STL Publishes Redacted Version of Pre-Trial Brief: Prosecution Intends to Call 557 Witnesses

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The Special Tribunal for Lebanon issued a public redacted version of the Prosecution’s Pre-Trial Brief, which is now available on the STL website, it announced in a statement on Monday.

According to the Brief, the Prosecution intends to call 557 witnesses and there are 13,170 exhibits on the exhibit list, and the total time estimated for presentation of the Prosecution’s case is 457.5 hours.

The STL had announced on Friday that the Prosecution has filed its Pre-Trial Brief, the list of witnesses it intends to call at trial, and the list of exhibits it intends to offer into evidence in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri's assassination.

Thursday's filing is in accordance with a deadline set by Pre-Trial Judge Daniel Fransen as part of the preparation for trial, the STL said in a statement.

“The Prosecution’s 58-page Pre-Trial Brief elaborates on the allegations and charges in the Indictment,” it said.

The Brief “includes for each count charged in the Indictment, a summary of the evidence which the Prosecution intends to bring regarding the commission of the alleged crime and the form of responsibility incurred by the accused.”

The documents were all filed on a confidential basis, the statement said, adding the list of Witnesses and list of Exhibits will remain fully confidential, unless the judges decide otherwise.

But the STL said it would release a public redacted version of the Pre-Trial Brief soon.

Warrants have been issued against Hizbullah members Salim Ayyash, Mustafa Badreddine, Hussein Oneissi and Assad Sabra in the Feb. 2005 assassination of Hariri in a massive car bombing on the Beirut seafront.

Fransen announced in July that the trial of the four men would provisionally start on March 25 next year, even though the defendants are still at large.

Comments 3
Thumb geha 19 November 2012, 16:10

with 13,170 exhibits, the STL seems to have a solid case against hizbushaitan :)
let us see how the staunchest defender of hizbushaitan can say these exhibits are fabrications.

Default-user-icon accountability (Guest) 19 November 2012, 16:12

"Warrants have been issued against hizbullah members salim ayyash, mustafa badreddine, hussein oneissi and assad sabra..."
I would love to see the enforcement of these warrants, and hopefully, the Fine Thugs will be hung! It is about time...

Missing helicopter 19 November 2012, 18:46

Mowaten......... what constitutes proof to you? Do you have proof that Israel killed Imad Moghneyeh?
I agree with your last statement "common sense and logic tells me that when one anti-Bachar leader is assassinated, it is logical that Bachar is behind it. And when a long list of anti-Bachar leaders are assassinated, then it is even more probable that Bachar (and his cronies) are behind it. Unfortunately the Western mentality does not settle for just common sense and logic, instead they try to aim for "beyond the shadow of any doubt" as the mantra of their justice system. The justice system of Syria's regime on the other hand is "eliminate the non-compliant".