Nasrallah to Make Speech Amid Growing Condemnation of Hizbullah Role in Syria

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Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah will make a televised speech on Saturday on the occasion of Liberation Day at a time when his party's involvement in the Syrian war is drawing largescale local and international condemnation.

Political sources expected Nasrallah to snap back at the parties that have expressed frustration at Hizbullah's support for the Syrian army against the rebels mainly in the town of al-Qusayr.

Nasrallah will make the speech after 5:30 pm during a ceremony that will be held in the eastern village of Mashghara, the hometown of Hizbullah military commander Imad Mughniyeh, who was killed in a car bomb blast in Damascus on February 12, 2008.

Liberation Day commemorates the Israeli army’s withdrawal from south Lebanon in May 2000.

Hizbullah's deputy chief Sheikh Naim Qassem said Friday that the European Union would be making a "big mistake" to label the group "terrorist."

He told al-Mayadeen TV that such threats "do not concern" or worry the party. He did not elaborate.

France this week joined an EU push to declare Hizbullah's military wing a terrorist organization.

France's move could prove pivotal after Germany joined a British effort to make the move. The U.S. has long pressured Europe to add Hizbullah to its terrorist list, which would hamper its operations in Europe.

Comments 24
Missing 25 May 2013, 08:36

I used to defend the Hizb against the terrorism label. No more. My appologies to the Syrian people for defending this ruthless and criminal organization.

Missing 25 May 2013, 08:37

My applogies is also to all Lebanese.

Missing hanni 25 May 2013, 10:31

Bravo rafehh , well said. As a christian , I used to support HA until it was revealed that were involved in political assassinations in Lebanon. Shame on them for their involvement against the poor Syrian people trying to break free from the corrupt defacto Assad monarchy.

Missing hanni 25 May 2013, 10:31

Bravo rafehh , well said. As a christian , I used to support HA until it was revealed that were involved in political assassinations in Lebanon. Shame on them for their involvement against the poor Syrian people trying to break free from the corrupt defacto Assad monarchy.

Thumb _citizen_ 25 May 2013, 10:58

Better late than never! He and his party are the classic definition of the new world terror that goes beyond individuals or groups to transcend traditionally defined boundaries. In other words, for the first time in modern history of terrorism, we see a terror group launches a highly sophisticated invasion of another country and massacres its people, burns their homes, and occupies their land with the aim of achieving both political and sectarian religious objectives. Here, lies the danger of a party such as HA.

Missing maroun 25 May 2013, 15:41

can you name one European country that support the regime?..i don't think so

Default-user-icon FairPlay (Guest) 25 May 2013, 22:55

Bollocks. The whole world stands with the Syrian people against the savagery of the regime in Damascus. As a very ordinary Englishman, I've not yet met anyone at all that stands with the Assad monarchy. Please God these bastards pay with their lives for their wickedness; Nasralah is no more than a puppet of the Iranian theocrats.

Missing maroun 25 May 2013, 08:40

The rat will make more excuses why they are involved in Syria ...he should just tell the truth .its is there only lifeline once the regime go so will his evil hizb

Default-user-icon noone (Guest) 25 May 2013, 08:44

The Mighty Nasrallah will make another one of his telecast speeches, from the safety of his hole in the ground. It will go something like the same old thing... the Glorious Resistance, the Resistance weapons, the Axis of Resistance, Resistance, Resistance, Resistance... rah rah rah.

Thumb geha 25 May 2013, 08:50

nasrallah will say: this is what we are doing and no one can stop us. if you do not like it,.....

Thumb scorpyonn 25 May 2013, 08:54

How embarassing to be from the same religious sect as those criminals who kowtow and prostrate themselves to those bastanred in Tehran.

Thumb geha 25 May 2013, 11:38

no need to feel embarrassed: there re a lot of shia like you who are decent wanting a state and a country to live in, and not an Iranian jungle and destruction.

Default-user-icon Abraham Ghorayeb (Guest) 25 May 2013, 09:11

لست أدري إلى أي متى سيبقى الدجالون يضحكون علينا، إلى متى يستهزؤن بنا، وكيف أنهم ألزموا الدولة اللبنانية بـ "يوم التحرير والمقاومة"... كل العالم يعرف أن الجيش الإسرائيلي انسحب من لبنان بناء على وعد أعطاه رئيس وزراء إسرائيل لشعبه فقبل انتخابه، والوعد يقول أنه في حال انتخابه سيعمد إلى سشحب قواته من لبنان،
أنا هنا لا أريد أن أغبن حق أهلنا الذين استشهدوا في الدفاع عن أرضنا، ولكن أكذوبة التحرير هذه قد تكون مرّت على السذج من أبناء شعبنا، لو لم تنسحب إسرائيل خلال المدة التي وعد بها رئيس وزرائها شعبه هل كان 25 أيار عيداً للتحرير والمقاومة" أي مقاومة تلك، كانت كلها تدريبات لنصل إلى ما وصلنا إليه اليوم، دولة في لبنان، وجيش لضرب أحرار سوريا.... هذه هي المقاومة... تعالوا نضحك... ونضحك ملياً

Missing ihatepersia 25 May 2013, 11:06

your wish may come true.

Missing pitythenation 25 May 2013, 11:15

We must look at this from both parties. First, let us look at it from Hezbollah's side. They feel that if they do not intervene in Syria, they will be affected if Assad loses. It is true, they will. They also feel that they have a right to intervene in a foreign war. Now, let us look at it from the other side. Most, including myself, feel that Hezbollah should not send their soldiers to Syria, since it will only inflict damage on Lebanon in the future. The tension in Tripoli is palpable in the rest of Lebanon, and there are fears it will spill over. Many are tired with their interference in Lebanese politics, and only support them in their resistance towards Israel. I have already mentioned my views on the terror listing. The word terrorist/terrorism has no valid definition any longer. Thank you, and peace to Lebanon.

Thumb turmos 25 May 2013, 11:57

Totally agree.... people who claim HA has a point of view in this matter are putting the State of Lebanon and HA at an equal footing which should never be the case, and in itself is the heart of the problem. When it comes to internal domestic issues, HA or any other lebanese party for that matter has the right to its point of view as expressed by its democratically elected MPs. When it comes to matters of national security, and waging wars on other countries, occupying villages, and massacring people, then it is whole different ball game. In said instances there is world accountability and that is why the State is and should be solely responsible. When the syrian rebels succeed, do you expect them not to retaliate against HA inside Lebanon. This is an act of war for heavens sake!

Missing pitythenation 25 May 2013, 12:27

Most of us agree that there should not be a Hezbollah party within Lebanon, almost a state within a state. But sorry to disappoint you, it is the way it is. It is the way this confessionalist country works. Unless Lebanon appoints strong Prime Ministers and Presidents, then we will continue to see Hezbollah have dominance in this country.

Default-user-icon Poisonfang (Guest) 25 May 2013, 11:33

Political figures should start a plan to divide Lebanon to Federal states. I have a 4 months old daughter that i wouldn't like to live under confessional-ism and sectarianism. And wouldn't want her to here Israeli planes and see dead people on TV in the future. Give them their state and give us ours!

Thumb jcamerican 25 May 2013, 12:21

Since syrian rebels are expected to retaliate against HA, why wait for them, just let HA fight it out there until the best man wins.

Too many speeches for Nisrallah, he is losing credibility. One good and clear speech is plenty. Unless he is auditioning for a newscaster job.

Thumb jcamerican 25 May 2013, 12:46

No disagreement with you or anyone. Lebanon will always pay the price, no matter who is involved.

Default-user-icon Fuzzyd72 (Guest) 25 May 2013, 12:52

What words will you share with us to justify the murder of Syrian civilians? What words will you use to explain how you're putting our nation in harm's way? What words will you blurt out to explain the 24+ lives lost in Tripoli over the last 6 days? What will you say to small businesses that are buckling under the lose of business due to your poor choices? How will you explain to expatriates that they can't come home right now because of your divine plan?Do you really have Lebanon's interests at heart? Are you really Lebanese? Your words will never suffice. Not today. Not ever.

Default-user-icon elche (Guest) 25 May 2013, 13:28

Concentrez-vous bien à 17h30....ouvrez bien les oreilles...soyez attentifs...beaucoup d'entre vous feront des cauchemars après le discours du très grand Sayyad Hassan Nasrallah...rira bien qui rira le dernier...:)

Missing peace 25 May 2013, 18:10

i thought he said that shooting in the air was bad... but just listen to beirut right now and how they gone mad like robots....

Default-user-icon jew (Guest) 25 May 2013, 18:19

I wish all the radical islamist will cut each others heads off