The 10 Most Anticipated Movies of 2013

Written by Anthony Sargon
2012 has come and (almost) gone, and it's now time to look to the future. 2013 will be a busy year at the movies, especially if you're a fan of science fiction and comic book films. Here's a list of the 10 most anticipated movies of 2013.
10. The Wolverine
Release Date: July 26
Let’s pretend that “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” never happened. Thankfully, that’s precisely what the filmmakers are doing. Set in Japan, “The Wolverine” will tackle one of the character’s most beloved storylines and pin the X-Man against deadly ninjas.
9. Evil Dead
Release Date: April 12
A remake of Sam Raimi’s 1981 horror classic, “Evil Dead” makes a bold promise on its teaser poster: To be the most terrifying film you will ever experience. Game on.
8. Kick-Ass 2: Balls To The Wall
Release Date: June 28
It was surprising to hear that “Kick-Ass” was getting a sequel, considering that it slightly underperformed at the box office, but it was very welcome news indeed. The original was funny, violent, and intense, and audiences should expect no less from "Kick-Ass 2: Balls To The Wall". Plus, it’s got Jim Carrey playing a colonel who recruits superheroes, which should be awesome.
7. Elysium
Release Date: TBA
There hasn’t been any marketing for “Elysium” other than a picture of Matt Damon wearing a high-tech exoskeleton type thing, but knowing that it’s coming from Neill Blomkamp, director of “District 9”, one can’t help but get excited. “District 9” is one of the best sci-fi movies around, and that alone is enough to make “Elysium” stand out.
6. Thor: The Dark World:
Release Date: November 8
“Thor” was a great film, and any fan of the character should be more than happy to make a return trip to Asgard and the nine realms. Besides, it's part of Marvel's "Phase 2", which directly leads into "The Avengers 2". Nuff said.
5. Man of Steel
Release Date: June 14
Produced by Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight Trilogy) and directed by Zack Snyder (300), this is not your granddaddy’s Superman. Brace yourselves for a “dark and gritty” re-envisioning of the character, one that will hopefully properly set up a Justice League movie for WB. What's been released so far has been promising, and here's hoping that Snyder can follow through with his vision and give audiences a truly badass “Man of Steel”.
4. Star Trek: Into Darkness
Release Date: May 17
This movie took forever to get off the ground, but after watching the teaser trailer, it's easy to see why. “Star Trek: Into Darkness” looks freakin’ insane, and Benedict Cumberbatch looks like he’s going to be a terrifying villain. J.J. Abrams has already proven himself with the first “Star Trek”, and we’ll hopefully get a sequel that surpasses the original in every way.
3. Iron Man 3
Release Date: May 3
It can’t be easy following “The Avengers”, but if anyone can do it, it’s Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man. Set after the events that transpired in New York, “Iron Man 3” will see Tony Stark square off against the Mandarin, arguably his most popular nemesis. The film’s trailer makes it look like Tony will be tested like never before, and that’s very enticing.
2. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
Release Date: December 13
Regardless of how "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" turns out, peoples' excitement for “The Desolation of Smaug” will be difficult to dampen. It’ll either be a sequel to a great film, or a chance for Peter Jackson to redeem himself if “An Unexpected Journey” ends up being a disappointment.
1. Pacific Rim
Release Date: July 12
Giant Robots vs. Giant say that "Pacific Rim" sounds exciting is an understatement. From visionary director Guillermo Del-Toro (Hellboy, Pan’s Labyrinth), this is bound to make any geek the world over shed tears of joy. July 12 cannot get here fast enough.
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