Qassem: Hariri Not Sole Representative of Sunnis, May 7 was Armed Clash between 2 Parties

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Hizbullah Deputy Secretary-General Sheikh Naim Qassem on Wednesday stressed that former premier Saad Hariri was “not the sole representative” of the Sunni sect in Lebanon, noting that the May 7, 2008 events were “an armed clash between two parties.”

“We must work for the sake of Islamic unity and national unity,” Qassem said, stressing that “the disputes are not religious … but rather political, in which the religious slogan is being used for incitement due to their failure to propagate their (political) vision.”

“The Sunni community is the community of resistance and it had pioneered the resistance against the Israeli scheme and it cannot be summarized by a few figures or movements and it should not be held responsible for their stances,” Qassem added.

He noted that “neither those who kill children and innocents nor those who serve the U.S.-Israeli scheme are true representatives” of the Sunni sect.

“Ex-PM Saad Hariri is not a sole representative and the sect must not be held responsible for his choices. There are people who are concerned with Islamic unity and resisting the Israeli enemy. They reject to support schemes that serve Israel’s plans and are promoted by the U.S. and funded by some oil-producing (Gulf) states. We cooperate with them and are honored to be with them in the same anti-Israel front,” Qassem added.

Hizbullah number two stressed that his party was willing to cooperate “with anyone who endorses this vision, and even with those who restore their belief in this vision after straying away.”

Addressing the issue of his party’s controversial arsenal of weapons, Qassem said: “Those who want to disarm the resistance know that there can be no resistance without arms. They want to expose Lebanon to Israel, in order for it to implement its colonialist scheme, which includes the building of settlements in the South and the Western Bekaa, the naturalization of Palestinians, and the termination of the independent Lebanon and turning it into an Israeli protectorate.”

Qassem noted that “Hizbullah’s weapons are resistance weapons and they don’t have domestic objectives.”

“What happened on May 5 (2008) is the real crime, which was aimed at destroying the Resistance’s telecom network … which would have served Israel,” Qassem said.

“What happened on May 7 was an armed clash between two parties, as the Mustaqbal Movement had 3,000 gunmen deployed in apartments and buildings and they opened fire first by attacking the General Labor Confederation’s demo with RPGs,” he added.

“We were very keen on containing this sedition, so it ended within hours and the army took control. We were defending ourselves and preventing civil strife and we did not attack anyone. Our arms are pointed at the Israeli enemy and that page has been turned and we must open the pages of rapprochement, construction and resistance.”

Tackling the issue of the 2013 parliamentary elections, Qassem said “the 1960 electoral law is against diversity and it serves the sectarian blocs.”

Comments 45
Missing n3msp 09 May 2012, 23:40

I agree Hariri is not an EXCLUSIVE representative… but which representative do you agree on… those you have on your payroll??
Who told you that you are more patriotic than anyone else and you should be the EXCLUSIVE person with weapons. If you are as innocent and naïve as you claim you are, put your weapons at the service of the government and help reform it instead of taking on the role of thugs.
Whether it was a two sided clash or not, your weapons were turned against your own people on the 7th of MAY. You either had the Sunna confused with Israelis or you are lying about the reason for which you hold on to your weapons.

Thumb Lebanon4life 10 May 2012, 15:14

We can see how many people share your opinion :P You and your M8 friends are simply a minority . Believe it or not the time of hezbollah and Assad will soon end and you can't change the fact through stupid comments :p looser ;D

Thumb geha 10 May 2012, 18:24

I have been following up on some of your comments, and they all denote how much of a demented person you are.
the truth hurts apparently. for you and your likes to realize that those you follow are just a bunch of thieves, is so hard to swallow that you lash out at others :)
you are a zero as a person.

Thumb jcamerican 11 May 2012, 08:08

82 so far. I have to admit, your comments have more of an effect than the newspaper article. You are right about the votes, never seen such a high number before, must be fabricated accounts and a lot of free time.

Thumb kesrweneh 11 May 2012, 11:10

@Jbeil, man ur nickname is Jbeil and you use Sakhrit el rawcheh as pic!! manjust say ur form KSA Lybia or something it's not that big of a shame

Missing n3msp 09 May 2012, 23:40

Why should you have your own telecommunication network that not subject to audit or control, when you want to listen in on everyone’s calls on the legit network. Further more you don’t even allow an investigation to take its course with the DATA of the network.
Keep your weapons, Keep taking advantage of everyone else but don’t pretend to be innocent and that you are acting in the best interest of everyone because you’re not. And really you insult our intelligence with the lies!
All the rest of don’t be so happy with my post because you should be out on the street “benzin” or Gas price is beyond reasonable sense, bread is more costly, banks are trying rip their employees off by taking away “3ad el 3amal el jame3e” and your sitting on your behind taking no action. If one of the politician asked you go on strike you walk like sheep, when you have to stand up for yourselves and no one else’s interest you turn a blind eye.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 09 May 2012, 23:47

1) sheikh kassem u are right saad dont reppresent all the sunnis..and u dont represent all the shia
2) the "moukawama" ceased to exist after al yaoum el majid of 7th may 2008.. and is now a farsi militia using the lebanese shia as a political card for nuclear mullahs
3)blad el arz is not an ISLAMIC COUNTRY and it will never be,wether a wahaby or farsi
4) it is cristal clear that ur bashar is weakening to say the least, and u will never establish a farsi base on the mediterrenean.
5) go learn something scientific instead of waiting stupidely for mr faqih to come back,ur idea will never fly.

Missing abdelhakim 10 May 2012, 14:34

Lebanon is an islamic country ghasbin 3annak. Go change your name if you dont consider it to be. No true muslim would utter such words about wakf land.

Default-user-icon Halaktouna (Guest) 12 May 2012, 10:59

Lebanon is a country for all Lebanese to practice their freedom of religion ... branding it Christian or Muslim is openly killing what Lebanon stands for.

Default-user-icon Kreeko (Guest) 10 May 2012, 02:53

Hariri is more of a sole made in America than a sole representative.

Default-user-icon eli (Guest) 10 May 2012, 03:10

Defend Lebanon from an Israeli invasion.....Huh and how are you going to do that? the same way you did in 2006. Lebanon was destroyed and this time the Israelis are saying that they will flaten Lebanon even worse than the last time these two clashed.Who will build it back up? who will bring back all the lost lives? Man have peace with Israel, the time has come. Live in peace and prosper.Imagine the touristic posibilities from Turkey to Syria to Lebanon to Israel to Egypt.the amount of turists that east mediteranian area will see is beyond comprehention.

Missing abdelhakim 10 May 2012, 14:37

Eli, scum like you will always be cowards. You will make peace with satan as long as it means getting some dollars from tourism. You still dont get it and probably never will. We will never make peace with the children of satan so go make your money elsewhere, perhaps by getting a job.

Missing roger@10452 10 May 2012, 17:04

Ya abdelhakim, in the name of God where did you come from?
Lebanon does not need your religious hatred.
This is not KSA or Tahran.
Why dont you find another tune to sing!!!
Why can't Lebanon live in peace for a change, and let the PLO liberate their own land.
Doesn't the "L" in their name stand for this???

Default-user-icon Lebnen (Guest) 11 May 2012, 23:43

3njd lol.. I see that the only solution with ur kind is dividing the country and u can go fight israel as much as u want. Ya hbb shoo mamnoo3 peace? and how do u know that ur fighting a real cause anw?? how can't u be sure that its all made up?? Destroy dahye and rebuild it.. well that makes alot of money.. and gives israel the oppurtinty to sell its weapons to other countries by demonstrating them on us. Open ur eyes (Y) w ma t3eesha,

Missing helicopter 10 May 2012, 03:38

If killing fellow Lebanese was necessary to maintain the communication network, then they will definitely attack Israel if Israel attacked their life line Iran. Well being of Lebanon is second to the well being of their Welayat Elfaqih resistance.

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 10 May 2012, 03:51

Another lying truth twisting turban wearing war monger. Destroyer of Lebanon. Donkey of Iran. Rapist of Beirut. Killer of Lebanese with weapons internally. Bankrupter of Lebanon. Pay your electric bill.

Missing cedars 10 May 2012, 05:30

Are you insulting people's intelligence by telling us that Iran is giving you money and arms for free? Are you insulting people's intelligence that Thailand, Germany, India, Iraq all lied when they caught Hezbollah members executing Iran's assassination plans, you only serve Iran, plain and simple.

Default-user-icon Horus (Guest) 10 May 2012, 06:00

Thank God for the Americans, as they will surley crush you in the short term, keep lying about your real purpose because only your own people and the FPM are buying it..

Default-user-icon Wanky Boogle (Guest) 10 May 2012, 17:44

And why have they not crushed them, yet? Any clues, Rambo? Perhaps you can find out from Dr. Samir Mouderyenchi.

Default-user-icon Assaad (Guest) 10 May 2012, 08:12

pourquoi la resistance armée est uniquement shiite?? si vous aviez des alliés chretiens , sunnites ou druzes aussi bien armés que vous, on aurait moins peur que vous controlliez seuls le pays. en tout cas il n y a rien a faire, seule l'armée peut inspirer protection et justice. malgrés tous leur sacrifces, toutes les milices ont finit par etre desavouées.

Default-user-icon Truedemocracy (Guest) 10 May 2012, 08:31

The Lebanese army is NOT equipped to defend Lebanon. The world powers will not allow the Lebanese army to obtain modern weapons.

The sooner you understand this, the better.

If you ABSOLUTELY want Hizballah to disarm, first properly arm the Lebanese army with air defenses, aircraft, modern tanks and heavy weapons. Otherwise, with all respect to the Lebanese army, they do not stand a chance against the Israeli Defense Forces.

Yes, I want Hizballah to disarm, but not until the Lebanese army is properly armed and trained. I have all the respect for the Lebanese army, but at the same time I will not have them get butchered by air-strikes, drones, and long-range artillery of the IDF.

And simply handing the Lebanese army with Hizballah weapons will not boost deterrence, as you cannot perform guerrilla warfare with a conventional army.

Default-user-icon Maroun (Guest) 10 May 2012, 13:29

the answer is simple dont play with fire and you will not get burned...there is no case for any group to have weapons ..all weapons should be in government hands

Default-user-icon Zinco (Guest) 12 May 2012, 01:27

Wow, a hesbollah supporter with a working brain. That is rare. Although I somewhat disagree with you, I will give you thumbs up in support of your working brain.

Thumb Bandoul 10 May 2012, 09:53

As opposed to you the brave one, inspiring us with you lies from behind your keyboard. Get a life looser.

Thumb Bandoul 10 May 2012, 09:55

LOL, this is cool.

Thumb Bandoul 10 May 2012, 10:06

"Hizbullah number two" is the same as bodily function number two, you have an urge to get it out, you wonder if it will sink or swim but you always flush it down.

@Hizbullah number two, your lies and permutations to illicit a different reaction to the fact your Party of God aka the "Party of Killers and Intimidators" murdered in cold blood innocent Lebanese civilians who don't agree with your party's dictatorship, has failed and will continue to fall on deaf ears. Try a different strategy to trick us because we don't believe your lies anymore.

Thumb kesrweneh 10 May 2012, 12:39

I agree but in that case GMA should be President and no onel else. if Harriri is ok with that then let him be PM

Default-user-icon Leo (Guest) 10 May 2012, 15:41

I say let Aoun be president, its not a hard job. All you have to do is do what you are told. GMA can do that good.

Thumb kesrweneh 10 May 2012, 12:43

Finally some truth! May 7 was a direct consequence of May 5 huge mistake: M14 wanted to dismantle the telecom network of HA AND imprison all those related to it, and of course they expected that HA would sit still and hand them his neck, HOW STUPID COULD THAT BE!! they expected help from US and that didn't happen, they expected their own miltia to match HA fire power and those Aakaris chickened out... so let them stop balming others for their mistakes: when u make an obvious worng decision you pay for it.

Thumb Bandoul 10 May 2012, 22:22

My goodness...I feel sorry for you. You are clearly mentally handicapped.

Thumb kesrweneh 10 May 2012, 12:45

Also If it's a question of the N1 representative of every confession taking the N1 position then GMA should be president and no one else

Thumb Lebanon4life 10 May 2012, 15:15

63 dislikes you should rather make your comments in Al Manar :P

Thumb kesrweneh 11 May 2012, 11:11

isn't it a "free" website? eventhough owned by HArriri lebanese have the right to express themselves

Default-user-icon Connaisseur (Guest) 24 May 2012, 15:36

Naharnet is entirely owned by members of the Tueni family ... not hariri, not any politician, not any political parties, not any media organization, not even An-Nahar ...

It's definitely the only news site in Lebanon without any political or editorial influence ...

We're all free to say what we want !

Default-user-icon maroun (Guest) 10 May 2012, 13:18

last i heard hezb got there ass kicked in the must live in a cave or another planet just repeat what your leaders say you have a brain to think for your self?

Missing allouchi 10 May 2012, 14:24

Hassouna is Aouns's sugar daddy...

Thumb thepatriot 10 May 2012, 14:53

The biggest "coward" ya FT is the one living in the sewer...

Default-user-icon eli (Guest) 10 May 2012, 14:56

Lebanon does not need a strong army.Lebanon will never be able to afford an army to deter Israel.what Lebanon need is a man with big enough to stand up to everyone and have peace with israel.Jordan did it egypt did it why can't Lebanon do it????? why?Because SYria did not allow it.

Thumb Bandoul 10 May 2012, 22:26

@eli, They won't let Lebanon have peace with Israel because it would mean there would be no reason for the Party of God aka the "Party of Terror and Intimidation" to exist. This Party of Ashraf el Ness aka Liars and Murdering Thugs will never allow this to happen.

Default-user-icon Bibby (Guest) 10 May 2012, 18:12

Qassem is able to contradict himself in the same sentence and every sentence. That takes talent

Default-user-icon Truedemocracy (Guest) 10 May 2012, 19:48

You do realize that one of the Israeli government members boldly stated recently "There is no place for Lebanon in the future map of the Middle East."

You can wish to make peace with Israel, but I do not think they want to make peace with you. Peace, as you know, can't be one-sided.

Today, most world powers have nuclear deterrence to maintain peace. Rest assured that without the nuclear deterrence, there would be no world peace.

Thumb Bandoul 10 May 2012, 22:29

Hey Garbage Thrower, did you locate that legal document legitimizing the weapons in the hands of your Party of Murderers? Kalla? Then STFU already.

Thumb kesrweneh 11 May 2012, 11:41

@ BAndoul, this is the exact term used by the Sanioura and HArriri gvt, regarding HA weapons, read and learn youg man:
انطلاقا من مسؤوليتها في المحافظة على سيادة لبنان واستقلاله ووحدته وسلامة اراضيه تؤكد الحكومة على حق لبنان بشعبه وجيشه ومقاومته في تحرير او استرجاع مزارع شبعا وتلال كفرشوبا والجزء اللبناني من قرية الغجر والدفاع عن لبنان في مواجهة اي اعتداء والتمسك بحقه في مياهه وذلك بالوسائل المشروعة والمتاحة كافة

Thumb Bandoul 11 May 2012, 17:48

@kesrweneh, The words "Party of God" is not even mentioned once in that statement! The word “resistance” is open to interpretation but he clearly says “Legitimate means”. Only the Constitution or the Taef Accord can legitimize a resistance and its weapons. So, where is the is the statement in either of those document please? Answer: There isn't one and you cannot manufacture one no matter how hard you try. So until then please stop perpetuating the lie.

Default-user-icon noreply (Guest) 11 May 2012, 17:27

Dear Flame Thrower,
I am reading your comments since weeks now - even months, i cannot remember. One thing is sure: you have style. But then, why wasting that talent to jam a discussion board with your pile of nonsense? You could be a poet - not kidding - or a novelist. No. You obviously have a lot of time ahead of you everyday to write here - and despite your efforts to change style, i am pretty sure that you are writing in other fora as well. Are you on your friends' payroll? Or are you just a bored unemployed overgraduated student? At least you chose your AKA very wisely. Good luck anyways - you need it.