Harb Accuses March 8 of Paralyzing Polls to Keep 'Hegemony'

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March 14 MP Butros Harb accused on Saturday the Hizbullah-led March 8 alliance of paralyzing the 2013 parliamentary elections to keep the government of Prime Minister Najib Miqati in power.

During a press conference he held at his residence in Hazmieh, Harb accused the parliamentary majority of corruption and protecting drug dealers and assassins.

“It has become clear that March 8 is seeking to overthrow the elections,” he said. “Not holding the polls would allow March 8 to have hegemony.”

“This plot is unacceptable and we will confront it and topple it,” Harb stressed.

The lawmaker held onto holding the elections on time, saying “we won't accept any postponement even for one day.”

March 14 wants a new electoral law, the MP told reporters, rejecting statements made by some majority officials that either agreement is reached on a draft-law or the polls would not be held.

He said a dispute between the two sides on the draft-law is linked to the fact that the March 8 leaders want to topple the constitution and remain in control of the country's fate.

Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun accused on Tuesday the opposition of obstructing parliamentary work and said: “I assure the people that no unrest will take place if the parliamentary elections are not staged due to the March 14 camp's obstruction.”

“It is seeking to obstruct parliament in order to halt discussions on a new electoral law,” he added.

In remarks to An Nahar newspaper on Saturday Harb said that March 14 MPs, who are members of a parliamentary electoral subcommittee, will make a “positive announcement” next week.

He said that members of the parliament’s bureau, and the heads and rapporteurs of parliamentary committees will make an official stance early next week on the resumption of the meetings of the subcommittee tasked with discussing the electoral system and the number and size of districts.

According to An Nahar, Harb has contacted Speaker Nabih Berri to inform him that the March 14 alliance “will not respond negatively to a proposal he made” for opposition MPs, who are members of the subcommittee, to stay at a hotel near the parliament and attend the meetings in the legislature after they said they were fearing for their lives over death threats.

“March 14 wants to amend and change the electoral law of 1960 and wants elections to be held on time no matter what the circumstances were,” the lawmaker said.

Lebanon plunged in a political crisis following the Oct. 19 assassination of Internal Security Forces Intelligence Bureau chief Wissam al-Hasan when March 14 boycotted the government and all parliamentary activity linked to it.

It also called for the cabinet's resignation and said only a salvation government could oversee the 2013 parliamentary polls.

However, the coalition made concessions by announcing earlier this month, that it made an exception by ending its boycott of the parliamentary subcommittee, which is yet to convene over the failure of the two sides to agree on the venue.

Comments 18
Thumb jcamerican 22 December 2012, 11:36

That is funny. I can never forget that picture.

Missing mohammad_ca 22 December 2012, 14:00

now that they're losing Syria, ASSad's thugs want to make sure they don't lose Lebanon

Missing peace 22 December 2012, 14:10

each new election it s the same f...ing movie: "we want to change the electoral laws!" each time they ALL paralyze the country for the sake of THEIR interests. people are fed up with these effing politicians, all working for their bank accounts and none for the country....

Missing peace 22 December 2012, 14:11

each new election it s the same f...ing movie: "we want to change the electoral laws!" each time they ALL paralyze the country for the sake of THEIR interests. people are fed up with these effing politicians, all working for their bank accounts and none for the country....

Missing peace 22 December 2012, 15:28

but the problem is that the majority of lebanese don t think like that. it will take time for a shia to vote for a sunni or a sunni to vote for a druze and so on...people will stick to the politicians of their sect,no? lebanon needs a radical change in its mentality, but that takes years! unless a strong gvt abolishes sectariansm and forbids all the religious people to mix with politics. would you agree that hezbollah stops being led by sheikhs?
they should also implement civil laws for all and only these laws are to be applied, not different laws according to your religion.

Missing peace 22 December 2012, 18:12


Missing mohammad_ca 22 December 2012, 21:57

Before we can do this we need to ensure that no sect has weapons at the expense of others.

Missing peace 22 December 2012, 14:11

at least he only bends over, but M8ers get f...ed by syria and iran , hehehe!

Default-user-icon Yergho Blatahmi (Guest) 22 December 2012, 15:08

I want to trust a liar, oops, I mean lawyer such as Harb. My problem is that Harb and his compatriots (mine, too) of March 14 and Lebanon First Some Twenty-Two Damn Years Late are now incapable of meeting and working on a new and just electoral law (what were they doing since 2009?) because they are in a perpetual state of threat. But my compatriots, guess what my bros and brosettes, once the upcoming elections pass, hopefully, the threat will suddenly remain NO MORE. It will disappear like magic, BELIEVE YOU ME. Do you want to know why or would you rather wait? Well, I'll give you a hint: the warriors will beat the forces of evil and backwardness and of the black shirts and of Wilyat al-Faqih nonsense and of whatever you name. Not only that, these lousy forces will be pulverized by the warriors of March 14 and Lebanon First Some Twnety-Two Damn Years Late. HOURRAH! Happy and Safe New Year, machos!

Thumb shab 22 December 2012, 16:00

Zd what happened to the embassy votes? They are too afraid to loose

Thumb geha 22 December 2012, 16:43

at best, m8 would get 40 seats in the upcoming elections and they know it, this is why they are desperate to postpone the elections, as it will show really where they stand.
if they cannot block it, they will try to takeover the country militarily.

Thumb geha 22 December 2012, 16:43

at best, m8 would get 40 seats in the upcoming elections and they know it, this is why they are desperate to postpone the elections, as it will show really where they stand.
if they cannot block it, they will try to takeover the country militarily.

Thumb geha 22 December 2012, 18:02

I do not push for m14 but I do push against m8. hope that is clear.
my comment is just an analysis of the current situation whether I like it or not.

Missing peace 22 December 2012, 18:16

"How to destabilize the country best"
it was the agenda of M8 before they took over the gvt. it will be again the agenda of the next opposition, whether M8 or M14. no side are actually working to improve the state of the country otherwise we would see it!!!!
so please stop picturing M8 as saints and M14 as evils!!!


Thumb LEBhasNOhope 22 December 2012, 17:39

Harb accused the parliamentary majority of corruption and protecting drug dealers and assassins.
The truth shall set you free M8. Actually, the truth will put you in prison where you belong!

Missing peace 22 December 2012, 18:20

lebanonfirst: aoun kept shouting that he had lists of corrupted politicians he would hand to the justice!!! we are still waiting for him to seize the courts! as well as his audit he promised!! no more mentionning of that. (conclusion it was totally demagogic just to try and look popular lol!)

oh! but wait! maybe he is afraid to accuse his new friends too!!!

so let s see if M14 will also hand over corrupted politicians! i guess not: it s just words as no one has the balls to do that: it would mean to accuse themselves too!!!

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 22 December 2012, 18:46

Aoun would hang his own mother if he thinks it would get him the presidency. Btw his would certainly need to inlcude himself as well as his son law. I would love nothing more to shove his list up his rear end. As for corruption, I fully agree with you and want nothing more than to prosecute, imprison and take all the money back from the corrupt ( regardless of who they are) and give it back to the people of Lebanon. Having said that, the one thing that M8 is 100% responsible for is terrorism of their own people. Everyone of those bastards have either executed, complied or took part in covering up bombings that not only killed politicians but by standers who never harmed a person in their lives. Some were even children. The fact that they believe that is acceptable is repulsive to say the least.

Missing peace 22 December 2012, 22:00

where does all the money of bassil come from to buy lots of land and appartments in the caza of batroun? from his sole minister s pay?