More than 600 Lebanese Ink Petition Rejecting Orthodox Proposal

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Around 600 Lebanese citizens signed a petition that rejects the adoption of the so-called Orthodox Gathering draft-law during the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Lawmakers, Ministers, businessmen, journalists, academicians and activists signed the petition that will be handed over to President Michel Suleiman and the parliament.

The rival parties have so far failed to agree on an electoral draft-law after the leaders and representatives of the Free Patriotic Movement, the Lebanese Forces, the Phalange Party and the Marada Movement agreed to suspend the Orthodox Gathering proposal, leaving the door open for rival MPs to strike a deal on a new electoral draft-law.

The proposal, which had been severely rejected by centrist Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat's bloc, al-Mustaqbal movement, March 14 independent MPs, President Michel Suleiman and caretaker Prime Minister Najib Miqati, considers Lebanon a single district and allows each sect to vote for its own MPs under a proportional presentational system.

According to the campaign that was launched over the social networking website Facebook, it was signed by Jumblat, March 14 independent lawmaker Butros Harb, al-Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc MP Ahmed Fatfat and MP Marwan Hamadah.

The ministers include former ministers Nayla Mouawad, Adnan Kassar and several former lawmakers such as March 14 coalition general-secretariat coordinator Fares Soaid and Tripoli lawmaker Mesbah al-Ahdab.

The campaign's Facebook page is:

or contact the campaign on:

Comments 10
Missing rudy 10 April 2013, 09:02

Academicians... Really?

Missing rudy 10 April 2013, 16:44

its not like they dont deserve it. they spent the last few years wanking while M8 took things down the drain. they are as much to blame. so is every single person who votes in lebanon anymore. its a F***** shame really.

i think we should gather a group of 128 young men and women, who have at least an education matching certain criteria,who have no wasta, family relation to existing politicians (not even a distant cousin), come from modest means, and are willing to have every aspect of their professional lives scrutinized as well as some other pre requisites, and have them all run for parliament for every seat in the country.

maybe we can start with a few seats at first

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 10 April 2013, 17:21

mowaten. thank you for pointing out the facebook page to me. I just liked it. you know the old adage. any publicity is good publicity. you just helped them get at least one more fan.

Default-user-icon Observe and Learn (Guest) 10 April 2013, 09:42

- 600? I wouldn't call that an achievement.

- There is no added value to this petition. The persons mentioned in the article have already voiced their disagreement numerous times.

- Instead of wasting their time on a law that does not make sense (to them, at least), why didn't these 600 come up with a law that makes sense (to them, at least)?

Missing tomahawk 10 April 2013, 10:10

Dirty politics has just begun , "Lebanese Style". Welcome to our " Backdoor" voting system .

Thumb jcamerican 10 April 2013, 10:33

The major problem in Lebanon is the Orthodox Gathering according to the geniuses of Lebanon. Would sound much better if they were "300".

Missing tomahawk 10 April 2013, 14:42

Thumbs up for you FT , I'm also waiting for the final tally , would you like coffee with me while we wait?

Thumb benzona 10 April 2013, 15:05

Give us the link, we'll sign it!

People are afraid to give their contact infos, they fear hezb-ebola would use them to find them, intimidate them and maybe more.... (the worst being death).

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 10 April 2013, 17:17

make it 4 999 399 to go. I just signed it.

Default-user-icon Edlof Basbas (Guest) 10 April 2013, 18:10

So 600 is the best al-Mustaqbal al-Ta3ees and Jumblat al-At3as could amass! That's what you can call progress for Lebanon! eweeeeeeeeha