Aoun: Official Report on Lebanese-Syrian Border Needed before We Determine Position on Syria

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Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun demanded on Tuesday a detailed account of the developments along the Lebanese-Syrian border “because developments have started to take a dangerous turn.”

He said after the Change and Reform bloc’s weekly meeting: “An official government report over the border situation should be made for us to take a position from Syria.”

On the March 14 camp’s memorandum to President Michel Suleiman demanding the suspension of agreements between Lebanon and Syria over the latter’s violation of Lebanese territory, Aoun remarked: “Every once in a while four or five people head to the president to make demands.”

“We want an official report otherwise they should just cease these activities,” he said in reference to the March 14 officials.

“We are prepared to take all measures to protect the people,” declared the MP.

Head of the Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc MP Fouad Saniora presented Suleiman with the memo on Tuesday in which the March 14 camp also demanded the expulsion of the Syrian ambassador to Lebanon and called for filing a complaint to the Arab League over the violations.

Addressing Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea, Aoun said: “Don’t attribute your history to us whenever you mention us.”

Geagea had indirectly accused on Saturday Aoun of striking an alliance with the Syrian regime, saying that the MP’s religious trips to the Syrian town of Brad were a cover for that alliance.

Aoun responded to the accusation by saying that his visits to Brad were of a religious nature.

“Could Geagea tell us what prayers was he performing in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates?” he asked.

Commenting on the telecom data dispute, Aoun warned that he has the right to press charges against the Lebanese state after a judicial committee, which headed to France, confirmed that providing the security agencies with the data is illegal.

“Former U.S. President Richard Nixon was forced to resign over a phone tapping scandal,” noted the FPM leader.

“A major problem will emerge if the telecom data continues to be delivered to the security agencies,” he added.

On former minister Michel Samaha’s arrest, Aoun wondered: “Where is the evidence that the explosives came from Syria?”

“These are all media claims. Nothing can be based on his statements. He can say that he got the explosives from me, but where is the proof?” he continued.

He therefore reiterated his demand that silence be maintained over the case until the investigations are complete.

In August, Samaha and Syrian security chief Ali al-Mamlouk were charged with forming a criminal gang aimed at carrying out attacks in Lebanon.

According to media reports, Samaha confessed to planning the attacks at Syrian orders.

“If he is guilty, then the greatest punishment should be laid down on him,” said Aoun.

“One should not however unjustifiably demand the expulsion of the ambassador,” he stressed.

  • 04 September 2012, 17:35

    Aoun to LF leader Samir Geagea: When you address us, don't mention your past and attribute it to us.

  • 04 September 2012, 17:34

    Aoun: Yaacoub Shamoun was not imprisoned in Syria. His name was not on the Justice Ministry’s list of missing Lebanese in Syria. Shamoun is a Syrian resident from al-Qamishli. It was said that he used to fight for the Phalange and an informed sources told me that he used to train in Israel.

  • 04 September 2012, 17:32

    Aoun on Samaha’s case: Where is the evidence that the explosives were imported from Syria? Samaha can say that I got the explosives, but where is the evidence? I said that all sides must keep silent over the issue because there are major loopholes in the case. I am awaiting the results of the investigation. If he is guilty, then the greatest punishment must be laid down on him.

  • 04 September 2012, 17:25

    Aoun: There will be a major problem if the delivery of the telecom data is not halted.

  • 04 September 2012, 17:24

    Aoun on telecom data: I reserve my right to file charges against the Lebanese state. Former U.S. President Nixon was forced to resign over phone tapping charges.

  • 04 September 2012, 17:22

    Aoun: I used to smoke four packs of cigarettes a day. One day in 1985, I had 35 cups of coffee and I still had seven cigarettes in the packet, which I threw away after suffering from some chest pain. I haven’t had a cigarette in 27 years and I feel much better for it.

  • 04 September 2012, 17:20

    Aoun: 25 percent of the Lebanese people are smokers and they want to impose their position against the 75 percent.

  • 04 September 2012, 17:20

    Aoun: We want to know what exactly is happening on the border. We want an official report and position. We are prepared to take all measures to protect the people.

  • 04 September 2012, 17:19

    Aoun on March 14 memo to sever ties with Syria: Are the Lebanese-Syrian borders being controlled? We want a detailed statement on the situation because the situation has taken a serious turn.

  • 04 September 2012, 17:17

    Aoun: We are ready to cooperate with them in combating corruption.

  • 04 September 2012, 17:16

    Aoun: We had stated that dangers should be presented at the national dialogue table because the dangers do not spare anyone.

  • 04 September 2012, 17:14

    Aoun: MP Walid Jumblat and former PM Saad Hariri rejected the proposed law. The Phalange Party and the LF had initially agreed to the Bkirki suggestion, but they soon joined their allies’ stances.

  • 04 September 2012, 17:12

    Aoun: The Orthodox proposal was the first suggested electoral law and the second was the law based on medium-sized districts based on proportional representation. Bkirki advocated the two proposals that were presented before the government and parliamentary blocs.

  • 04 September 2012, 17:10

    FPM leader MP Michel Aoun after Change and Reform bloc weekly meeting: We discussed the electoral law that has been referred to parliament.

Comments 33
Missing gabby3 04 September 2012, 17:43

Cukoo Cukoo......It is Tuesday again.

Thumb geha 04 September 2012, 18:55

Actually this speech demonstrates that aoun is certifably crazy!
is there anybody in his complete mind that would come out to say such things?
what is worse are the ones that still follow this senile man.

Missing jayjay 05 September 2012, 09:45

since Naharnet decided to delete a comment i made yesterday about this POLITICAL ANIMAL - Google the meaning of that Naharnet before deleting-
I will say this today and let us see if they delete this one...
Which one of those microphones would fit in Aoun?? Start with the big orange one!!!

Default-user-icon Baldrick (Guest) 04 September 2012, 18:01

Yesterday Joseph Abou Fadel today Aoun. The Syrian orders have come down to all their minions. Samaha is not our man, make it known. The explosives were his, pass it along. We knew nothing of a bombing plot, tell the grapevines. Samaha is being dropped because he's about to spill the bean on all Syrian criminal activities since the late eighties. They can't whack him so they'll try to cast doubt on his confessions. I guess his Syrian apoited lawyers Jamil ayyed's son and the Marada's Finyanous will resign from representing him. Soon you'll read mowaten, FloatingTurd and the rest of the Baraze2 squad members affirming that Samaha was never Syria's man but a French intelligence agent.

What a cunning plan! Twenty five days in the making, those Syrians sure lost their edge.

Thumb bigsami 04 September 2012, 18:01

Hey Tony....keep an eye on that non-Lebanese traitor Farsi aka BSThrower who has hijacked the site with loads of aliases BUT naharnet on it. What a pathetic non-Lebanese moron! I'm waiting for his 7-8 down votes to pop up.

Missing jayjay 04 September 2012, 18:02

im ashamed to have been one of the greatest supporters of this Political Animal...i remember him accusing Syria in the past of almost anything and without any proof...look at him now..defending the Syrian Regime when it comes to Samaha and boarder violations...This is down right insulting and demeaning! Jaliss khattak ya General...

Missing applesandoranges 04 September 2012, 18:22

The state has Samaha's first-hand confession that the explosives came from Syria. It has Samaha on audio and video divulging that the explosives came from the office of Ali Mamlouk with the full knowledge and blessing of Bashar. It has the testimony of a turncoat informer. The plastic bags that housed the smaller explosives have a stamp of the Syrian ministry of agriculture.
What more evidence are you waiting for?

Missing rudy 04 September 2012, 18:31

"Aoun: Yaacoub Shamoun was not imprisoned in Syria. His name was not on the Justice Ministry’s list of missing Lebanese in Syria. Shamoun is a Syrian resident from al-Qamishli. It was said that he used to fight for the Phalange and an informed sources told me that he used to train in Israel"
so what he is saying is that he trust the syrian government and justice system (including the one he was fighting in the 80s who gave down verdicts on lebanese fighters)

Default-user-icon no Coke - Pepsi (Guest) 04 September 2012, 18:51

barf has more dignity.

Thumb anonymouslb 04 September 2012, 19:26

Well for a non-partisan guy , he's making sense...
Oh and by the way, I voted you all down (not BSThrower or whomever...) just for the lulz :D

Thumb benzona 04 September 2012, 19:52

Booooooo ^^

Everyone VOTE anonymouslb down, just for fun :p !!! YALLA YALLA, follow me hehehe

Thumb anonymouslb 04 September 2012, 20:28

How can I vote myself down?

Thumb bigsami 04 September 2012, 20:35

Your funny I gave you one thumb up :-)

Thumb benzona 04 September 2012, 20:00

FT + 14 other nicks is carefully watching the live feed, he'll get his instructions of Naharnet shortly after it's done.

Wait & Watch !

Thumb anonymouslb 04 September 2012, 20:37

So Ben, there can't be more than one guy disagreeing with you? or else it has to be one person with multiple avatars? That's not democratic dude, rather fascistic... or sionistic... or hezbullastic...

Missing rudy 04 September 2012, 21:08

if you use the comment section regularly, you would know there are only a handful of people that do. the total i would say is around 15 people who post on most articles. up until recently it was easy to predict approximately how many votes up and down a pro M8 or pro M14 post would get. then, all of a sudden, M14 votes get 10 to 15 automatic vote downs, without there being a lot of new names

Thumb benzona 04 September 2012, 21:19

I don't have a 6th sense, but I totally recognize one style. He may act like muslim or christian, educated or not... yet it's one single person. Sure I don't mind criticism, it can be healthy but as rudy says, there's a pattern...

I'm not married to M14, of course not... but whoever acts as FT is on the Aoun payroll.

Thumb anonymouslb 04 September 2012, 21:37

Well people can vote up or down without commenting...

Missing rudy 04 September 2012, 22:11

anonymouslb you look quite suspicious right about now :p

Thumb anonymouslb 04 September 2012, 22:36

M8 or M14 huh? didn't it ever occur to you guys that lots of people support neither?
Remember your math class:
M8 + M14 = M16 ;)

Missing rudy 05 September 2012, 16:40

haha anonymouslb, it seems the roaming 15 votes disagree with your last comment

Missing people-power 05 September 2012, 16:53

Yes, it's true that people can vote without commenting, however the increase in pro-M8 votes happened instantaneously in one day, not over a period of time. If you study statistics, you would know that it is not logical that 15 new random people joined this site on one random day, and all started voting pro-M8. Something like that, if it was to actually happen, the increase in votes would occur gradually over a period of time, not all in one day.

It is obvious that the sudden increase in pro-M8 votes is the result of manipulation by one or two persons (if more than one person, then the two are working together under the same instructions).

Keep in mind that FT has admitted in the past that his purpose here is to post comments to make this site appear more pro-M8, which makes hime nothing but a propagandist.

Default-user-icon afif (Guest) 04 September 2012, 20:08

March 14 want UN along the border with Syria and at the same time disarm Hizbollah and hand the protection of Lebanon to the Lebanese army:) If they don't trust the Lebanese army to saveguard the Lebanon/Syrian border, who on earth do they think will protect Lebanon from the zionists:)

March 14 should stick to fishing along the cornich and stay out of politics, nothing smart has been said and ever will by those most incompetent fools:)

Default-user-icon Actionman (Guest) 04 September 2012, 20:16

appleandoranges !!!! 25 years of occupation is enough need for further evidence.
Anyone who support Assad regime should have his family shot one by one ,he shot be kept alive for him to feel the pain of thousands of lebanese who suffered on the hand of the Syrian regime.
By the way El Wateh bidal Wateh ,Aoun deserted his soldiers.

Missing gabby3 04 September 2012, 20:21

Sarsky you forgot the comb-over is thinner than the point of ridiculous. If I were him I would avoid windy days outside.

Missing youssefhaddad 04 September 2012, 20:43

How could any one call such a manure dispenser a leader?

Default-user-icon Abazagorath (Guest) 04 September 2012, 23:00

Four: Even if Samaha turned out not to be a puppet of Syria like you (you, ya Aoun, whose very existence in Lebanon again was conditional on the fact that you claimed not to want to sell our country to Baschar; you opportunist, unprincipled, cowardly traitor!), the Lebanese people have the inalienable right to not be humiliated worldwide over the fact that their government openly colludes with a mass-murderer; and a spokesman for that mass-butcher is as unwelcome in this country of ours - I'm speaking of Lebanon, in case you thought I'm referring to Syria ya Aoun - as are you. If the god you pray to is one who condones such criminal acts (reminder: the enemy of all Arabs, Israel, has not been able to murder as many Arabs in so many years as Baschar has in as many months), then snap out of your delusion already: your god is the Devil.

Default-user-icon Abazagorath (Guest) 04 September 2012, 23:06

Five: Richard Nixon was ousted from the government after the Whitewatergate tapes because he was a crook. Crooks have no place in a government. Crooks don't even have place in common society. So thank you very much, we know very well that the traitor-government installed by Hizb-al-Kuffar is going to be seeing heads rolling as a result of the publication of those tapes that you and your criminal buddies are trying to hide, and your covering up for the criminals sheds a lot of doubt on your own snow-white innocence. The people want to know the extent of your criminal activities, ya khayen, and we're going to get those tapes even if it means hacking the bejesus out of your puny security system to get them.

Missing cedars 05 September 2012, 03:10

@Karim: You forgot his religious leadership especially that he claims to be Jean Paul II for the Syrians.

Thumb bigsami 05 September 2012, 05:04

Absolutely! When you have a loner geek moron like BSThrower who has nothing better to do but fabricate aliases just in order to hijack the blog and site. They will be on to him soon. For now I can only feel petty for this lonesome loser.....

Default-user-icon trueself (Guest) 05 September 2012, 06:20

Aoun is harboring so much anger knowing full well that his master in Syria is struggling to hang on to power and will soon be nabbed and God knows what will happen to him. I wouldn't be amazed if he passes away before the toppling of Assad? After all, after Assad he will be nothing in Lebanon which will hurt him dearly.

Missing jayjay 05 September 2012, 11:00

Ignorance is Bliss...and you buddy are living one great blissful life...
Lucky you!

Missing rudy 05 September 2012, 16:39

doesnt matter really. whether its is one person or a million.. even if 90% of the lebanese support him and M8, doesnt make them any less wrong :)