Israeli Army Official: Syria's Advanced Weaponry could be Transferred to Hizbullah


The Israeli army’s deputy chief of staff, Maj.-Gen. Yair Naveh, expressed fears on Tuesday that the Syrian regime could transfer to Hizbullah advanced weaponry that it is still in control of.

"The missile, rocket and chemical capabilities are remarkably still under the control of the current regime," The Jerusalem Post quoted Naveh as telling a defense conference.

"These have already been transferred to the Syrians and may one day be transferred from Syria to Hizbullah," Naveh said.

The proliferation of these systems should be a source of concern not just for Israel, but also the entire world, he added.

Naveh also said that Hizbullah has today 60,000 rockets and missiles, including a number of M600s that have superior range and a high level of accuracy.

He warned of the growing threat of GPS jammers throughout the region which he said could undermine the Israeli army's ability to accurately hit targets inside Lebanon, Gaza or Syria in a future war.

"The IDF is investing in accurate firepower from the air and precise munitions from the ground," he said. "We will need tens of thousands of precision guided munitions and will need to overcome GPS jamming."

Comments 10
Thumb shab 22 May 2012, 12:28

The recrod is broken. You sound desperate like the filthy Persian wannabe militia.

Thumb geha 22 May 2012, 16:21

ignore comments from the following:
their comments are full of hatred and insults. they do not deserve we waiste our time on them.

Thumb Chupachups 22 May 2012, 12:43

Please Israel shut up, I have to say that syria is worse than u, but please shut it.. (and this is coming from a person who does not care about destroying you)

Default-user-icon Danny B (Guest) 22 May 2012, 20:54

New guy: You see Israel doesn't interfere in Syria or Lebanon.
We in Israel let the Arabs eat one the other, must admit you do it with greater success than any other can do to you.
Time you will grow up and accept us in the region for the benefit of all countries in Middle East.
If not you may continue killing each other.

Missing ulpianus 22 May 2012, 14:29

I see an alliance between Hezb. Syria and israel aiming at keeping instability in Lebanon and destroying the economy by mainly destabilizing the country for every tourist season.

Why removing hezb from israels northern border? this will remove any reason to arm the israely army to the teeth and keeping israel with only one issue at hands----) the palestinians isolated in Gaza and the West bank.

Imagine the "horror scenario" if the "evil Assad" is removed from Syria and replaced with a democracy!! Then israel does not have an enemy dicator state at it´s border to point at and getting empathy from the rest of the world.

All of a sudden, it will look like israel is the evil one opressing the palestinians.

Nobody wants that...

Default-user-icon Danny B (Guest) 22 May 2012, 21:01

Ulpanius, keep Israel out of your games.
Israel has nothing to do with Syria or the Zballa occupying your country.
On the contrary, stability in Lebanon is good for all parties.
Better ask your friends the Syrian and Iranian to stop sticking there noses in Lebanon.

Missing ulpianus 23 May 2012, 00:31

It´s impossible to keep israel out of this. Thanks to israel the lebanese army cannot ( is not allowed to) arm itself and bandits can run crazy in Lebanon.

try to look at it from a neutral point of view and you will understand that I´m right.

All above mentioned countries are involved more or less.

Default-user-icon Danny B (Guest) 23 May 2012, 01:42

Ulpanus: You should not blame Israel for the troubles having in Lebanon. Since 1948 till 70s of last century the border was quiet.
Opening its legs for armed terror groups like PLO and other Palestinian groups who found in Lebanon a country they were free to attack Israel caused Israel to react and you can't deny it. Lebanon preferred for its own reasons and for the Arabian solidarity to become an enemy of Israel.
Now you blame Israel for doing what any sovereign country in the world would have done: defending its citizen.
We didn't start the fire, you did.
Lebanon easily could remain the Switzerland of the Med. But its leaders thought different.

Missing ulpianus 23 May 2012, 11:15

Whatever the reason. The result is still there.

all the countries I mentioned are hindering the developmend of Lebanon, all of them in different ways.

One country is lobbying for not letting the army arm itself and has been doing so since the 90:s.

Even though There has been no clash between the Lebanese army an israel the last 60 years....

U said it yourself. " they let in PLO"....
How can the country stop these kind of militias without an army?

Default-user-icon Danny B (Guest) 23 May 2012, 19:32

ulpianus: Israel has no objection that the Lebanese army will be equipped with most modern weapons as long it won't be directed to Israel.
Lebanon needs its strong army but problem is that many of its soldiers are in favor of Hezballa or their supporters. What can guarantee that the weapons Lebanese army will get won't be handed over to our enemies?
You must be aware that many Lebanese are armed from top to bottom and will not let the army control the state.
We regret but with all respect, if the border will be quiet from Lebanon, same will be from Israeli side.