March 14 Rejects ‘Unprecedented Heresy’ of June 8 Parliamentary Session

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The March 14 leadership has decided that the coalition’s MPs would boycott a parliamentary session called for by Speaker Nabih Berri on June 8 to take decisions on critical issues amid the absence of a government.

Sources close to the leaderships described attempts by Berri to release the agenda of the session as an “unprecedented heresy” in light of the rejection of five members of the parliament’s bureau committee for the concept of a legislative session.

Berri’s efforts to hold the June 8 meeting is aimed at ending the role of the executive branch and the president, the sources said.

An Nahar daily quoted Caretaker Labor Minister Butros Harb as saying that “the March 14 forces can’t be part of a move that would definitely contribute to the continuation of the cabinet crisis.”

“We agreed not to attend the session because it would consolidate the confrontation with (March 8) at a time when we are in need for general consensus, particularly over sensitive issues such as the appointment of a Central Bank governor,” he said.

Harb stressed on the necessity to keep Riyad Salameh as Central Bank governor because he enjoys the trust of the Lebanese and foreign countries.

He urged Berri to give up his call for the parliamentary session which has faced the objection of the majority of members of parliament’s bureau committee.

MP Ahmed Fatfat also told As Safir daily that Berri’s move “is a clear violation of the authorities of the members of the committee.”

Comments 3
Default-user-icon Adonis (Guest) 02 June 2011, 10:05

if m14 and their boss are keen to preserve the welfare of the people their boss the acting prime minister should leave KSA and come back to lebanon to tackle all the issues ,if their boss refuses it means that mr saad el din only cares about his position not the LEBANESE PEOPLE
btw how long a prime minister can be abscent from the country ?

Default-user-icon Rov (Guest) 02 June 2011, 11:09

A caretaker pm role is purely ceremonial. He had no power. Your beloved zu3ama nominated someone else and now they don't even agree on him anymore. Blame your elected idiots for breaking the Doha agreement in the first place. Otherwise we wouldn't be in this mess.

Default-user-icon Adonis (Guest) 02 June 2011, 12:09

caretaker prime minister or nominated prime minister or any public figure they should serve the people and their needs and keep lebanon safe without any interference from the outside be it KSA US FRANCE IRAN SYRIA ISRAEL
and mr Rov dont u see that this mess is since taef accord , some wisemen in lebanon saw it and r demanding to correct the errors in this accord
in order to stop the mess illiminate the cause
god bless lebanon and its people