Report: March 14 Hinges on French-Saudi Initiative to Seek Government Change

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The March 14 opposition alliance is hinging on a French-Saudi initiative that would steer Lebanon clear of the Syrian war and lead to a change in the Lebanese government, al-Mustaqbal movement sources said Wednesday.

Such an initiative would keep Lebanon away of the “Syrian swamp” and could expand to include the United States and Russia, the sources told As Safir daily.

The initiative could also lead to the formation of a new government, they added.

March 14 has been calling on the formation of a neutral salvation government as the only way to defuse the tension caused by the assassination of Internal Security Forces Intelligence Bureau chief Wissam al-Hasan in a car bomb blast in Beirut’s Ashrafiyeh district on October 19.

The remarks of the sources came a day after Baabda Palace circles said President Michel Suleiman is awaiting a sign from Paris on the results of French President Francois Hollande's talks with Saudi King Abdullah on Sunday.

Hollande held talks in Jeddah with Abdullah in the presence of ex-Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri, who is the head of al-Mustaqbal. Their meeting followed talks between Hollande and his Lebanese counterpart Michel Suleiman in Beirut.

As Safir quoted a French diplomatic source as saying on Wednesday that Paris would not “abandon” Miqati.

The French administration studied available alternatives in case the Hizbullah-led cabinet collapsed and realized that neither the formation of a national cabinet nor a technocrat government were good choices.

“The government that ex-PM Saad Hariri is seeking to achieve through his campaign against Miqati is a caretaker cabinet,” they said.

The sources said Russia informed Paris following al-Hasan's assassination and the security instability that followed it that any government change would mean a declaration of war on Syria and Iran, who are the main backers of Hizbullah.

Comments 6
Thumb tfeh 07 November 2012, 09:04

Lubnan awalan; Min temak la beb lsama

Thumb geha 07 November 2012, 09:40

so russia think they can have a hold on Lebanon now?
putin is dillusional :)

Missing freeforever 07 November 2012, 10:36

As a supporter of a democratic Lebanon and a Lebanon that is free from hegemony. It is imperative to side with nation that support you for prosperity and not for destruction. Let’s think about Iran for example they are supporting the Shia in Lebanon with weapons, why doesn’t Iran support the Shia in Lebanon economically rather than military. Iran will eventually bring misery to the Shia of Lebanon. France has always supported Lebanon through legitimate institution, this shall unify the nation and not divided. The Shia in Lebanon needs to look beyond Hezballah and Amal and encourage Iran to contribute economically rather than military to the entire community if they choose to help the Shia in Lebanon.

Thumb geha 07 November 2012, 11:21

who do you think is my leader?
as naive as you are, you hold the answers in your comment:
all that it boils down to is economics, and when each party gets a piece, they will stop their bickerings and execute what they agreed upon.
I hope we can agree on that?
if so, the Gulf has paid the international bill, Obama has been reelected, and now the result.
let us wait and see what it is?

Missing mmckinl 07 November 2012, 23:58

I can only hope you correct about your economy. What I see is austerity ahead for Lebanon just as in Greece and Spain.

The world is burdened with unpayable debt and rather than writing this debt off, debt that are assets to the banks and plutocrats, this debt will drown governments and economies around the world.

The Arab Spring was more about food, fuel and jobs than democracy. Just wiping away the existing corrupt structures still leaves in place a world sliding into depression.

Missing mmckinl 08 November 2012, 00:25

No doubt ...

But how will Lebanon fare? Foreign interests will bloody all of Lebanon to promote their interests.