ISF: We Ended Roumieh Prison Riot Making Sure to Avoid Bloodshed
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربيةThe Internal Security Forces announced on Wednesday that it has ended the Roumieh prison riot, saying that it sought to end the mutiny itself “in order to end the bloodshed between inmates.”
It said in a statement: “Despite the promises made to all the inmates’ reasonable demands, the riots reached such an extent that some internal prisons were opened up to each other, which presented a real danger to the lives of different prisoners.”
It added that it was forced to raid the prison after a fire erupted in one of the buildings.
It turned out that the inmates “systematically destroyed the prison whereby they fused some of the internal doors together through equipment they managed to get their hands on,” it continued.
The ISF revealed that the inmates also succeeded in preparing Molotov bombs.
“The security forces approached the inmates with great responsibility and care in order to protect their lives as they attempted negotiating with them before raiding each bloc,” the statement stressed.
The situation at Roumieh prison returned to normal at dawn on Wednesday, the ISF said.
It stressed that it did not resort to using live ammunition, adding that 14 minor injuries were incurred among the inmates, while five security officials were wounded, and one was killed.
It explained that Roy Azar was killed when a sound bomb exploded as he was attempting to throw it at the security forces, while inmate Jamil Abu Anni was killed from a severe heart attack after the riot ended, as stated in the coroner’s report.
Strict orders have been given to prevent any attempt to block roads, the statement added.
The Roumieh prison riots began on Saturday when prisoners set their beds on fire and broke down the doors at the jail.
The riot ended Sunday after promises of improving their legal and living situations, but the riots broke out again on Monday, prompting the ISF’s intervention.
Roumieh prison harbors 200 security personnel and it has the capacity to hold 1500 prisoners, but in holds some 4,000 inmates, which represents 65 percent of prisoners in Lebanon.
According to the authorities, charges have only been filed against 700 inmates.