Suleiman Visits Kuwait Sunday as Cabinet Slams EDL Contract Employees’ Actions

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Cabinet criticized on Wednesday the Electricite du Liban contract employees’ recent protests, saying that they have violated the principles of peaceful demonstrations.

Information Minister Walid al-Daouq said: “Anyone who will deign to violate the law will be arrested.”

The minister announced the cabinet’s decisions after a session at the Baabda Palace headed by President Michel Suleiman.

He continued: “A decision has been taken by the cabinet for the state to firmly impose its authority after the contract employees violated the principles of peaceful demonstrations.”

“The employees have taken more privileges than others,” he stressed.

The contract employees escalated their protests on Tuesday as they held a sit-in at the company’s headquarters in Beirut’s Mar Mikhael area.

A dispute occurred between the Internal Security Forces after the riot police demanded protesters not to leave the sit-in hall and to stop using loudspeakers.

They have been demonstrating for the past four weeks against the cabinet’s failure to approve their full-time employment.

Cabinet also discussed the latest proposals over replacing the Jal el-Dib bridge, saying that the issue will be addressed during the next cabinet session.

In addition, an agreement was reached to rededicate L.L. 150 billion for development projects in the northern city of Tripoli.

Daouq revealed that Prime Minister Najib Miqati will travel to Turkey on Wednesday afternoon.

He will be accompanied by Interior Minister Marwan Charbel and Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour.

Suleiman had announced at the beginning of the cabinet session that he will visit Kuwait over the weekend “to encourage tourism in Lebanon” after the Gulf country issued a travel warning.

Kuwait was among four Gulf countries that advised its citizens to avoid travel to Lebanon and urged its nationals currently present in the country to leave due to the unstable security situation.

The United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Bahrain issued similar travel warnings after deadly clashes erupted between pro- and anti-Syrian groups in Beirut and the northern city of Tripoli.

Suleiman informed the cabinet that he will head to Kuwait on Sunday on the first leg of his tour to the Gulf.

He said the visit is aimed at “consolidating bilateral relations and encouraging tourism in Lebanon.”

Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour has already held talks with the ambassadors of the Gulf states, asking them to review these decisions.

“The situation in Lebanon does not justify them," he said.

Comments 8
Missing servant-of-jesus 30 May 2012, 14:35

I'm starting to notice that M8 and M14 young people have a lot of common political and economic issues they share, that NO POLITICIAN IS SERIOUSLY TACKLING! Maybe there is a need to form a third side, (not one that fakes middle ground) that would have as agenda law, economy and human rights.

Thumb thefool 30 May 2012, 14:44

You have no idea. The easiest thing in the world is to criticize.

Default-user-icon Rami (Guest) 30 May 2012, 16:16

Too late Bubba, the damage is already done. FT, don't rely on it, a large majority of the Gulf residents travel by road through Jordan and Syria, so those won't come. We'll have some yes, but this will be one of the bad summers. And BTW, alcohol and women are also available in other countries, and since when those two factors have been a trade mark here?
For sure, families will be out this year. Turkey will get the biggest share.

Missing rami 31 May 2012, 08:35

Typical reply reply of a born loser FT, idiot.

Default-user-icon bangbang (Guest) 30 May 2012, 16:18

in order to boost the number of tourists, this summer aoun decided to stage his stand up comedy oudoor in dt beirut.
plenty of tourists this summer as long as aoun the moron is having his shows. keep up the good work

Missing servant-of-jesus 30 May 2012, 16:19

I would say FT that people should not even disrespect each other. We should be able to talk without resorting to disrespect and insults. People who fall in that trap usually have weak arguments and that is why they do it. Btw, I am neither M8 nor M14. But I dream one day that I will see all people groups in Lebanon really loving one another. Not hypocrisy, but real honest care. It is only then that we can help the poor, encourage the just, and correct those who do wrong. It is only then that we will see Lebanon truly shining from the land of sunrise.

Thumb bigsami 30 May 2012, 18:35

Yes Tony he does....we frequently use it to relief our manhood on his bed.....LOL!

Thumb bigsami 30 May 2012, 18:38

Look who is talking about leaving house & his fellow goats out of conversation. Wasn't it you candle thrower who made derogatory comments on my family among other posters here? Don't expect you to remember with that pea-size brain.