Fletcher Praises Lebanese Leaders' Determination to 'Work Together'

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British Ambassador to Lebanon Tom Fletcher stressed on Friday that the resumption of national dialogue proves that the Lebanese leaders are determined to work together to maintain stability.

“This sends an important signal of determination and resilience,” Fletcher said after meeting with President Michel Suleiman at the Baabda Palace.

He congratulated Suleiman on his efforts to bring together a “wide range of Lebanon’s leaders back to the dialogue table.”

“This is a challenging period in a challenging region, but we must hold fast to what unites rather than divides the country,” Fletcher noted.

The Lebanese officials are scheduled to attend on Monday the all-party talks that Suleiman has continuously called for.

However, the Lebanese Forces refused to join the national dialogue table.

Suleiman and Fletcher also discussed the recent developments in the neighboring country Syria.

Fletcher welcomed the ongoing efforts to insulate and disassociate Lebanon from the “shocking violence” in Syria, saying: “Lebanon’s sovereignty must be respected.”

Since the revolt in Syria, the Lebanese government adopted a policy that disassociates Lebanon from the turmoil in the neighboring country. However, the northern city of Tripoli has witnessed recently a series of security incidents between gunmen supporting Syrian President Bashar Assad and those against it.

The ambassador also briefed Suleiman on the plans to launch the “British week” in Beirut on June 12.

Following Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee “we want to show a Britain proud of its heritage, but confident in its future,” he said.

Fletcher stressed that Britain wants to show its solidarity with a united Lebanon.

“We also want to show to the many British visitors a Lebanon that is shaking off the dust of a difficult century, and ready to look forward with great talent and hope,” he added.

Comments 3
Missing ulpianus 08 June 2012, 15:28

Who cares about these guys.

Today we are going to beat Uzbekistan. That is the most important thing.

w sayajna lubnan, 3layna syajoooo!

Default-user-icon Chris (Guest) 08 June 2012, 17:23

Yes that's right we are working together. Get your sticky noses out of our asses and get out of our nation and stop interfering in our internal politics because you have never contributed to our peace or prosperity. Had you really cared you would firstly return all Palestinians to their homeland in Israel where they belong and support the Lebanese Army with all your might!

Default-user-icon Neal (Guest) 09 June 2012, 05:45

"Fletcher praises leaders fro wanting to work together " . Really ? what rock this guy is living under!