlos Slim when he was exposed, he has Mexico's Biggest telecoms and is worth more than 70 billion. Imagine now just beeing shareholder at more than 30% in Turk cell which gives lines to more than 30 million turkish. And thats just Turk cell, we didnt even enter his other businesses or telecoms. Shame on you. Many ex-aounists i know have proof Bassil didnt have anything before coming to the governement and now owns half batroun. Solidere's Second biggest shareholder is a person affiliated to the FPM and has bought share in OTV... Go search for that you will find what you seek. But yet again you might be a paid FPM propagandist, and you cannot accuse me of beeing March14th i clearly tell you they have flaws, But they are a lesser evil than march 8th

Missing peace 12 April 2012, 17:42

M8 supporters never wonder why not a single M8 leader has never been the target of an assassination? funny no? as if they were protected and benefit from the crimes....

Thumb kesrweneh 12 April 2012, 20:58

well neighbourgh if you love Geagea and you are from Kesrwan this mean you are unique and we are proud to have you on board. when he invited the Makahtir and the baladyet he told we don't understand why u Kesrwanys don't love us (ya3ne he aknowledged) so the old guys were telling him, maybe because you robbed us killed us destroyed our homes for years whebn you were in control, he was furious, and it was hilarious

Thumb kesrweneh 12 April 2012, 21:00

Mr geagea sorry to tell you the movie has failed to attain it's target, SMS BB watsapp and facebook are full of pics and jokes regarding the subject ur probably the only lebanese who had more jokes then the Hosmi (or Ashrafieh to quote ur M14 speech)so please enough with that and come up with a new plan to raise ur collapsing popularity

Default-user-icon me (Guest) 12 April 2012, 22:42

@ kesrweneh

So explain why on earth a politician gets more projects because he is in power? I am just trying to look at it from a client perspective thinking "Oh this guy is a minister so he must have great architectural skills -) and plenty of time to run my project" ...

Why don't you guys try to be serious and objective?

btw, i 100% agree with you on Hariri's case...

Default-user-icon Ponte Villagio (Guest) 13 April 2012, 01:14

In the picture, we see from left to right the cast of the new farce The Three Stooges of Farts 14: Larry Soaid, Curly Geagea and Moe Harb.

Missing cedars 13 April 2012, 05:58

keserweneh, your kind of people are so ungrateful especially after 30yrs of war when the LF protected your ass from the Syrian boots, you state stupid comments about baladeyat and makhatir ignorant meanwhile a long list of LFers martyrs played a key role to keep your area free of foreign occupation until your kherfan Alzheimer leader decided to declare the freedom holy war and divide the Christians altogether.

Thumb jcamerican 13 April 2012, 11:14

If this guy is protecting the Christians in Lebanon. I guess there is no need for God anymore. What a joke? Most Christians got killed and displaced because of him. His existence is only to stir problems.