Majority Mulls Ways to Obstruct Opposition’s Vote of Confidence Plan

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The major parliamentary blocs that make-up the cabinet have held a consultative meeting on the possibility of the March 14 opposition coalition’s resort to a vote of confidence on Ministers Jebran Bassil and Nicolas Sehnaoui, As Safir daily reported Friday.

The newspaper quoted informed sources as saying the blocs reached a conclusion that the opposition would not succeed in bringing down Premier Najib Miqati’s cabinet given that it is receiving Arab and international support.

Parliament will hold a three-day session next Tuesday to assess the government’s performance. The March 14 forces have vowed to scrutinize the cabinet and mainly Energy Minister Bassil and Telecommunications Minister Sehnaoui.

The conferees also agreed to bloc all means possible for the opposition to target the government, including not attending the last session on Thursday or abstaining from voting, As Safir said.

It quoted al-Mustaqbal opposition bloc sources as saying that any March 14 attempt to force the collapse of Miqati’s cabinet would fail given that Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat, whose lawmakers play the balancing role in parliament, has continuously announced his support for the cabinet.

The opposition accuses Bassil of violating the laws regarding a $1.2 billion energy bill passed by parliament last year to boost the electricity sector.

The coalition is also criticizing Sehnaoui for rejecting to provide the Internal Security Forces with the so-called telecom data that allows security apparatuses to trace calls of suspects in assassination attempts against top officials.

The latest controversy erupted after snipers fired at Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea last week as he was walking in the garden of his fortified residence in Maarab.

Comments 12
Thumb geha 13 April 2012, 10:52

m14 should go ahead with bringin down bassil and sehnaoui. they are corrupt and criminals.

Missing th21 13 April 2012, 11:59

Rudes did you create your account just to bash geha??

Missing ulpianus 13 April 2012, 11:51

The question is what kind of incompetent politicians do we have in Lebanon, threatining to bring down the government every two days for single decisions.

For the Bill. If you are not happy with how it´s handled, work on implementing better functioning transparency laws. Lebanon are lucky enough to have many systems to choose from as many countries already have highly effective transparency laws, making it impossible to steal from government institutions. Just pick one.

Thumb geha 13 April 2012, 16:35

in a normal country this is what happens when ministers break the law :)

Missing ulpianus 13 April 2012, 21:35

In a normal country, governments get their 4 years to work, and evaluation will be done by the people, and results later shown by the results of the election.

Now, if they do not manage to do anything good, they can easily use the excuse that they couldnt because of the other sides obstruction.

Stoneage politicians.

Missing th21 13 April 2012, 12:01

HabalThrower... you should really look again at how crappy the comments sections have become since you and the rest of the fanatically narrow minded brigade started posting... hysterically!

I encourage you to take a break, and only post comments that are constructive regardless of its point of view. Cheers!

Thumb kesrweneh 13 April 2012, 12:32

I think M14 problem is that those are the 2 most active ministers since years, and it's bad for their reputation since vpters are comparing.
eg Marwan Hmedeh gave DSL exclusivity to his son. Sehnaoui gave the people cheaper and faster DSL after kicking Hmedeh Junior out.

Missing peace 13 April 2012, 13:03

bah! M8 blocked the gvt for 3 years and shut down the parliament now they are complaining? why are they so ofefnsed, those poor virgins who did worse and stopped the democratic life in lebanon??

so funny

Missing forces 14 April 2012, 11:47

that's correct peace, those in the m8 corner have blinkers on, ok now i am making excuses for them, they are in fact so blind to reality that they will try to find an excuse where one is not present just to justify to themselves why they are blindly following these monkeys. We all know their illustrious leaders obstained from everything and sundry, rendering the government ineffective, then burnt tyres and who could forget the history making veto demand. yet all m8 followers strangly enough have developed amnesia.

Thumb geha 13 April 2012, 19:52

for those stupid m8: get a lesson in democracy.
removing 2 corrupt and taitor ministers through parliament is democracy. removing a government through weapons threat is not.

Thumb geha 14 April 2012, 09:05

keep it up m8 guys: you are proving every day how low your IQ is.
all you do is insult others as if it made a difference: you are just a spitting image of your leaders. monkey see, monkey do :)

Missing peace 14 April 2012, 13:57

sooo funny how you twist things to suit your propaganda... but people are not as blind as you are :)

1/ you know perfectly well that hezb doesn t want to take the gvt by the force of arms because it would have discredited it on the international scene, they prefer the indirect way and pull the strings from behind using your puppet aoun to do whatever they want in the shadow....
2/ they blocked the democratic life more than a year shutting down the parliament and preventing the gvt to do any reforms which you after blame that gvt of not doing! you blamed the previous gvt to be inactive while you prevented it to do anything...
3/ yes the previous gvt was taken by force (indirectly again) by threatening joumblatt to side with M8 to make the gvt collapse...

so spare us your stupidities and face the truth instead of sharing the same M8 hypocrisy as your hezbi friends...