Report: Lufthansa Wants to Sell Onboard Caterer


German airline Lufthansa is planning to sell its onboard catering unit LSG Sky Chefs as it focuses more and more on its core airline business, the Financial Times Deutschland reported on Monday.

After already selling off loss-making units, such as BMI, Lufthansa has now turned its sights on profitable subsidiaries such as LSG Sky Chefs and its IT services unit, with plans to divest the catering unit particularly far advanced, the newspaper said without revealing its sources.

Initially, the carrier will sell 49 percent of LSG Sky Chefs by 2013 at the latest, ideally to a strategic partner in the catering sector, it said.

LSG Sky Chefs is the world's biggest onboard caterer, employs nearly 30,000 people and generates annual sales of 2.3 billion euros ($2.9 billion).

Comments 1
Default-user-icon Jack (Guest) 05 June 2012, 09:15

Last week LSG cancelled acquisition of Finnair’s catering operations due to investment freeze.