Miqati Lauds Hizbullah's 'Wise Behavior' amid Iran-Israel War Fears

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Prime Minister Najib Miqati shrugged off fears of Hizbullah's involvement in any future war between Israel and Iran, saying the party is wise and has pledged to steer Lebanon clear of regional conflicts.

“Hizbullah is lately behaving very wisely,” Miqati told reporters in New York. “It has given its consent to the Baabda Declaration that states keeping Lebanon away from the policies of axes and regional and international conflicts.”

The premier made his comment in response to a question about fears that the Tehran-backed party could get involved in any possible Israeli aggression on Iran.

Miqati reiterated that his “entire concern as prime minister is to preserve Lebanon and keep it clear of the repercussions of the events around it.”

“As it's known by now, Lebanon is divided between those who back the Syrian revolution and those who oppose it,” he said. “That's why we seek to keep away any negative reflection of the events in Syria.”

Asked about his position on Syria, Miqati told reporters that he rejects the spilling of blood and supports the choice of the Syrian people.

Miqati is in New York at the head of a delegation to attend the United Nations 67th General Assembly. He is scheduled to hold on Tuesday a series of separate meetings with the presidents of France, Egypt, Cyprus and the Palestinian territories.

His press office said Miqati will also meet with the prime ministers of Kuwait and Qatar, the U.S. Secretary of State and the foreign ministers of Russia and the UAE.

Furthermore, the prime minister has a scheduled meeting with U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon, the statement said.

Miqati held talks on Monday with Britain’s Foreign Office Minister for the Middle East and North Africa, Alistair Burt, who said following the meeting that the UK is aware of the Lebanese prime minister's difficult responsibilities.

He told reporters that attempts to keep Lebanon at a distance from the conflict in Syria have so far succeeded.

Comments 12
Default-user-icon Ben (Guest) 25 September 2012, 09:37

As long as Hizbullah's partners or interests are threatened in the region, they will act to secure them with any means.

Miqati should concentrate on the Lebanese whom are smuggling arms that are killing civilians in Syria. Why has no one yet been caught for weapons smuggling, I mean the big guy's not the small ones?

Missing mohammad_ca 25 September 2012, 16:39

li2anno ya zakzak the biggest arms smuggling is happening between ASSad and hizbocrap....layk? who voted nasralah into office to decide on what is best for Lebanon? who holds him accountable??

Thumb bigsami 25 September 2012, 20:31

Miqati is commending HA "wise behavior" and deserves applaud for what? For not dragging the country into a hell just YET? HA is on the sidelines awaiting Iran to instruct them when & what to do. LOL. Miqati you are no more than a puppet and reason in this government is because the previous PM was forced at gun point to get out.....not t mention other Lebanese! Made his billions working with the Assad family/regime and you actually beleive you deserve this post?

Default-user-icon a zebra can't change his stripes (Guest) 25 September 2012, 09:44

wise behavior? let see... probable assassination of PM Hariri and several other lebanon leaders, closed parliament and tent city crippling lebanon economy as always, 2006 war of over 1000 dead and billions in damage, may 7 militia takeover of west beirut and up to aley (over 100 dead) 2012 civil strife of burning tires, kidnappings, shootouts ... forcing all tourists to leave lebanon.... and we praise hezbollah behavior for words they have said concerning the future? maqati seems to be afraid to insult the great prophet hassan nasrallah for fear of more demonstrations, murders, war, etc etc !!!

Missing people-power 26 September 2012, 06:50

Well said

Thumb phoenician 25 September 2012, 09:53

Have you any integrity left in that body of yours,hizb and your salafists inbreds are THE cause of all trouble in Lebanon its not palestinians alone anymore. Partition is the answer.

Missing feekahraba 26 September 2012, 03:19

Hey roofus bin doofus, as I recall your Gen. aoun is a christian and he is dead centre of all this BS.

Thumb bigsami 25 September 2012, 16:30

Only DOWN votes coming from the same conditioned schizo aka BSThrower and conditioned sheep thriving on the fake religious clergyman daily speech to villagers that Israel is coming and the resistance will save them.

Thumb lebanon_first 25 September 2012, 16:41

Insulting HA will lead nowhere, they are the strongest group on the ground. We have to embrace them in the lebanese solution. Else they will be MARGINALIZED and create even more problems. FHAMOUHA BA2A. It is not that we love their arrogance and weapons. But they are like death and taxes. They are a reality we have to accept and to deal with.

Mikati is doing just that. He is telling HA that they are pro-Lebanese, that the lebanese expect it and welcome it to be part of the fabric of Lebanon, to open doors to this extrimist milicia to go more mainstream and to become more pro-lebanese.

Missing peace 25 September 2012, 19:18

the day you ll understand that hezb isnt pro lebanon but is only an agent of iran then you ll understand how dangerous it is for the country. if they are stronger than the state doesn t bother you? they have the decision of peace and war in the country and it doesn t bother you? if really they were lebanese then they ll obey the laws and constitution of the country...you accept a party that pledge allegiance to iran and never to lebanon? waw, you are so naive then.....

Thumb bigsami 25 September 2012, 20:24

They are a reality we have to accept??? Come on leb1st! If you think we have to deal with it just wait a bit longer. HA is a missile launch pad for Iran and whether you like it or not that day of reckoning will come when Iran will be attacked and HA given the green light to fire away at Israel. When that happens....pray to God that 1) civilian casualty is minimal and 2) Israel finishes the job this time around and annihilates HA once & for all! When the dust settles....Lebanon will be reborn and a democratic peace-striving country will evolve!

Thumb shab 25 September 2012, 19:05

filthy militia