Asiri Expresses Concern over Situation in Lebanon, Warns of Strife
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Awadh Asiri expressed concern on Monday that the turmoil in the region could spill over into Lebanon, stressing that his country is keen to preserve stability in the country.
“Saudi Arabia will always stand by Lebanon,” Asiri said in an interview with An Nahar newspaper.
He denied claims that his country is interfering in the process of the government formation led by Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam.
The diplomat expressed hope that the rival parties would reach agreement over all the disputable matters so that “stability and security would prevail in Lebanon.”
Asiri pointed that his country is keen to communicate with all the political powers in the countries.
“The kingdom is keen to fortify the ties with Lebanon in various sectors,” he said.
The ambassador told An Nahar that the Lebanese should implement the Taef accord, criticizing the Lebanese for failing to carry out the agreement.
He expressed hope that the foes would resume the national dialogue to fortify the country and end the controversial disputes. Calling on politicians to abide by the dissociation policy.
The Gulf Cooperation Council previously expressed “great concern” over the government's failure to abide by the Baabda Declaration.
The Baabda Declaration was sponsored by President Michel Suleiman and calls for different parties to adhere to the disassociation policy to avoid the spread of the unrest in Syria to Lebanese territories.
“We fear that the incidents in the northern city of Tripoli and Hizbullah's intervention in the battles in Syria would affect Lebanon negatively,” Asiri added.
Lebanese parties are sharply divided over the crisis in Syria as the March 8 alliance continuously expresses its support to Syrian president Bashar Assad, while the March 14 camp backs the popular revolt.
Gulf states are currently mulling a decision to take measures against Hizbullah in the near future.
Hizbullah's men are fighting alongside Syrian government troops in a fierce battle to retake the strategic Syrian town of Qusayr from mostly Sunni rebels.
Asked if his country would warn its citizens not to travel to Lebanon over security fears, Asiri said that “the Saudi authorities have always slowed down in taking any decision concerning Lebanon but the safety of Saudi nationals is a priority.”
Since the eruption of Syria's clashes in 2011, Lebanon has been witnessing several security incidents in Tripoli, along the Lebanese-Syrian border and in several other regions.

yes you are concerned, Iran is concerned, China is concerned, USA is concerned, Europe is concerned...and we are concerned too!
At the end of the day each one of you talk to your "allies" in Lebanon and push for their "victory", while the Lebanese people suffer the consequences of your meddling.

You have major issues and you definitely need professional help!

Your IGNORANCE is breath taking and your comments are actually funny :D lol!!! I didn't know that FT responds on your behalf?! semi3 bil matal: tangara w li2yit ghataha! It's not surprising because both of you have IGNORANCE coded in your DNA. You two make a great couple :D!!!

Asiri warning of strife? Does he mean the strife that him and his terrorist country are responsible for?

What we need in Lebanon Mr Asiri, is your goverment to stop paying their dogs in Lebanon meaning ( Asir & co) .And the same goes for Iran to stop paying their dogs in Lebanon ( Hassan & co).

Ya karim s3odiyi dawli 3arabiyi se3det lebnen bi $melyarot la bina2 msh metel Iran la damaro wla shi3a sila7 la yesta2wo fi 3annas Iran fersiyi mabihoma masla7et l3arab Iran aktar dawli bel 3alam erhabibi yerham lmat bi bani s3od alla eytawel bi 3omer abomet3eb wa Amir Qatar wa malek lkwayet walemarat wel ba7rayen wa koll dowal lkhalij ahelna kolon rezon wa lo2met 3aysho mennon Iran kom fiya lebneni byeshtegel Shi125 ensan bas bi lkhalij 500.000 belalili wyemken enta honik ya karim mateklo besa7en wtobezo fi ya nekrin jmil

habib.. the GCC contributed a lot to those that share its religion.. sunnis.. and iran contributed a lot to those that shared their religion.. shiites..
as for the 500,000 lebanese in GCC.. that's because none of the khalijis want to do an honest day's work.. they have crappy education systems studying religion endlessly.. and don't know a word of english.. the lebanese are 2nd class citizens in those countries.. not allowed to practice their own religion or live a free life.. we go there out of necessity.. not pleasure..
neither the GCC, EU, USA, Iran or Russia are angels.. both sides are happily driving us off the cliff as with syria.. but for some strange reason the lebanese still has faith in their politicians.. what is this ridiculous blindness to supporting one side or the other... throw them all out!!!

Eff off our backs and go play with your feet while eating dates in your backward dump.