Parliament Approves EDL Contract Workers Full-Time Employment

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The parliament on Monday approved a draft law on hiring Electricité du Liban contract workers on a full-time basis.

The candidates will have to take part in a closed contest organized and supervised by the Civil Service Board, state-run National News Agency reported.

Energy Minister Jebran Bassil held on Saturday the Christian Ministers and MPs responsible for the sectarian imbalance in EDL if the contract workers’ full-time employment was approved by the parliament.

According to An Nahar newspaper, Bassil pointed out that around 80 percent of the contract workers belong to non-Christian sects and most of them support Speaker Nabih Berri, who is a Shiite.

In June, the parliamentary joint committees tasked with resolving the EDL contract workers’ crisis agreed to include all of them in a selection process for permanent employment.

For his part, Berri told As Safir newspaper that the right to contest the approval of EDL’s contract workers’ full-time employment is “permitted.”

“The constitutional council is the authority that will have the final word regarding the issue.”

The contract workers told reporters, as the parliamentary session went underway, that they’re “not thugs; our measures today are in protest against the delay in carrying out our demands and in paying our salaries.”

“Our trust is in the MPs and Speaker Nabih Berri, hoping a happy ending that satisfies everyone,” they added.

“The full-time employment is conditioned by the exam that Bassil already approved, the difference is that he suggested to permanently approve the employment of 700 employee,” a ministerial source told al-Liwaa newspaper.

Bassil has previously proposed to allow 700 contract workers to stand for an official exam, out of some 2,500 employees, while the rest would become employees at private companies under a three-month probation period as the company can’t contain all of the employees.

Head of the parliamentary energy committee MP Mohammed Qabbani told the daily that the decision taken by the joint parliamentary committees is to “facilitate the matter and not to torment” anyone.

He predicted that around 1,200 employees would be permanently employed out of 1,700 contract workers.

Comments 10
Thumb kesrweneh 02 July 2012, 09:10

I think it's more the enough proof of FPM independence towards any of his allies. Great job Mr.Bassil

Missing lqu7 02 July 2012, 09:17

This is a slap in the face of those who claim FPM's non-independence from its allies. Something March 14 Christians find hard to digest.

Missing justlebanese 02 July 2012, 09:38

Bassil when you and the rest of the politicians in lebanon will learn to treat people with respect to their work qualifications not religous ones.God Damn your retarted brain

Missing peace 02 July 2012, 11:09

lol! as if edl wasn t already a sectarian property of amal... i thought that fpm preached for a secular state? lol! why don t they start here to hire people according to their qualifications if they really preached that! all populism and tribal behaviors...

Missing samiam 02 July 2012, 09:39

Pick your battles Bassil--if you ever get the electricity sector sorted out, then you are in a position to make demands. Right now, people want electricity and people see you as an obstructionist who doesn't care about people getting only 4 hours of electricity a day.

Right now, under his watch, the electricity sector has been getting worse on his watch--blaming others on his inability to get things done isn't helping his cause. Anyhow, best solution is still privatization because it is obvious people in government are too corrupt and/or stupid to get electricity to the country.

Missing peace 02 July 2012, 11:00

this is an amal fpm pb...amal holds the electricity sector. it has nothing to do with m14 even if fpm extremist want to throw the blame on m14... during hariri s premiership who was minister of energy? hezbollah, what did they do? nothing just barking at israel as fpm tells us that it s a pb of finance! who blocked the gvt for the whole period hariri was in place? m8! who blocked any budget to be voted? m8!
and now they play the frustrated virgin as usual...and cry that they are unable to solve the pb... of course berry holds the keys of EDL....

Missing peace 02 July 2012, 12:22

"we want to bring electricity and water to all lebanese"
lol! now fpm wants to appear humanitarian! big lol!

Missing samiam 02 July 2012, 19:01

Basill's plan for financing--hey, just stick 3/4 of a billion dollars in my account, with no controls, and I will take care of it. After some controls were put in, he started going off on every other minister about the lack of controls.

How stupid do you have to be to accept that offer from him? If it is truly the Change and Reform bloc, then he should have put in controls from the beginning. After all of the politicians stealing the country blind, what makes him so different?

Missing justlebanese 02 July 2012, 12:49

mowaten:FYI publicity means servicing all people sets regardless of their religion so i can;t find the link between what you have said and what I said, I will not tell you to go luk in the mirror however its betta 4 u to go and luk in a book and take your retarted thief Bassil along with u

Missing peace 02 July 2012, 23:04

wow! lots of posts from FT and mowaten here but not a single word on the detention of lebanese security members in syria which clearly violates lebanese soil on a daily basis...
we clearly see how much lebanese sovereingty means to you! depending on who violates our soil! double M8 standards as usual....