Hizbullah Says Nasrallah Did Not Leave Lebanon, Is in Good Health
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Hizbullah issued a statement on Tuesday denying reports that the party's leader Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah has been transferred to Iran for treatment after falling ill.
"Nasrallah is in good health and he did not leave the country,” the statement said.
The Turkish state-run Anadolu news agency had reported earlier on Tuesday that Nasrallah suffered a certain health condition several days ago and was transferred to a private hospital in Beirut's southern suburb and later to Iran for treatment.
"Nasrallah left Lebanon to Tehran via Rafik Hariri International Airport,” sources close to Hizbullah had said, according to Anadolu.
The agency noted: “The Hizbullah leader is in a stable condition at the moment”.
Nasrallah's last televised appearance took place earlier in February when he gave a speech during the annual commemoration of the party's “leader martyrs”.

I hope that war isn't about to break out and this story is cover up for him to run and hide in Iran. Time will tell. God Save Lebanon if that is true.

That's because naharnet changed he story. It originally stated that nasrallah is in Iran getting treatment.

lebanonfirst i 2nd those comments...
omar.el.solh you give to much credit to the people who wanted christains out of lebanon and made life very hard for them...but as ive stated many times GOD is giving back to the Syrian,Palestinians and all those who got themselves involved in killing christians in lebanon.Whether you like it or not if you believe in GOD and his judgement this is it.Amen
Long Live The Syrian Civil War!

So when christians were being killed, was that too a judgement for God? Isent that how your mentality works?
FYI, During the lebanese civil war, EVERYONE was killing EVERYONE, Muslims vs christians, Christians vs Muslims, Christians vs Christians, Muslims vs Muslims, rightits vs leftists, leftists vs rightists, Druze vs Christians etc etc.
Grow up and use your brain because you don't know what the hell you are talking about. God might give us another civil war as punishment for wishing it on the syrians.

How can a comment such as that of mansour get 4 thumbs up? What is wrong with people?

Pierot, Grow up please. I didn't mention the political parties involved otherwise i would have mentioned the PLO, syrian army, LF, Kate2eb, PSP, etc. The point here is that your buddy mansour turned an all out war that killed over 100 000 in to an attack against christians alone when it was a war where everyone got killed from all religions including lebanese, palestinians, syrians and armenians. ALL parties involved comitted massacres and crimes, including the christians ones who did it against civilians including women and children.
Why do you always have to hate a religion or sect or people in general instead of accepting the fact that it was a useless war which no political party from that time is innocent from?

Stop living in the civil war era if you dont want it to happen again. The thugs from all the political parties (muslims and christians alike) killed and massacred civilians from other religions as well as their own. The victims will get justice from God and the culprits (the individuals and not their entire coreligionists) will get their punishment. Now lets move on and lets stop voting in murderers for a chance. Otherwise we are just a bunch of hypocrites.

Thanks for the info. I will go ahead and burst your bubble once more. One person would not have been able to put us in camps. Not in 58 or any other time. We had the same fight in us in 58 that we had in the civil war. Anyway, this is way off topic for the article so this will be my last comment regarding this manner.

I hope he gets better. Amongst the HA junk , he is a voice of reason.

Voice of reason when refusing to deliver suspects to Justice?

beleive me the sceptic tank which is HA can create way dirtier people than Nasrallah...

I need to buy candy to give away in beirut's streets. Jajajajajajaja the news of the week! I can't stop laughing by myself.... I'm going to have a good evening.

What bunch of garbage lies! Do you seriously expect anyone to take you seriously after all this crap you just spewed out?
If you still hate Bashir to this day and have to make up stuff like this at a pathetic, desperate attempt to make him look bad, then that only means ONE thing. Bashir definitely and defiantly did something right!

omar el solh, you forgot the 4th devil which is our own people who are not innocent neither in killing others (even kids) nor in killing our own lebanese both from diffirent religions/sects and even from our own religion/sect.
Until today, lebanon is living with the same problems as 100 years ago, because we never learn and instead keep doing the same misstakes and keep pointing fingers whether at other people or other religions. As long as we dont acknowledge our own misstakes, we will keep repeating them. March 8 and march 14 are the biggest example of the lebanese mentality, leaders who are coldblooded murderers are running the show and you will have march8 accusing geagea and others of terrorism while ignoring their own terrorists/mass murderers and vice versa.

Lebanese are our own devil regardless of how much we blame others and portray ourselfs as the victims. Like it or not, we opressed/opress ourselfs and others while behaving like the victims, just look at mansours comment, he is living in total denial without any sence of reality and many are like him unfortunatly.

Just change your fake name please you are not cooling anyone. There are no Omars in your hate culture despite the fact that both Ali and Hassan had omar sons. You are another anti suni racist. This hero of yours is killing syrians and protecting the killers of hariri. This news is hyped, but the end of evil doers is by no means good, go read your Quran, god punishes oppression. Wasn't Hussein oppressed?

When i read comments on lebanese websites i always get one thing confirmed: sha3b lebnen mta5allif. I should have gone for a jog instead of reading all the useless garbage. With the exception of one or two commentors, the people here are mentally ill. Yalla tell me something retarded please.

can't believe people are this brainwashed.....

Here's lilfaglee at a glimpse:
1) If you were twice as smart, you'd still be stupid.
2) I heard you got a brain transplant and the brain rejected you!
Real original ya mustool....

Maybe he can finally send himself rather than sending others to die for an Iranian agenda.
Long Live The Syrian Civil War!

I just hate the Palestinians and Syrians I don't care if you think there your brothers when infact there not just because of some religion the fact is the Palestinians started the war in Lebanon when they started drive by shootings and bombings at churches and kidnappings so when I say all Palestinians or Syrians I don't care what sect just RACE....
Long Live The Syrian Civil War!

And here I thought for the last 50 years that it was Chamoun who asked the USA to send the 6th fleet and help against Nasser's effort to convert Lebanon and subjecate it. So who fought the Nasserites and their numerous allies back then?

Funny how you men have so many hormones running through your veins pumping, you should all get together and let your stress out on the field with a game of rugby league..lol lol
On the real though men of history and our present time have messed up our world with the wars political drama and the fight to conquer the masses. I said it before I say it again POLITICS is very dirty.

Sayyed Hassan. Heaven is a beautiful place. Hurry, take all your followers, and go there. It is much nicer than da7ieh.

وهلق شو يا حاقدين, الله سود وجوهكم الليلة بيطل النور وبتسود وجوهكم.... كل حلم وانتوا بذفت على عقولكم

i worry about his pure immature word with ways-- deaf
i want to reprt his dissapearance. it was not on lungs me in the first dames. he cannot survive or outwit smart patnts. y token a mulatoe? really- you all think I am fooled deafs? i will outwitt and out pill
cancel your flight plus interview-- you are offenders!
do not cancel in front of e swells!