Miqati Appeases Saudi Fears after Travel Warning

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Prime Minister Najib Miqati discussed on Wednesday with Saudi Ambassador Ali Awadh Asiri his country’s travel restriction advisory to Lebanon.

“The cabinet is taking all the necessary measures to maintain security and stability in Lebanon,” Miqati told Asiri.

He stressed that the Arab “brothers,” in particular the Saudis are welcome at any time in Lebanon.

On Monday, the Saudi foreign ministry warned its citizens against traveling to Lebanon due to the unstable security situation.

The warning coincides with the tourist season in Lebanon, a major summer destination for nationals from the oil-rich Gulf region.

Lebanon has recently witnessed a series of incidents across the country and along the Lebanese-Syrian border.

In May, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait advised their citizens to avoid travel to Lebanon and urged their nationals currently present in the country to leave due to the unstable security situation.

Comments 9
Thumb benzona 04 July 2012, 12:54

I surely ain't going to bring my dollars to Lebanon this summer... there's no need to be Saudi to realise it's a bad idea to come.

Default-user-icon mazen (Guest) 04 July 2012, 13:56

why not? Why not? Go to Lebanon and refrain from reading the papers, and watching news on so called TV channels (more like little falafel shops, that sell GARBAGE).. One can have a great holiday in Lebanon, detached from the garbage grinders around. Besides, Lebanon remains a safe country to visit.

Thumb AngryLeb 04 July 2012, 13:57

Please Saudi , Please please come to Lebanon , we are beging you to come ,Me And all the Lebanese Governement. we are on our knees, Please come to Lebanon ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Thumb benzona 04 July 2012, 14:10

you may not like the Saudis, but you love their money.

Missing justlebanese 04 July 2012, 14:10

5ayye mikati, shu raye7 teb7as la teb7as, eh la 2ader twa2ef matlob wla 2ader tjeb kahraba wla 2ader ta3mle she 8ayr tje2 w te7ki ro7 namlak shway arya7lak shu badon yejo ysawo ya3ni

Thumb lebanon_first 04 July 2012, 14:21

all this bullshit about travel advisories of arab countries is a ploy of the child king Saad to screw the country in order to discredit the gouvernemnt before the elections.
If there were real risks you would see french, italians and germans putting travel advisories.
Unfortunately, the child king has to stoop very low, and make the country suffer to get votes...
On a personal level, as a lebanese living in Lebanon, it is great nowadays... summer season without too much traffic... with only Lebanese and european tourists... Not very good for businesses employed in tourism, but sustainable for most.

Default-user-icon Halaktouna (Guest) 04 July 2012, 15:40

LOOOL ... no effort is needed from outsiders to discredit the governemnt ... they're doing a fine job among themselves.

And yes, Europeans are goign to come for sure ... check the websites of most of the european foreign ministries and you will notice that they are all advising againt all but essential travel to lebanon and NO travel to some parts of Lebanon .. grow a brain and make some useful comments

Thumb lebanon_first 04 July 2012, 14:32

Saudis know very well that Lebanon is safe. (except some very specific reasons where tourists dont go anyway.) Not too many saudi tourists in bab el tabbaneh or ain el helwe. Right? We know where tourists go. Bhamdoun, Maameltein, Byblos, Beit el dine... There is less risk of dying there from possible "events" than from a heat stroke in Riyadh...
So GCC countries should cut the crap and state outright. "Lebanon should be our satellite state else we will try to screw it." wou khlosna.

Default-user-icon Halaktouna (Guest) 04 July 2012, 15:42

yes ... these areas are VERY SAFE ... no kidnappings are going on there at all ... ma heik???? w3a ya habboub