Al-Asir Organizes Anti-Assad Sit-ins in Sidon
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
The supporters of Salafist cleric Sheikh Ahmed al-Asir staged sit-ins across the southern coastal city of Sidon on Sunday to voice their support for the Syrian revolution against President Bashar Assad.
The two-hour protests at noon included symbolic sit-ins and gatherings at four roundabouts that mainly lie on the eastern highway of Sidon and on Morjan roundabout where the cleric staged a 33-day protest last year.
The cleric has vowed not to block roads during Sunday's protests after receiving a license from the authorities.
His supporters gathered on the sides of the roads and held banners rejecting the “hegemony of the resistance's arms” and the Syrian regime.
The imam of Sidon's Bilal bin Rabah Mosque, who last held a rally on December 30 in al-Abdeh in the northern district of Akkar, is a staunch supporter of the Syrian revolution against Assad and criticizes Hizbullah for using its arms to impose its hegemony on Lebanon.

Not that I like this guy and what he stands for. On the contrary in fact extremism in all its forms is something I despise. Surely however, you all agree that everyone has the right to peaceful demonstration. As long as it is peaceful and within what the law allows I don't see why it's a problem. This happens all over the democratic world.

true... for them hezbollah making the streets look like tehran during ashoura is normal but peaceful sit ins from a sunni extremist is not normal...
and they say "why does it always have to be sunni v/s shiaa in your demented sectarian mind " whereas they are making a big differnce here !LOL
see how double standard they are! shia extremism is ok but not sunni! lol!!!!

Extremism in all its forms is harmful to any nation. In Lebanon it is deadly because we are not a monolithic society but a colorful mixture of many races and religions.

you are right helicopter, but what i cannot stand is that M8ers support shia extremism while they denounce the sunni one!!
these double hypocrit standards are really intolerable .
i m like you i hate extremism from both sides...

From the facts of the surrounding region, it does seem that there is a rise of of Islamist regimes. It is something we can't truly deny. It is a very critical period in Lebanon's history that we are going through. We should be wise in how we cautiously make our next move.
What bothers me is that if people on a news site like naharnet can't have a political debate without resorting to petty insults, then how do we expect our politicians to do any better!
You all have a point of view and subjectively they are all valid to the individual. We should all agree to disagree sometimes.

it is a matter of evolution, people are going to try islamic regimes after the pan arabism have failed. It will probably be thousands of years before people in the middle east have their darwin moment, if they have that at all.

you can't have debate with zionist from occupied palestine, whether he's a jew or maybe a member of a former SLA traitors.
he doesn't have debate. that's not why mossad hired him. mossad hired him to under 100 nicknames and spread hate and lies.

the filthy zionist scum repeats his pathetic lies under many nicknames

the filthy zionist scum hallucinate about farsi this farsi that

and of course you didn't mention zionist takfiri because this is how you are

the filthy zionist scum think he's more evolved than arab and other people in middle east.
while you are in the line with saudi bedouins.

the filthy zionist scum trash always pulls out some sectarian trash from his bag of propaganda, lies and other filth.