Peres Urges EU to 'Save Lebanon' from Hizbullah's 'Terrorist Madness'


Israeli President Shimon Peres appealed to the European Union on Tuesday to review its stance on Hizbullah to save Lebanon from its “madness,” saying the party is a terrorist organization and not a political movement.

“They collect missiles. They are trigger-happy. They hide missiles in peaceful towns and villages. By doing so, they turn them into a war target,” Peres said in a speech at the European Parliament.

“Hizbullah is a state within a state, a private army apart from the national army,” he said.

“Your voice is highly respected. We appeal to you: call terror — terror. Save Lebanon from terrorist madness,” he told the European MPs after referring to Bulgaria's latest accusations of Hizbullah's involvement in a deadly attack on Israeli tourists last year.

The bus bombing killed five Israeli tourists as well as a Bulgarian driver on July 18 at the airport in the Black Sea resort of Burgas.

“Save the Syrian people from Iran’s proxies. Save your citizens and ours from Hizbullah. The international community must designate Hizbullah as a terrorist organization,” Peres said.

"Recently, 20 terror attempts by Hizbullah were counted all over the world, in India, Thailand, Georgia, South Africa, the US, Egypt and Greece, among others,” he added.

He also noted that Cyprus recently arrested a member of Hizbullah accused of preparing attacks on Israelis in Cyprus.

A Cypriot court said it will render its verdict on March 21 against Hossam Taleb Yaacoub, a 24-year-old Swedish-Lebanese citizen.

Comments 16
Thumb jcamerican 12 March 2013, 14:30

They labeled al-qaida terrorist organization, all what it did, making it stronger and more popular in the moslem world.

Missing 12 March 2013, 15:23

Like anyone cares for what the head of a terrorist state who is a war criminal says.

Thumb andre.jabbour 12 March 2013, 14:37

Amen amen amen to these meaningful words. Thank-you Peres for your wisdom.

Missing 12 March 2013, 15:24

Andre - I remind you that Peres is the same war criminal who ordered the massive bombing of Lebanon in 1996. He is the president of the same system you accuse of segragation and racism in another posting.

Thumb andre.jabbour 12 March 2013, 16:05

People change, some become more evil, others become wiser... The mystery of life. It doesnt mean he's a saint... Noooo never.

Thumb andre.jabbour 12 March 2013, 14:59

To qualify, an organization must meet only three criteria: It must be foreign, it must engage in terrorist activity and its activity must threaten the security of the U.S. or its citizens.

Read more:

Thumb jcamerican 12 March 2013, 17:47

Thanks for your contribution. The article is making a joke out of the US foreign policy.

Thumb mckinl 12 March 2013, 15:20

It is Israel that needs to be labeled a terrorist organization ... War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity too numerous and grievous to list ...

Thumb bigsami 12 March 2013, 15:55 have a very valid point and this is an issue for ALL ARABS & the World.....but at this moment we Lebanese need to focus on our own issue/problem and that is called HA! They are not above the law and act as if they are. They do NOT serve the Lebanese but rather they serve Iran and its agenda. So let clean our homes form this filthy disease and then we (along with other countries) label Israel whatever you like.

Thumb andre.jabbour 12 March 2013, 16:09

Movaten, we defeated them once, we can defeat them again. It's no excuse to keep their rockets and use them against us as they did a few years ago.

We can re acquire weapons later should they be hit by the enemy whilst stocked with our national heroic army.

Thumb mckinl 12 March 2013, 16:24

@ bigsami

First things first ...

Israel gets her comeuppance ...

HA can stand down ...

BTW : The Israelis are violating Lebanese airspace as we comment ...

Thumb bigsami 12 March 2013, 18:13

Seriously out early today? Don't you have homework? Do your parent know you spend your time here wasting our time and their hard earned tuition money? Incredible! Get an education first before your spew any crap out of your juvenile mouth. It's all crap typical of an immature kid (school boy). Grow up!

Thumb bigsami 12 March 2013, 15:51

Hey lilfaglee....the school boy. This forum is for men and not kids. Go hit the books ya mustool and maybe learn something other then being an idiot.

Missing helicopter 12 March 2013, 17:38

Israeli President Shimon Peres appealed to the European Union on Tuesday to review its stance on Hizbullah to save Lebanon from its “madness,...............
May I add save Lebanon from the Israeli and Syrian threats, secterian extremism and from ourselves. Strenghten our army, our State and our National identity and unity.... Amen.

Default-user-icon Hammerhead (Guest) 12 March 2013, 18:00

HA has completely destroyed the Palastnian insurgency and struggle to regain their homeland,
HA and Iran created Hammas to divide thus destroy the Palastnian cause,
HA is directly responsible for the installment of UN forces for the protection of Israel's Northern border.
HA and the Jewish state are one and the same, the reasons behind the instability of Lebanon.

Thumb shab 13 March 2013, 03:02

Who cares about Palastine. They are a self destructive virus.
Lebanon must be saved from the filthy militia. I hope EU listens to him.