Damascus Denies it was behind Houla Massacre, Establishes Investigative Committee

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The Syrian government is "not at all" responsible for the massacre of at least 92 people in the central town of Houla which has sparked an international outcry, foreign ministry spokesman Jihad al-Makdissi said on Sunday.

"We completely deny responsibility for this terrorist massacre against our people," Makdissi told a news conference.

Blaming "terrorists" for the deaths on Friday and Saturday, the spokesman said the government had opened an investigation.

"We have set up a military and legal committee to investigate," he said. "The results will emerge within days."

Makdissi said U.N.-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan would arrive in Syria on Monday for fresh talks with senior officials.

Calling for a "return to dialogue and the negotiating table," the spokesman said: "We want calm and we wish Mr. Annan well."

Makdissi said no Syrian tanks had entered Houla and government troops in the town had only acted in self-defense.

"There was an assault by terrorists from 2:00 pm (1100 GMT) until 11:00 pm (2000 GMT)," he said. "Not one Syrian tank went in. The Syrian forces did not leave their positions."

He added, however, that Syrian forces had "retaliated in self-defense," and that "clashes continued until 11:00 pm (2000 GMT)."

Responding to U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon's calls to withdraw heavy armory and tanks from the streets, Makdissi said: "There are neighborhoods where there are armed men.

"The observers go into the towns and see with their own eyes," he said. "It is the government's right to protect its citizens."

On Saturday, a team of U.N. observers visited Houla. The team "counted more than 32 children and over 60 adults killed," observer mission chief Major General Robert Mood told reporters in Damascus.

A monitoring group said 114 people had been killed in Houla.

"Whoever started, whoever responded and whoever carried out this deplorable act of violence should be held responsible," Mood said.

Comments 22
Default-user-icon empty words (Guest) 27 May 2012, 13:47

lets see.. damascus said they weren't behind any of the assassinations of past lebanese presidents and leaders of the last 40 years...

Missing samiam 27 May 2012, 14:00

Have they ever admitted to killing or kidnapping anyone?

Default-user-icon Francis (Guest) 27 May 2012, 14:45

Another achievement for the CIA, Mossad and French Intelligence. Either way authorities are very well aware however restricted in what can be communicated due to the game of "politics".

Default-user-icon Reeeeeally (Guest) 27 May 2012, 15:53

Assad thinks that he's killed 12000 terrorists so far... I guess he also thinks that the Syrian people and the rest of the world are retarded...

Default-user-icon grumpy (Guest) 27 May 2012, 16:36

another day of butchery,another human tragedy that a human cannot comprehend and all that for someone to stay as a ruler/president/everything else/KILLER

Default-user-icon William (Guest) 27 May 2012, 17:09

you guys can say and believe what you wish, i for one will state what is obviously the truth at the moment, and the truth is people that we don't know what the hell is going on over there, I don't trust the regime just as much and even more than i trust this so called free syrian army, they are both butchers, but at this stage i sense that this sort of act would obviously go against the government hence the gov would try to avoid such bad publicity, and knowing that the FSA has done and will go to extremes cause it knows whatever it does would be blamed on the gov anyway so this gives them a green light for anything, i am both skeptical and careful to lay blames left and right fueling more hatred, don't forget there are also shadow figures playin them both from the start it would be wise not to run to conclusions.

Thumb benzona 27 May 2012, 17:15

He can fly on Hariri's plane if they can't afford a ticket to the Hague. The butcher of Dahyé should accompany him, he also has thousands of souls on his conscience.

Default-user-icon Zinco (Guest) 28 May 2012, 11:33

butcher of dahye???? You mean olmert or....?

Missing helicopter 27 May 2012, 17:28

They are criminals who perfected the art of lying.

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 27 May 2012, 19:17

How can they investigate themsevles! Same with the Hizb in the Haririi murder case...!

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 27 May 2012, 19:33

What Syria is doing to It's people is probably worse than Israel has ever done: shooting children then barring them access to hospitals, cutting water and food supplies on whole towns, collective punishments, shooting at grieving people burying their relatives, bombing down mosques over praying people's heads, etc....Is what is forbidden to Israel allowed to this renegade vicious regime??

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 27 May 2012, 20:15

We are still waiting for the Moughneiya report.

Default-user-icon Neal (Guest) 27 May 2012, 20:20

is this Makdissi for real ? who is he kidding ? the troops defending them selves by killing 25 children and women ?

Missing peace 27 May 2012, 21:32

damascus: the regime M8 supports and qualifies as the nearest thing from democracy killing women and children... it shows how M8 thinks...

Thumb jcamerican 27 May 2012, 22:29

If M8 doesn't support the syrian regime, what difference would it make. Do you think Bashar would stop the killing, if they were not siding with him. I feel bad for the innocent children and civilians being killed. But for the regime or rebels fighters, they can destroy each other, since it is a choice they made.

Missing peace 27 May 2012, 22:43

"what difference would it make" none because M8 supports the regime for their own interests... they obey the syrians and are their lackeys. they get the power from him not the other way round.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (Guest) 28 May 2012, 00:10

Evidently the 92 civilians were killed from Tank fire by the Syrian regime even though the regime denies it and blames the opposition. Of course, if this was done by America or Israel they would say it was an "error" and that would be the end of that. The opposition executed entire families in other villages outside Homs, but the pro western states have no problem with that.

Missing hmorsel 28 May 2012, 02:12

the lying regime of Syria has been lying for years, its hard to believe that anyone still believes what ever they ever say. Its a killing corrupt regime everyone knows it, especially the lebanese. may god help the Syrian people kill this tyrant and all his supporters

Missing hmorsel 28 May 2012, 02:16

I agree with you 100% Tony. Obama has surpassed Billy Carter in the cowardness and uselessness test. he does not care about anyone except himself and his 2nd term. it is his fault Al-Queada and muslims extermist enter Syria, its because of his lack of leadership and understanding of foreign policy. Then we will need a hawk pres like Bush to come back and now having to fight extremists in Syria.

Missing people-power 28 May 2012, 10:46

Wow, very intelligent remarks. It is Obama's fault that al qaida and extremists have entered Syria? America needs a hawk like Bush? Are you insane?

Missing people-power 28 May 2012, 10:41

No need to interject American politics in this. Your remarks show a very biased opinion and a lack of understanding of American and world geo-politics. Bush screwed the pouch in Iraq and Afghanistan, adding a couple trillion dollars to the US deficit, and poorly managing both wars. The American taxpayer has a low tolerance for another war. Obama and Sarkozy executed a much better plan in Libya, however that was with approval of the Security Council. Russia and China are now blocking Security Council action which requires their consent.

Who's going to fight this war? You think Russia will stay on the sidelines? You want to start WWIII? Who's going to pay for this? Do you think more than 50% of Americans are in favor of this?

The correct approach is to send arms to the rebels via Qatar and Saudi Arabia to help them overthrow the tyrant and mass murderer. Sorry, but your suggestions about China and Russia are very naive.

Default-user-icon Greenie (Guest) 28 May 2012, 12:26

Do you really expect M8 Traitors to admit the regime committed this massacre,When they do not even admit that the same regime committed war crimes in lebanon .