Gemayel: Syrian Refugees Have Become Threat to Lebanon
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Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel warned on Monday that Lebanon can no longer support the Syrian refugees in Lebanon.
He said during a press conference after the party's weekly politburo meeting: “The refugees have become a threat to the country's national fabric.”
He noted that some 450,000 refugees have fled to Lebanon without counting those who have not been registered.
“This issue is no longer just a humanitarian one, but it is taking on new dimensions,” remarked Gemayel.
The case of refugees should be given priority in Lebanon, he stressed.
“How can Lebanon's economic, social, political, and security capabilities take on such a burden?” he wondered.
He therefore revealed that the Phalange Party has taken the decision to form an emergency unit to conduct a census of the refugees “because the official authorities lack transparency in tackling this issue.”
To that end, Gemayel suggested the formation of camps near the Lebanese-Syrian border to harbor the refugees and avoid their “haphazard distribution” in the country.
On the discussions to form a new government, he said: “We support Premier-designate Tammam Salam's efforts to establish a new cabinet, which should be capable of taking decisive decisions on all issues.”
“The new government should be capable of preserving Lebanon's interests,” he stressed.
Moreover, he urged political powers to cooperate with Speaker Nabih Berri to reach an agreement over a new parliamentary electoral law “because time is running out to hold the elections.”
The hybrid law, which combines the winner-takes-all and proportional representation systems, was the center of the most discussions among the political powers, Gemayel noted.
“The government must reach an agreement over a new electoral law in order to preserve Lebanon's democratic system,” he added.

Ask yourself, have the Syrian refugees been grateful to Lebanon? OR have they been causing trouble, more trouble than anyone wants.

I thought by international standards any refugees should have been registered & accounted for . In Turkey, Jordan as well as Iraq all Syrian refugees have special camps set up just inside their boarders not roaming around freely in their countries for security reasons .Lebanon should do exactly the same thing, why are they allowed mingling inside Lebanon in the first place? Another palestian crisis style that started the civil war is on the horizon but this time it's with the Syrians . Round them all up & put in tents all along the border like what the Turks & Jordanians are doing , it only takes a few fanatics claiming refugee status to kick start a war in Lebanon, gees the UN will be more than happy to help out !

I repeat my previous comments... Replace the palestinian refugees with "syrian". The palestinian refugees were originally welcomed as brothers and sisters who were in need. They then armed themselves and began attacking lebanon's neighbour. Battles between the Lebanese army and the refugees began, with the major Sunni Lebanese movements siding with the refugees against the republic of Lebanon. The psp, sided with the foreigners and Sunni against the Lebanese "watan" army. Civil war eventually erupted between the refugees,their local Sunni and druze supporters, against the Lebanese army backed by the christains!
Replace the palestians with Syrians and we have our selves round two!
Nothing has been learnt and death and destruction will follow. the countries that support this war will benifit from lebanons economic destruction.Cue the gulf states and Israel.Oil pipes and refineries, banking and tourism!

No. The Syrians have houses to go back to. Their land hasn't been annexed. They've already outstayed their welcome, but they're not indefinite like the Palestinians. And finally there is no political will for war in Lebanon.
No war is coming to Lebanon. We will ride this Syrian thing out, n come out stronger. This summer will get close to the edge, but after that we will have the chance to have a few Syrian-mokhabarat free years.

The_roar... The Christians very unequal share of power was a big part of what sparked war. Proof of that, is the war ending with the taef accord... Which stripped a lot of the Christians' powers, and supposedly leveled the power shares.
U gotta dig deeper into issues before u reply to someone in that way man :/

Our civil war was started by the secterian mentality that has caused havoc in lebanon for hundreds ofyears. Read history books to see how there were constantly religious/ethnic wars in lebanon. Had the refugees been majority christians, the the gemayels would be quiet. So your right in a way, its the same misstakes being repeated. The same hate and hypocrisy of the past is still alive and well in the hearts of the gemayels and their kind.

And do not forget to switch from Screen to another FT/Mouwaten/Topace/anonymetexasusa.
As if we do not know.LOLOL
Yeh Mouwaten let s make clear ,a good friend is someone like the assad family who occupied lebanon,killed lebanese and stole our money etc etc .

Phil, we have been a curse on ourselves for the past hundreds of years.

the gvt has not managed the flow of the refugees from the beginning letting them go anywhere and on their own.
now the only responsible is the incompetent M8 gvt....

Y didn't the government create n fund a refugee department???... What was m8 doing this whole time? ...Smoking ban?

I supported Basil on that issue, maybe you still remember my comments back then.

Let me tell you the story of the creation of Lebanon. When God decided to create Lebanon he thought of giving this land the best beaches, soil, fresh water supply, nature, weather, he even planted the Cedar trees himself! when the angels so this they began talking amongst themselves that God is not fair and he is biased ... to that God turned around and told them ... wait and see the neighbors I'm going to give them!
So Phil, our neighbors have been our curse since ever

Those Arab countries that you refer to as filthy have prospered way mroe than Lebanon. While we were busy crying and fighting amongst ourselves they have done right to their people and developed, funny enough with the help of many Lebanese. So I would suggest you wash your mouth before talking about the Arab states that housed many Lebanese youths who could not find shelter anywhere else in the world and are still helping tens of thousands of Lebanese families.
Sheikh Bachir was a great leader and his ideas are still great till today. I would urge you to go read and learn about the real life of Sheikh Bachir as he would be ashamed of your comment

When you mention Bachir without addressing him with Sheikh that just tells a lot about your respect, but then again your language says a lot about you little kitty. Go meow somewhere else ya walad