Hariri Warns of Sedition, Accuses Syrian Regime of Creating Strife

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Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri warned on Sunday of the hazards of the sectarian incitement, calling on the Lebanese to exert efforts to prevent sedition in the country.

Hariri described in a statement issued by his press office the assault against four Sunni clerics on Sunday night as “disgraceful.”

The former PM pointed out that “a group is seeking secretly and in public... to create strife among the Lebanese to achieve the purposes of certain regional sides that is benefiting from igniting the region.”

On Sunday night two Dar al-Fatwa clerics Sheikh Mazen Hariri and Sheikh Ahmed Fakhran were assaulted while passing through the Beirut area of Khandaq al-Ghamiq.

Another two clerics, one of them identified as Sheikh Omar al-Imami, were assaulted in the southern suburb of Shiyyah.

The army announced late Sunday that it arrested five people involved in the incidents.

“Judicial and security authorities are responsible for revealing the truth behind the attacks,” Hariri said in his statement.

Al-Mustaqbal movement leader expressed fears over the situation locally, saying that “the regime of (Syrian President) Bashar Assad wants to create tension among the Lebanese, in particularly between the Sunnis and Shiites.”

“The regime will not hesitate to use the dirtiest means to prevent its collapse,” Hariri added.

The official called on the Lebanese to hold on to the state and reject whatever targets their security, safety and national unity.

“We reject under any circumstances... to cover up for criminals,” Hariri said.

He noted that “history will not have mercy on those who are trying to save Assad on the account of Lebanon's stability and coexistence.”

Lebanese parties are sharply divided over the crisis in Syria as the March 8 alliance continuously expresses its support to Assad, while the March 14 camp backs the popular revolt.

The international community and analysts have expressed fears that the conflict in Syria may spill over into Lebanon.

Comments 4
Missing abraham 18 March 2013, 12:39

If you like your country that much, why don't you come back and start building a safe and prosperous country, so that the youth would stay and grow these country.
The truth is that, you have sold your soul and you don't have the guts to come back and lead us

Thumb mckinl 18 March 2013, 12:45

Yaaawn ... More Hariri rhetoric pointing blame not knowing the facts.

So far, as far as ideas to help Lebanon, Mr Hariri has had none.

Cheap talk from Riyadh has been about it ...

Missing allouchi 18 March 2013, 13:45

Sheikh Saad is saying the truth and most M8 haters are so blinded by their hate they refuse to see the truth...

Thumb geha 18 March 2013, 13:54

the facts are clear:
- 2 clerics assaultd in khandak el ghamiq
2 clerics assaulted in shiyah area
this clearly makes organized. this is not the doing of some random group of people, rather this has been ordered by some party.
thus it is one of 2: hizbushaitan or amal.
whichever, they are both shia thugs.