Miqati 'to Return to Grand Serail': Irresponsible Street Action Serves Criminals Plot


Prime Minister Najib Miqati on Monday warned that “irresponsible street action serves the plot of the criminals who want to drag the country into chaos and strife," one day after angry mourners tried to storm the Grand Serail – the government's headquarters – and in the wake of deadly clashes in Tripoli and Beirut.

“The objective behind the assassination of (Intelligence Bureau chief) Maj. Gen. (Wissam) al-Hasan is undermining stability and civil peace,” Miqati said on the social networking website Twitter.

“We will press on with the investigations into the Ashrafiyeh bombing until the end, so that truth can be unveiled to the public opinion,” he added.

“I am surprised. Is this how you reward the one who protected positions and symbols in state institutions?” Miqati wondered, referring to the time he defended al-Hasan and ISF chief Maj. Gen. Ashraf Rifi against campaigns demanding that they be sacked.

Meanwhile, media reports said the prime minister will resume his duties at the Grand Serail on Tuesday.

Comments 13
Missing trend 23 October 2012, 01:44

tab, badal ma yest2il... leich ma bi 2il 7koumto w bi chakkel ghayra?
howweh manno 3atel!!
7koumto el 3atleh!

Missing trend 23 October 2012, 01:45

exactly my point too!!

Default-user-icon Maroun (Guest) 23 October 2012, 03:30

Mr. Miqati you had me fooled for a very short time thinking you had a consiuous.

Missing canadianadam 23 October 2012, 04:09

Shoe beddik fil alam???

It's predictable that people will take to the streets in an atmosphere of unpredictably. It's ridiculous to expect them to do otherwise; you re just trying to deal with the symptoms of insecurity. If you want to deal with the issue, show them you re committed to holding the government responsible for the lack of security.

Thumb thefool 23 October 2012, 06:34

I expected them to be civilized. As a minimum. I should doubt the actions of tense people. Tense and angry people going about wildly is rude and frankly silly.

Default-user-icon Bilal (Guest) 23 October 2012, 05:41

So what I understand is that Mr. Hasan was in charge of security for Rafic Hariri before being appointed Head of Internal Security for the entire country? Did they not see what happened to the late Prime Minister? To me, Mr. Hasan failed to do the only job he had. How was he then promoted??? I love you Lebanon, but you make no sense at all.

Thumb thefool 23 October 2012, 06:31

Lebanon needs its prime minister today, more than ever.

A void will give rise to Mercenary-Jihadi-Gulf-Funded-Terrorist-Islamic-Fundamentalist-Wahhabi-Salafists. And nobody wants them, certain not Sunnis.

France, The US, China, Russia, Qatar, UK All want the government to remain & maintain the institutions and civil peace. Only Saudi Arabia wants Mikati to go.

And That is the truth.

March14 lost my vote when they became violent. They are no different than Hezbollah, except their weapons are directed to A Foreign entity!

Thumb thefool 23 October 2012, 06:32

In addition Lebanon should expel the Syrian Ambassador! And Denounce Bashar al Assad.

Thumb thefool 23 October 2012, 06:37

You, PM has the responsibility NOT to step down as militiamen are roaming the streets of Lebanon. I am even in favor of calling those armed thugs, mercenaries, even terrorists.

Don't give me no emotional excuse to defend them. Wissam al Hassan protected me too.

Thumb thefool 23 October 2012, 06:56

But no, they need to hold Kalashnikovs and shoot at Shias on the Sreets. That more important. When will we ever learn :(

Default-user-icon we need resignations! (Guest) 23 October 2012, 09:02

when security is breached in such a destructive way again and again.. there needs to be responsibility and resignations from top governmental leaders. without justice the people will rebel.

Default-user-icon whatever (Guest) 23 October 2012, 12:55

ya Slash, if the US really wants to drag hizb into Syria, it would not be to save bashar but to create more strife between sunni and chiaa, divide even more the arabs, and thus get the "insurance card for the safety of Israel" as you say. They've been doing it for years, and we smart arabs are still falling for this.

Thumb geha 23 October 2012, 10:36

as if there is stability with the presence and actions of hizbushaitan and the syrian regime.
if you were to have a consciense and a notaional patriotism you would go with your head between your legs for covering up on these murderors.
and for those defending him or hizbushaitan and the syrian regime, kindly note you are definately traitors for doing that.