Khamenei: Iran Will 'Annihilate' Cities if Israel Attacks
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Iran will "annihilate" the Israeli cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa if it comes under attack by the Jewish state, supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned on Thursday.
"Every now and then the leaders of the Zionist regime threaten Iran with a military attack," Khamenei said in a live televised speech from the northeastern holy city of Mashhad, referring to Israel.
"They should know that if they commit such a blunder, the Islamic republic will annihilate Tel Aviv and Haifa," he said.
Iran is said to possess ballistic missiles capable of reaching Israel. It also has close relations with Israel's foes in the region, including Hizbullah and Palestinian militants in the Islamist-ruled Gaza Strip.
Khamenei spoke with little sign of an easing in Tehran's position in its confrontation with the West over its disputed nuclear program of uranium enrichment.
Israel, widely believed to be the Middle East's sole but undeclared nuclear power, suspects that Tehran is seeking atomic arms, a fear shared by the United States and Western powers, and has not ruled out a military strike.
Washington has also refused to rule out the military option, but insists it prefers a diplomatic solution to the nuclear stand-off.
U.S. President Barack Obama in Israel on Wednesday accepted that the Jewish state would not cede its right to confront Iran's nuclear threat to the United States.

Nice threatening words AGAIN and you wonder why your economy is crumbling due to sanctions.....

7ayeteeeee..y3ne if u can spell better than u can talk we might take ur words into consideration looool..yalla rou7 mase7 ya..na2es b3ed wa7d mitlak

These imams will live and die under prehistoric fanatical beliefs...and this unfortunately will keep their people frozen in time while the rest of the world moves on with life. It seems peace is taboo in their world and they thrive off violence & friction.

It is the USA and Israel that thrive off of violence and friction ... Iran has not invaded another country for centuries ...
The USA has invaded many countries including Afgahnistan and Iraq illegally while inflicting propganda and economic damage on many more.
Israel has a long history of premeditated war and invasion while practicing Apartheid collective punishment for decades.
Iran's problem is their hubris. The Ayatollah thinks that inflamatory language will dissuade the Zionists. It only emboldens them.

Seriuosly now Motormouth....let's put things in perspective: How can the world allow a country such as Iran with access to nukes when they are constantly threatening to "Annihilate" this and that? Do you hear of any country that posses nukes make such outrageous threats other than N. Korea and Iran? WTF would anyone on this planet allow it? Can you just imagine regressed religious fanatics like Iran and God forbid...HA...get their hands on such devastating weapons? Look at HA....turned it's weapons on Lebanese when they were confronted. Give me a break ya mustool! Wake up!

"It is the USA and Israel that thrive off of violence and friction ... Iran has not invaded another country for centuries ..."
LMAO....where do you see the US invading other countries? They may meddle in other countries and beleive me we all know this comes from greedy US politicians and not the American people....but get your head out of your rear and breath....because you should thank God that Iran does not have the technology (know-how) to build destructive weapons because if they did not only they would invade all....they will be the spark to total world destruction & mass murder/killing. They have no value for human life. Their nomadic dark aged ideology preaches to commit suicide and you will go to heaven. What kind of BS is that?

will the lebanese shia do the job and pay the price?who will move to najaf irak: hassan or the le lebanese shia?

"Iran to 'annihilate' Tel Aviv, Haifa if Israel attacks"
Khamenei is playing right into the hands of the Zionist Public relations juggernaut. These words will be echoed throughout the western world without regard to their context.
Iran may well be within its rights to pursue nuclear technology and the boycotts and sanctions may well be illegal but words like these will only inflame world opinion against them ...

Public opinion gains you enemies and allies ... Why is it that Iran can not call on China and Russia? ... because they are too stubborn to reflect on the viability of their position ...
There are many in the US, the EU and elsewhere that would defend Iran but find themselves trying to ignore offensive comments like those the Ayatollah just made ...

@ mowaten
Satellite TV and the internet has increasingly limited the ability of those in power to "mold" public opinion ...
What satellite TV and the internet have also done is broadcast offensive remarks like those of the Ayatollah instantly around the world.
It is a new world and public relations ie propaganda is playing an increasingly important role in shaping public opinion and what they will allow their governments to do ...

Mass murder on my mind, do you believe I'm on a mission from God.

The western empire may indeed be crumbling but it can and will inflict great harm to those it can vilify.
Patience while the west crumbles is called for ... constant determined resistance without giving the west any reason for violence.
The winning game is the long game ... While violent resistance may be called for it should only be used as a last option ...
The west especially the US thinks in years. The rest of the world should think in decades as the west implodes from self inflicted wounds.

@ bigjohn
And I agree with you ... there's no justice in the situation in the short run only the long run. Putting yourself in harms way for no reason is not the smart play.

stop blowing hot air. Only an idiot would think that Iran's response would amount to anything more than a nuisance to any advanced country. They’ve been barking the same rhetoric for as long as I can remember and the only thing they to show for it are life sized G.I. Joe airplanes. Your response is an insult to most people’s intelligence. They may respond but the effect will be equivalent to a mosquito bite.

"The aging western empire is crumbling" echoes of Pravda circa early, mid and almost* end of the last century.
*almost because the USSR never completed the last century.
"The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated" - Mark Twain, and so it goes.

these comments are enough reason to wipe these Iranian extremists off the ground.
btw, I believe nothing will be done to iran directly, rather they will clip their hands, and fast:
- the Syrian regime will fall soon enough, depriving iran out of Syria.
- hizbushaitan will be annihilated very soon, denying iran any presence in Lebanon.
- same in other part of the Arab world, and those hoping for a US/iran agreement are delusional. that will never happen.
iran will implode from within.

Iran was afraid the US Army would take a right turn in Iraq towards the border and keep going. HA, unlike the rest of the GCC does not want the USA anywhere in the middle east.
It has been Iran and HA that have supported the resistance against Zionism ... The GCC make only empty gestures while they try to look away from the destruction.

The claim of opposing Israel or fighting the Zionists has been abused by the Iranian and Syrian Regimes in order to justify their repression against their own peoples and their aggressions in the neighboring countries.
We can have peace terms with Israel but not with the regimes that barbarically exterminate their own people. The Iranian and Syrian regimes should fall in order for the Middle East to see any hope for stability and peace.

Goddamn Iranians. We need to annihilate them now . They have infested countries with their filth and vermin. I hope someone can teach them a lesson that they will never recover from.

gabby973, I bet you are going to ask for proof from Iran just as you did when Iran claimed to have downed a drone, but... well... umm... duh... when they actually did, you disappeared and were nowhere to be found! Oh, how we missed you, dude! Did Iran down you, too, then, just briefly?

Seems like the site been hacked or being controlled by naharnet to balance (support with votes) those lamb-basted HA worshipers. At the end of the day we all know that axis of evil will rot in hell. Good always prevails over evil!

If you say so bigjohn..... at this time I think we are losing focus of what is the biggest threat to Lebanon (I don't care about the rest of the world because they are not the ones facing a major conflict and/or a ticking time bomb) is instability caused by Iran and it's proxy HA - PERIOD!

they like talking now--is it a new year or something there? In any case, religious authorities should really shut up when it comes to talking foreign policy. History has shown us that it is a bad idea--too bad the idiotic HA and the rest of the Iranian allies don't understand this.

Iranians, fka Persians (same people, same history, same shit but different name), will never learn. Hezeb Allah won't be around to learn a lesson, the innocent Shiite communities will suffer with no lesson to learn since it would not matter at the end, and the biggest blow would be to either Lebanon or the Palestinians in general. Meanwhile Saudi Arabia is swimming in oil money, and Israel is building on occupied land.

The devil want's to hit the two cities in Israel that has the largest kafer Sunni population. Look at the other pedophile bearded bastard in the background. Tfiii