Geagea Accuses Nasrallah of Exploiting Anti-Islam Film for 'Political Aims'
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربيةLebanese Force leader Samir Geagea considered on Monday that Hizbullah Chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah exploited the anti-Islam film for political aims calling for a spiritual summit in Bkirki to resolve the matter.
"Nasrallah is very smart and Hizbullah's strategic leadership knows how to benefit from the circumstances," Geagea said in an interview with MTV.
He pointed out that Nasrallah abused the case to reach rather political aims.
Nasrallah warned Monday of "very dangerous" global repercussions if an anti-Islam film is released in its entirety.
Tens of thousands of demonstrators poured into the streets of Beirut's southern suburb to denounce the film at Nasrallah's request, who surprised supporters by making a rare public appearance.
"I strongly condemn this film that is silly and produced by a hateful person who has no morals," Geagea said.
He called for a spiritual summit in Bkirki to tackle the anti-Islam film, hoping that Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi would call for an international conference to resolve the matter.
The initially obscure "Innocence of Muslims," produced by a U.S. religious group, has been cited as one of the main instigators of riots that have killed 17 people from North Africa to the Middle East and Afghanistan.
Asked about the handshake at the Baabda Palace with al-Rahi, Geagea said that it was a "warm" handshake as the dispute is resolved and the relation is back to normal.
Concerning the national dialogue table, The LF leader said that he would not attend Thursday's session.
A session on July 24 was postponed after March 14 tied its participation to a government decision to provide security agencies with the so-called telecom data to help them investigate assassination attempts against MP Butros Harb and Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea.
The data has since been handed over to the security apparatuses.
Another reason for the boycott was Hizbullah MP Mohammed Raad’s announcement that the national defense strategy is not currently necessary because Lebanon is still in the liberation stage.
The national dialogue resumed in June after a 19-month absence.
Geagea said that the presence of Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Lebanon didn't surprise him.
"The state has to assume its responsibilities concerning the matter as it's unacceptable," he noted.
On Sunday, the Guards commander said members of his elite special operations unit, the Quds Force, were in Syria and Lebanon but only to provide "counsel."
Geagea revealed that all his party's MPs are taking maximum precautionary measures as he expressed fear that security assassinations might occur.
Asked if he would run for the presidency, Geagea denied saying: "Only if enough MPs supported my candidacy I will run."
17 September 2012, 22:55
Geagea: I will never run for the presidency unless enough MPs support my candidacy.
17 September 2012, 22:51
Geagea: Some International forces want the conflict in Syria to continue.
17 September 2012, 22:50
Geagea: I don't understand Russia and China's stances concerning the crisis in Syria.
17 September 2012, 22:47
Geagea: The March 14 alliance has to win the 2013 parliamentary elections and form a new cabinet.
17 September 2012, 22:43
Geagea: We can't take any decision concerning the national defense strategy before we know what Hizbullah will do.
17 September 2012, 22:27
Geagea: If the smaller districts electoral law wasn't adopted we will adopt the proportional representation with several modifications.
17 September 2012, 22:21
Geagea: al-Mustaqbal movement said it approves smaller electoral districts.
17 September 2012, 22:21
Geagea: al-Rahi had to say that the LF and the Phalange parties are right as smaller electoral districts represents Christians better.
17 September 2012, 22:02
Geagea: This cabinet shouldn't supervise the upcoming 2013 election.
17 September 2012, 22:01
Geagea: It is not wise to topple the cabinet in the street.
17 September 2012, 21:58
Geagea: There is no political decision to resolve the crisis in Tripoli.
17 September 2012, 21:54
Geagea: The arrest of those who kidnapped the Syrians is a positive step. We should voice our full support to the state.
17 September 2012, 21:52
Geagea: The telecom data in Samaha's case was decisive.
17 September 2012, 21:43
Geagea: Most politicians, who deal with Syria, fabricate the news.
17 September 2012, 21:41
Geagea: The case of ex-Minister Michel Samaha aims at assassinating the sovereign team in Lebanon and to ignite a civil war in the country.
17 September 2012, 21:41
Geagea: The assassination attempts didn't limit our political action.
17 September 2012, 21:39
Geagea: I have my own analysis regarding my assassination attempt but ill keep it to myself. There is a team that is trying to weaken out political alliance.
17 September 2012, 21:35
Geagea: The security agencies couldn't question Mahmoud al-Hayek who is suspected of the assassination attempt against MP Butros Harb.
17 September 2012, 21:24
Geagea: Some extremists embarrassed the Muslim Brotherhood and the Liberals in Egypt and Libya by transforming the anti-Islam film into a political case.
17 September 2012, 21:21
Geagea: I suggest on leaders to hold a spiritual meeting in Bkirki. I hope that al-Rahi would call for an international conference.
17 September 2012, 21:18
Geagea: The reaction to the film was random and served the goals of those who are behind it.
17 September 2012, 21:17
Geagea: I strongly condemn the anti-Islam film.
17 September 2012, 21:15
Geagea: Sayyed Hassan is very smart and Hizbullah has a strategic leadership that knows how to benefit from circumstances.
17 September 2012, 21:14
Geagea: The state should assume it's responsibilities concerning the presence of Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Lebanon.
17 September 2012, 21:13
Geagea: The presence of the Revolutionary Guards in Lebanon and Syria didn't surprise me.
17 September 2012, 21:12
Geagea: We support President Michel Suleiman. We can't be held responsible for all the problems as a result of our good intentions.
17 September 2012, 21:10
Geagea: Nasrallah is holding onto his stances and refuses to discuss them.
17 September 2012, 21:09
Geagea: I will not attend Thursday's national dialogue session.
17 September 2012, 21:05
Geagea: The handshake with Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi was warm. The relations are back to normal.
17 September 2012, 21:01
Geagea: We have been exposed to a programmed campaign for the last 30 years to weaken our morals by those who represent Syrian in Lebanon.
17 September 2012, 21:00
Geagea: Every Muslim and Christian should read the Apostolic Exhortation.
17 September 2012, 20:59
Geagea: The youth participation in the meeting with Pope Benedict XVl represents the Christians in the country.

I think karim is up to 90% with his comments containing "wahabism". Nothing like a one trick pony--of course, I am sure he was trained well.

he has been speaking right. But I dont agree with him at all for not attending the national dialogue session.

those who criticize geagea only because they don t like him should tell us what in his declarations are wrong... otherwise it just blabla talk just to prove themselves they exist. one neurone is enough for them.
if they were smart (they prove us ony the contrary by their low attacks a kindergarden girl could do) they would attack his ideas not the man...
but they don t have a brain just repeating slogans they hear on elmanar or otv....

When Geagea is elected president, Aoun will be checked into the insane asylum.

unlike the crazy bald orange guy, geagea doesnt give a shit about the presidency... There is no I in team, and there is no geagea party..its LF party..unlike aoun & family party..with their construction contracts and their electricity contractors and their new found money and and and...

peace, it's chihuahuas :> wou enjoy your camp and the image you have of it because the reality of your camp is everything but enjoyable :)))

thx also to prove my point...another useless comment with nothing in it ....

good william: you ve reached the bottom and you are continuing digging...
no need to try and look like you know everything, just reading your posts shows your level...period

Peace... man can you even understand little willy's jibrish!!

"I no understand is you does what to whom..." what does that crap mean?? LoL

Sure we will return thirsty from a trip to the ocean with you. Only a dummy will drink salt water. On the other hand, we will take you to the sweetest pond and will bring you back thirsty. Now that is an accomplishment!
Lak roooh....

Blah blah blah. Go back to prison you rotten murderous scumbag.

the low level of comments from m8 denotes a clear failure to counter the essence of what Geagea said.
how can anyone respect m8 if their comments are of this type?
Geagea nailed it yesterday while respecting his opponents. I wish m8 commentators tried to counter on the substance, but apparently they can't because they are out of arguments.

there should a law in lebanon the forbids politicians for seeking relations that are outside the norm of state to state relations. no arab no farsi no western interference.. im sick of hearing that this person is wahabi or salafist or fagih or zionist etc.. its all getting rather tiresome and old..

P1 @ Dear Mr. Nasrallah, fake Muslim and leader of the Iranian mercenary terror group masquerading as Lebanese resistance, you say: “The United States must realize that broadcasting the entire film will have very dangerous repercussions in the world.” I say to you, you must realize that threatening the United States of America will have very dangerous repercussions on you and your followers. You and every fake Muslim who obey your message of hate and intolerance are nothing more than terrorist thugs who deserve to be ridiculed and ignored.

P2 @ Dear Mr. Nasrallah, You and every fake Muslim like you, will meet God one day and suffice it to say, you will find out the hard way that you were not entitled to kill in his name or take over the world and plunge it back into the dark ages so you can monopolize the world to your advantage. There are winner and losers in this world and the USA will always be a winner and fake bearded wanabe pretend Muslims who run around like savages destroying property because their feelings are hurt, will always be losers! Long live the USA, may it defeat fanaticism, indoctrination, rigid ideology and fake Muslims wherever they exist!

90% of you are not educated..the oens that are educated have either left lebanon or 'silently' oppose HA.
I pity you

Geagea is sooooo Jealous of Nasrallah and the Shia:):) He wish he could be as cleaver and strong as Sayeed Hasan Nasrallah:)

Look who is talking about think you are a Flame Thrower? LOL! The only thing that comes out of you is intestinal gas! Your a little Farsi who is a legend in his own mind (like your master Sayyed)!