Geagea Calls on Cabinet to Strike Security Chaos with 'Iron Fist'

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea expressed belief on Friday that Lebanon has reached a better stage amid all the developments in the region, calling on the cabinet to control the security chaos in the country.

“The future of Lebanon seems better… Although the cabinet is leaving the country unrestrained,” Geagea said after meeting with a delegation from Beit Mallat town in Akkar.

The LF leader stressed that this “security chaos we’re witnessing in Beirut and several other areas (in Lebanon), shouldn’t continue as it’s undermining the authority of the state.”

Interior Minister Marwan Charbel on Wednesday launched a one-month security plan aimed at restoring stability in Lebanon.

Geagea urged the cabinet to task the security and judicial authorities to hit the chaos with an iron fist and impose its authority on everyone “to regain the citizen’s and tourist’s faith in this country.”

On the crisis in Syria, Geagea considered that the regime of President Bashar Assad became “isolated” and will remain for long.

He denied that the collapse of the regime in Syria will have negative repercussions on Lebanon as the revolt in the neighboring country is seeking “freedom and democracy.”

There are mounting fears that the conflict in Syria-- which activists say has claimed more than 14,400 lives since the Damascus regime began cracking down on protests in March last year -- could spill over into Lebanon.

Comments 46
Default-user-icon Trovattoire (Guest) 29 June 2012, 12:44

This is the first and so far the only time that Dr. Falso says something that even he can understand.

Thumb primesuspect 29 June 2012, 13:07

It has already spilled on Lebanon my dear Geagea when the Lebanese-Iranian terrorists took their expertise to Syria and started slitting throats of innocent civilians.

Missing allouchi 29 June 2012, 14:38

Dr. Geagea is the MAN...Hakim is the courageous voice of Lebanese masses.

Missing lebanese@ 29 June 2012, 14:39

Let's not forget who assassinated President Rachid Karami and who massacred tens if not hundreds of of people in Shatila Ghetto.

Thumb benzona 29 June 2012, 16:17

You're right lebanese@ Many have blood on their hands, Geagea, Jumblatt, Berri, Nasrallah and big time Aoun. Geagea/Jumblatt/Aoun were amnestied [law]. Berri and Nasrallah committed their crimes AFTER the end of the civil war and have to be judged. Not to mention that the Sayyed was the hand of Syria in Lebanon when our PM Hariri and the others were assassinated. We're waiting for that day. In the mean time, the very least they can do is to surrender their weapons to the Army.

Missing lebanese@ 30 June 2012, 00:15

Sayed Nasrallah had the biggest interest in Lebanon's stability.
Someone either from within/outside or both was and still trying to destabilize the country.
Why don't you condemn the Israeli mossad for this? Because its internal affairs so it's within us always?!

Thumb geha 29 June 2012, 14:51

hizushaitan and fpm are the root cause of all evil in this country.
the latest provocation of hizbushaitan covered by fpm is t force, against the law) the creation of a musallah in keserwan.
how does such behaviors not radicalize everybody against them?

Missing lebanese@ 29 June 2012, 15:17

Hezballah *

Missing lebanese@ 29 June 2012, 15:19

LF are the root of all evil in Lebanon, how does this sound?

Missing lebanese@ 29 June 2012, 15:21

"Al-Manar TV presenter Dia Abu Tahhan, his crew were beaten up in Zouk Mosbeh by plain-clothes individuals who turned out to be army intelligence agents, while filming a report in the area"

Le bt zaweir el 7a2ee2a ?

Thumb geha 29 June 2012, 16:45

they were filming the houses of 2 LF MPs. check your facts.
obviously they were reconnaissance for hizbushaitan assassination teams.

Thumb applepie 29 June 2012, 17:01


"reconnaissance for hizbushaitan assassination teams"....??

Riiiiiiiight. Because if Hezbolah really needed to film houses of 2 LF MPs they had no better way to do it than this.

Thumb geha 29 June 2012, 17:26

they were in an unmarked car and caught filming the houses, and they said they were there to film zouk power plant, however, from where they were, they could not possibly see zouk power plant.
so idiots and disbelievers, go check your facts before just throwing your silly comments.

Missing lebanese@ 30 June 2012, 00:02

7abeebe iza HEZBALLAH * bado ya3mel reconnaissance, it won't be that obvious.

Thumb Marouni 29 June 2012, 15:08

Suddenly he became a LF-Supporter xD No just kidding yes Hakim did many atrocities in the civil war but don't forget all the others like Nabih Berri, Jumblatt General Aoun and co. The all have dirty stains in their past but the crazy thing is that people still support every Leader like in the civil war. The problem will remain the same till we get new politicians which are not sectarian affected : !!

Missing lebanese@ 29 June 2012, 15:25

Mr. 'Marouni' ,
This does say that your leader is a war criminal.

Nabi Berri, General Aoun were defending themselves against LF's uprising unjustice.

Nou2ta 3al star.

Missing lebanese@ 29 June 2012, 15:16

Wait a minute, you sound like a teenager who doesn't know history.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (Guest) 29 June 2012, 15:35

@ Lebanese, first, so that you know, im not a geagea fan at all. But who entered Sabra and Chatila was the regiment of the LF of HOBEIKA, alias HK, to avenge the death of cheikh Bachir Gemayel. I dont support this act of total misbehaviour as it was an atrocity. And it was not all the lebanese forces but just some of them because most of the others fighters defected and some went with geagea. So revise your history. And also please not Rashid karami , whoeverr killed him, or precisely, blew him up, is a national hero. For he divided the lebanese army and sided with the palestinians and then with the syrians and undermined the lebanese state. So i hope hes frying for ever in hell, as for you , i hope you open a real history book rather than recalling the failing memories of people close to you and that might have told you these imaginary details.

Missing bayroutawwalan 01 July 2012, 22:25

Skyfall, rachid karami died a muslim martyr, he will be in paradise inshallah whereas whoever killed bachir gemeyel is the real national hero here and bachir gemeyel will for sure burn in hell for all eternity as he died as a KEFER PAGAN WAR CRIMINAL. Inshallah Allah bye7shirak ma3ou. Go to hell inta we kell LF we kate2eb te3ak. A bunch of pagan terrorists. The foot of rachid karami was cleaner then everyone of you filthy terrorist lf:ers.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (Guest) 29 June 2012, 15:37

For me there are only 4 ennemies to the lebanese entity, which are the Syrians, palestinians inside camps that dont even need their weapons and still provoque us rather than Israel, Iran, and of course Israel.
Any resistance whether if i support it or not, that already stood at least against one of those, deserves my respect. But at the end , all lebanese militias must be disbanded after non lebanese militias then we will have peace.

Missing lebanese@ 30 June 2012, 00:23

You absolutely forgot about USA, who is always interefering in the internal affairs.

Thumb liefighter 30 June 2012, 07:40

USA is the main freedom supporter in the world, go speak in Farsi you idiot .

Missing bayroutawwalan 01 July 2012, 22:27

Hahahahahahahahhahahahaha good joke, 2al freedom supporter 2al hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Missing forces 30 June 2012, 11:02

well said skyfall i second your view. I think people often forget the big picture in history and like to play the 'he said she said' game. Those living in the past and un prepared to look forward like ft and co have no valid arguments here. we all lived through the war, knew of what happened ,supported it to a greater extent, now the smoke has cleared we sit back in our arm chairs and act like the worlds biggest critics while still making the same mistakes.

Missing hammoudi 01 July 2012, 21:29

The LF that killed tens of thousands of lebanese together with their likeminded allies is one of the biggest enemies to lebanon. Your madeup heroic history doesnt count for anything, your a bunch of butchers that didnt even mind raping babies just to sadden their parents. Therefor you shouldnt call others enemies when you yourself support one of the biggest enemies called LF and its war criminals geagea, gemayyel, antoine etc, not to forget their child raping soldiers who committed many of the worst crimes this world has ever seen.

Missing kamal1 29 June 2012, 16:19

FT was being sarcastic ya zakzak...i guess your new here

Missing lebanese@ 29 June 2012, 17:00

Actually yea am new, and already figured that out, LOL.

Missing peace 29 June 2012, 17:52

what is wrong with what he is saying?
"“security chaos we’re witnessing in Beirut and several other areas (in Lebanon), shouldn’t continue as it’s undermining the authority of the state.”"
"to hit the chaos with an iron fist and impose its authority on everyone “to regain the citizen’s and tourist’s faith in this country.”"

or is it because geagea is saying this that people focus on the guy rather than on his comments?

is is bad to ask for these things? some here are soooooo funny....

Missing lebanese@ 29 June 2012, 17:55

Who entered Sabra and Chatila were kataeb
I agree that the palestinians were dirty and some are still in the ghettos nowdays.

P. Rachid Karami was fighting for the main cause in the Arab World, Palestine.
Geagea viewed the main enemy as Syria instead of Israel.
Geagea is known for Assassinating Rachid Karami by planting a bomb in the helicopter, ok ? I remember even seeing it in a Documentry on Future news tv (TV that supports Geagea)
Don't Judge like that "Go revise your history"

The Real National Heroes are the martyers who fought against Israel in several wars to Liberate the Lebanon you guys (14 march) always brag for.
i.e. I read various history books, blogs, and reviewed documentaries as well as heard from people speaking about the civil war unjustice.

Missing lebanese@ 30 June 2012, 00:35

Truth will surface, Let's see.

Missing forces 30 June 2012, 11:08

@Lebanese.."The Real National Heroes are the martyers who fought against Israel in several wars to Liberate the Lebanon you guys (14 march) always brag for.
Ok? "

You talk about history, try learning yours first champion. Israel was in Lebanon because of the palestinians, the civil war in lebanon was because of the palestinians, Syria in lebanon was because of the palestinians ( amongst other things), The Martyrs fighting the PLO and Syria are the reasons why you are not wearing a ch'hatar selling corn by the side of the road. They are our real heros.

Missing lebanese@ 30 June 2012, 13:52

Tell me who fought Israelis in 2000 and 2006?

Israel invaded Beirut in 1982, Hezballah was established to resist this invasion.

Tell me what would happen if there was no Hezballah presence in the at these times?

Am sure you will welcome Israeli's by giving some tea to them like you work in cafeteria or something.("Garrsou"- like you say it in French)

Missing lebanese@ 30 June 2012, 20:07

Slash, explain for me the role of 'la7d ' army

Lahd army was like the puppet of Israeli commanders, it was torturing fellow lebanese citizens who happened to be supporting the resistance against Israel,

Both of you forces and slash, who is now residing in Israel ?
Who is working in a restaurant in tel aviv and cleaning the shit of Israelis ??

Sa7e7 aoun shook hands with the Israeli but he regrets it now.
But tell me, who got Israeli weapons and who sailed from jounieh port to Haifa port??

Missing roy_hanna 01 July 2012, 21:50

Still spreaeing the same broken record are you? When are we going to stop blaming others? Our civil war was started by he lebanese ourselfs, we have been fighting eachother ever since two sects lived in lebanon at the same time. The Palestinians were harassed since the worst day they arrived because many of them were muslim. Maronite parties didnt want more muslims to be in lebanon so they kept harassing and killing palestinians to scare them away. This was long before the PLO militia was formed. So you are wrong. How can you blame palestinians for maronites killing eachother as an example? By the way, the PLO had many lebanese in it (from all sects). Your blind hate and blame is exactly why lebanon keeps falling apart comitting the same misstakes over and over again. If i would think like you then i would start hating my own fellow maronites as relatives of mine were brutally murdered by certain militias that were maronite because they didnt want to participate in the war.

Missing roy_hanna 01 July 2012, 21:53

Change your mind and stop demonizing people with the use of a fake lies. By the way, over 50 000 Palestinian christians were naturalized in 1948, they are now over 300 000 lebanese christians (orthodox and catholic) of Palestinian descent, you dont know them, just like you dont know the many muslim lebanese who are of Palestinian descent and have contribute massively to lebanese culture, journalism, economy and other fields. Every political party involved in the civil war is to blame, but not people who happen to belong to their religion, sect or nation. May God destroy racism once and for all and open up your mind to truth.

Missing roy_hanna 01 July 2012, 22:13

My first two messages were for the guy called forces.

Missing roy_hanna 01 July 2012, 22:03

lebanese@ its wrong to use such wording. You could instead say the PLO were dirty as were all our lebanese militias but dont blame all for that. Its like saying lebanese were dirty as if all of us are to blame for what all the lebanese militias did to eachothers and to civilians. Enough is enough, we need to spread love and respect, not racism and hate. My grandfather used to work in palestine when there was no work in lebanon. This was before israel was created, he got a job from a palestinian muslim who gave him good money and treated him like his brother, he told us all were so nice agaimst him and the other lebanese guest workers, they never asked about sect or religion and never cheated them with money. Many lebanese would have starved had they not been given jobs in palestine back then. Its sad to see such racism against our neighbour brothers (palestinians and syrians) today. As if we lebanese dont have criminals and dirty people among us.

Thumb phoenician 29 June 2012, 19:54


You live in Lala land dude, They ALL have blood on their hands everyone of them but Geagea has learned his lesson and has been clean for 21years now,all the rest still commiting crimes as i speak.

Missing lebanese@ 29 June 2012, 23:47

ah walla?
going to prison for about 11 years..and then he's clean, seems legit.

Missing lebanese@ 30 June 2012, 00:38

@ phoenician

I live in Lebanon, not in your country.

Missing vaclav_havel 29 June 2012, 20:28

ma3 heda w kello b2ellak enno l 2ouwet wassakhit bass jumblat w berri w 7assan nesralla wel bsen 3oun wassakho kamen. w kel wa7ad bi 2oul gher hek bi koun kezeb!

Geagea fet 3al 7abess 11 senni. hodoliki ma n7absso senni!

fa maba2a kel maykoun fi article la geagea ne7ki 7areb! w khsoussi hodi l falesfi l 3awniyi yali kel mabede2oun rekbi 3a kereh l 2ouwet. w yaret henni 2a7san. 3on 7atit 3elto kella bel 7ekem, fa sma7ouli ye3ni!!!!!
bedak tente2id geagea 7ki manti2 w maba2 t3id l ghniyi zetta ( mejrim w medri shou la2an haydi khelsit medetta!!)

w rou7 balit l ba7er!

Missing vaclav_havel 30 June 2012, 16:34

wleh min 7eki massari? shou 2ahbal inti?
lani met3ala2 bi geagea wala bi meseryeto! w iza n3araf 2enno seri2 2aw mharab 2aw 2erit l dawli lezim yfout 3al 7abess w ne2ta 3al sater!
7ebeit ellak 7aj t3id l gheniyi zetta 2enno geagea mejrim w sefe7 w medri shou la2anak bedkoun 3am betkazib 3a 7alak!! bzakrak 2enno 3on akbar bsen ma byeswa frank !! seda2et walla ma seda2et 2ekhir hami!!
heda yali me3tebro mokhaliss, manno 2ella dictateur 7atit slelto kella bel 7ekem!

bedak te7ki 7ki mabda2 w 7ki 7a2! w bedak tefta7 l 7areb 2ahla w sahla!

Missing vaclav_havel 29 June 2012, 20:28

ye3ni byete7founa kam shakhess bi edrakoun lal 7a2i2a::

wlek law men l 2ouwet l lebneniyi kento halla2 3eyshin bi ghazzzzi!!!
akid l 7areb ken fiya ktir fazayi3 men kel l jihet!
=>lal 3elem sabra w shatila 7bay2a w sharon heni li 3emlouwa ba3ed ma2tal bashir, Frangiyé 7bay2a bi 2arar men bashir ghtil raddan 3a ma2tal joud l beyi3 2a7ad 2arken l kate2ib bi Zhgarta l zewyi , w knisit saydit l najet l souriyi fajarouwa; fa 7aji tzawro l terikh!!!! geagea ma khasso bi kel hodoli...

Missing lebanese@ 29 June 2012, 23:46

Definitely it's time

Missing lebanese@ 30 June 2012, 00:19

Wi2am Wahab is always a man, even if Bashar falls,
Unless if he will be threatened you mean?
Geagea doesn't have charisma, when i listen to him, i always laugh at how he talks and on what topics..

Default-user-icon Sophraji (Guest) 30 June 2012, 17:51

chou 3ada ma bada? Only yesterday these Sunni crazies were Geagea's "minnina" when they invaded Achrafieh and terrorized it citizens and destroyed private property and churches. Geagea either finally woke up (but will definitely go back to his drug-induced trance ASAP) or that he has no clue what he says at any time and just talks, talks, talks.