Jumblat: Tripoli Battle Aimed at Diverting Attention from Syrian Crisis

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat noted on Thursday that the “battles in Tripoli” will not affect the Syrian crisis, despite being linked to it.

He told the PSP website: “The Tripoli unrest is aimed at diverting attention from the Syrian crisis.”

“All political sides involved must realize that the battle in Tripoli will not affect the developments in Syria,” he added.

“Why should the residents of the neighborhoods of Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen pay the price of various disputes and major conflicts?” he asked.

Jumblat therefore called on all political powers in the city to halt the funding of the gunmen and the creation of incitement in Tripoli.

“The problem requires a radical solution, which begins by providing absolute aid to the army’s efforts,” he explained.

“The army must be supported in practice, not in theory,” he stressed.

“Cover must be lifted off all gunmen and anyone who violates security,” the MP demanded.

He warned in conclusion: “We must all eventually realize that the Syrian developments, regardless of how important they are, should not distract us from the beating of the drums of war in Israel and the possibility that Lebanon may once again be subject to great dangers.”

One person was killed and two others wounded in the Tripoli clashes that have raged on despite a ceasefire being announced on Wednesday.

The clashes between Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen broke out on Monday over a personal dispute.

At least nine people have been killed and 84, including 15 soldiers, have been wounded so far.

Comments 4
Thumb lebanon_first 23 August 2012, 17:15

Yes Walid beik. Thugs exist in every country. The problem is that in lebanon thufs feel invincible. We have to break their neck. And not allow a paid thug mercenary to threaten the civil peace of Tripoli.

Missing gabby1 23 August 2012, 19:13

When are you going to leave the M8 camp and bring down the gov't ya Jumblatt. This is the worst thug killer gov't ever.

Thumb Bandoul 23 August 2012, 19:58

As long as the Party of Satan is pointing a gun at our heads, what party Walid belongs to is irrelevant. This is all theater for those who are willing to pay the price of admission. I reject everything, Lebanon first w'bass.

Thumb primesuspect 24 August 2012, 01:21

Bashar issued a warrant. Jumblatt: "Wanted D.O.A" (Dead or Alive.... or Dead on Arrival)