Nasrallah: Return of Palestinians is a Right and Would be Achieved Soon

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Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has stressed that the return of Palestinian refugees to their homeland is a right and believed that it would be achieved soon.

Addressing the protesters who marched on Israel's borders with Lebanon, Syria and Gaza on Sunday, Nasrallah lauded their “courage and belief” for confronting Israel and crying out loud to inform the world about their clear stance.

He said the demonstrations transformed the meaning of Nakba Day and proved to Israel that the protestors hold onto their uncompromising right to return to Palestine.

“Let no one fear naturalization because your firm decision is to return” to your homeland, Nasrallah said.

Israeli gunfire killed 15 people and wounded hundreds in Sunday’s demonstrations which were aimed at mourning the anniversary of the 1948 creation of the Jewish state.

The Hizbullah chief said the message of demonstrators was clear. “You are adamant to liberate your land no matter how many sacrifices you make and the fate of this (Jewish) entity is to fade.”

Nasrallah stressed that Israel would no longer be protected by initiatives or conventions.

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