Sit-in in Tripoli over Mysterious Death of Young Man in Dahiyeh

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A sit-in was held Tuesday at Tripoli's Abdul Hamid Karami Square by the relatives and friends of a young Tripolitan man who was found dead several days ago in Dahiyeh.

“The relatives and friends of the victim Samer Kanj staged a sit-in at the Abdul Hamid Karami Square in Tripoli and blocked the main road outside the serail in protest at the death of their son in (Beirut's) southern suburb in mysterious circumstances,” state-run National News Agency reported.

“Protesters carried banners urging the state and security agencies to unveil the circumstances of the incident,” said NNA.

Meanwhile, MTV reported that Kanj “was in a love affair with a Shiite girl and was found dead after he was thrown from the fifth floor of a building.”

The crime happened “after the girl asked him to meet her in Dahiyeh on Sunday,” MTV added.

The TV network quoted relatives of Kanj as saying that there had been a dispute between his family and the aforementioned girl and that their families did not approve of the relationship due to sectarian reasons.

In an interview with MTV, Kanj's friend Nazih said the sit-in's objective was to demand an end to “killing, strife and chaos.”

Nazih said Samer's killers enjoy a certain protection, noting that “no one has been arrested and police spoke with his family in an inappropriate manner, telling them he was installing a satellite television cable at 3:00 a.m.”

“We are still living in the hell of the past,” Nazih lamented, recalling the civil war days.

Before his death, Kanj announced on his Facebook page that he had received a threat.

“I have received a threat from (the phone number) 01771100 from a man called A. Shuman who claimed that he belongs to AMAL Movement, and it turned out that this number belongs to the Holiday Inn Hotel which is near Speaker Nabih Berri's mansion (in Verdun) … and it turned out that he is a guard 'dog' and I will meet him because the state is absent,” said Kanj's message.

Comments 34
Thumb sarkis 02 April 2013, 19:22

Not surprised, Kaafir sunnis marrying a holy shiite girl. He deserves death, I would go as far as saying this was sanctioned by a hezballah imam.

Thumb sarkis 02 April 2013, 19:24

Here, shiites kill a sunni for seeing one of their women, and all Mowatan can do is some how try to take the attention away by talking about fitna & name calling online. The perfect hezballah propagandist.

Missing abraham 02 April 2013, 19:50

you must be a very sick and demented individual
when you think and write these comments

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 02 April 2013, 20:12

mowaten- It is very nice of you to already solve the case for his family (a framed murder to stir trouble). A man lost his life and the only thing you are concerned about is public relations for amal and HA. You make me sick to my stomach.
RIP Samer Kanj for your bravery and determination not to let sectarian divide stop you from being with the woman you love. I wish more Lebanese were like you.

Thumb jabal10452 02 April 2013, 20:14

Sarkis, You bring shame to the emblem of the LF. A true LF does not have the values that you have. A true LF respects and protects all confessions. Shame on you. Your values do not belong anywhere in these 10452 km2.

Thumb jumblatdedon 02 April 2013, 20:45

Call it how it is, no more ziggy zagging, The M8ers dont waste a second when it comes to barnstorming accusations on us. So have it back

Thumb sarkis 02 April 2013, 19:23

Name call all you like, I promise Im not going to stop unless you and your hezb propandist stop

Thumb sarkis 02 April 2013, 19:29

Hey batman, for that comment you are now Kafi,krazyturk,saad,geha & myself

Missing rudy 02 April 2013, 19:37

Not to say I don't think there is a bigger plot to cause strife in lebanon but I think incidents like these are the culmination of lack of security enforcement, which gave people the impression that they should take matters in their own hands, and if they do, no one will really follow up on it. It also indicates we are almost past that threshold, and the seed is planted.

Now what remains is to wait and watch as the snowball grows as it rolls down the hill.

I don't know how it can be stopped short of a miracle.

Economy isn't suddenly going to get better, the people aren't suddenly going to become comfortable, both our neighbors are there for the long haul, and most importantly, people aren't going to wake up one day and forgive and forget so they can start fresh. It would be nice, but unrealistic

Missing abraham 02 April 2013, 19:55

Rudy I agree with you a little bit
you know what's lacking in Lebanon is, leadership of all sects who haven't sold their soul to this and that devil.
The Lebanese people that we thought were smart, are just following the present leadership like sheeps.
I think It's time for peolple to go down in streets and demand new leadership from president down

Missing rudy 02 April 2013, 20:06

Sadly abraham I think we had our chance and blew it to do this the easy way. The only time we will get rid of this dependence mentality they have implemented in the lebanese, especially the young generation that was only born in the war but didn't participate, is when we enforce education on everyone.

Mainly, giving the option to every single person to earn a decent living without having to need this politician or that politician. That can only be achieved in at least 30 years from now if we want to start fresh, assuming education reforms are applied immediately

Thumb neons 02 April 2013, 19:46

may he rest in peace
fayrouz must have been on heavy drugs when she sang about THE LEBANON

Thumb neons 02 April 2013, 20:25

there is always hope, i hope

Thumb neons 02 April 2013, 19:49

both family objected so sad

Thumb neons 02 April 2013, 20:05

the evil forces destroying lebanon are the same people voting comments like this down

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 02 April 2013, 20:24

It's either that or he fell while installing a dish at 3:00 am after posting on his facebook page that he has received threats for dating a girl in dahie and her family did not approve for sectarian reasons.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 02 April 2013, 20:28

You didn't include oringina (nice try).
This story is simple. Both families disapproved for sectarian reasons. Her family killed him and are receiving political cover from prosecution by amal. End of story.
May he rest in peace.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 02 April 2013, 21:29

LF currently has an armed wing? Your reverse propaganda is a joke. You always take the negative publicity about your origina and try to label others as that. The funniest part is whenever you are called out on it; you refer to me as a hater. You must be 19 or 20 years old.

Thumb geha 02 April 2013, 20:55

personally I blame all men of cloth for getting in the way against civil marriage.

Thumb neons 02 April 2013, 21:07

you dont know that!

Missing peace 02 April 2013, 21:19

"that their families did not approve of the relationship due to sectarian reasons."

sunnis are impure for shias so no wonder he was not accepted by the girls family....

Default-user-icon noor (Guest) 03 April 2013, 18:55

no, you're wrong... it's the sunnis who think that shias are impure and of wrong religion... my aunt is married to a sunni and in bahrain many people of different religions are married to each other... it's the exremist sunnis who are hateful towards shias, not the other way round...

Thumb Lebanon4life 02 April 2013, 21:48

Allah yer7ahmo he seemed to be a sympathic person :( Look what has happened to our dear Lebanon people are behaving like animals . The killing of a men who fell in love with a woman from another sect what just happened to us. Ana sunni , ana shia, ana derzi, ana marouni that's what people say about their identity instead of saying ana Lebnani :(. Religion should be our private buissness and we don't have the right to judge another person because of their sect. Our biggest problem are our leaders our relgious figures and most of all our stupid menatility. We are beeing manipulated like puppets by our own Leaders and Politicians. Then there are weapons all over the country not only Hezbollahs weapons but also domestic arms , that means if we disagree we simply resort to violence through the use of guns.

Thumb Lebanon4life 02 April 2013, 21:48

Our state is weak as our army is because none of our dear leader agrees to give them the proper power because this might pose a threat to them. Lebanon is in need of a radical change : Secular System , Strong Army,new politicans and most importantly a change in our way of thinking !!!!!!!

Thumb music66 03 April 2013, 11:46

Mazboot, Ana Hirra Lebaniye.. More importantly human

Missing danny.hadid 03 April 2013, 02:34

you can say what ever you want but he was my cousin he was a good man the lady love this man they did nothing bad , you can be mean Allah see good hearts

Thumb andre.jabbour 03 April 2013, 03:24

what's wrong with you? you're reasoning like a normal human being with a heart.

Thumb andre.jabbour 03 April 2013, 03:25

No more sects in politics.

Missing abraham 03 April 2013, 07:52

I like it
one person 1 vote no matter who

Missing abraham 03 April 2013, 07:52

I agree with you

Default-user-icon Thalom Forfarro (Guest) 03 April 2013, 11:27

Considering how crazy Sunnis have become, and there is every indication that they are getting crazier and crazier and crazier in addition to becoming filthier than the filthiest filth, they would have killed the poor man, this if they are not the ones who actually did kill him. You know that the crazies have perfected the art of killing their own if and when they do not find people of other sects or religions to kill, especially if they ever find free time off their busy killing spree on the national and international scenes. 3alehom, crazies. allouchti, geha, primesuspect, the JIHAD is calling you. Sharpen your daggers and attack the infidels without any mercy. allahou BOOM BLAST akbar

Thumb cityboy 03 April 2013, 17:14

You are right, this may not have been a fairytale story about love and tragedy as the first impression of this story gives off. I still feel very bad for this gentleman, and I am of shia sect. Regardless of what the reasons behind the tragedy, no physical harm should have been dealt on him or anyone else in the same situation. I have have been rejected by a few sunni girls in my time because I was shia, I let it be and never pushed the issue. Life goes on, there are other girls. May he rest in peace.

Default-user-icon mohamad (Guest) 04 April 2013, 22:07

to whom it concern.
i know samer kanj and during my work i sent him to a city for an amount of money and on his was back he disappear and after his 2 brother make a story and my money disappear .
so if you dont know the 100 story of him so dont give your we are human, but the different is how to drive this life
i will not forgive him and also his brotherss..

Default-user-icon lala (Guest) 07 April 2013, 22:15

this guy is dead, why dont u let him rest in peace???
stop making up silly stories about him .... for whatever reason...
its really disgusting..