Sabra Urges Berri to Open 'Humanitarian Corridors' in Qusayr: Delaying Aid Leads to Massacre
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Caretaker leader of the Syrian National Coalition George Sabra on Tuesday urged Speaker Nabih Berri to open “humanitarian corridors” to evacuate the wounded in the neighboring country's border town of a-Qusayr.
"There are more than 1000 wounded persons in al-Qusayr, 400 of them are in critical conditions, and we do not have enough support in the town to heal these people,” Sabra explained in a videotaped speech posted online.
“Most of these are civilians, particularly women and children.”
He warned: "Their lives are in danger and if aid was delayed, a massacre would take place.”
"We urge Berri, as the speaker of the parliament and as a national, Shiite and popular leader, to quickly interfere and open safe corridors to evacuate the wounded to Lebanese or Syrian territories” the SNC's caretaker chief stressed.
"It is a humanitarian, social national responsibility before being a political one,” he said addressing the speaker. “Even in the midst of the most violent wars and under the conditions of enmity, the wounded get wide attention and evacuating them becomes a priority.”
Sabra continued: “I cannot imagine that you (Berri) might not be concerned about the lives of Syria's people. If we are unable to stop the fighting and the killing of both Lebanese and Syrians, at least we should try saving people's lives instead of leaving them to face death.”
"It is a Syrian call to a Lebanese patriot, we have shared the past and the present together and we will also share the future.”
The military support of Hizbullah has helped Syrian regime forces gain the upper hand in the battle for control of Qusayr, a key town for both the regime and the insurgents, where an army assault began last month, amid a Lebanese, regional and international outcry.

George Sabra is Ashraf Annas. For the sake of his own people, he brought himself to ask for the lives of the thousands of injured men, women and children of Al Qusayr. Nasrallah would have let them die rather than saying anything. This reminds of Saniora when his eyes filled with tears for the many wrought by Israel. For the Hizbi drones, this is weakness. For the rest of us, this is humanity, empathy and caring for fellow human beings. I addd my words to those of Sabra.

Sabra, how can you ask anything of berri? He is a snake and even more close to assad than what hezballah is. Berri is anything but a lebanese patriot, he is a dog for iran and bachar. Sabra, if you hate bachar then how can you not feel the same hate for berri, the snake terrorist who is as much as an enemy to syria as his master? This is not how you bring change. Berri needs to be tried for his crimes.

NostraGabbyMarch14, NostraAllouchti, NostraHarrier, NostraBenzona, NostraThePatriot, NostraPeace, NostraGeha and all NostraDudes and NosraDudettes, should Hizbushaitan show some humanity and open humanitarian corridors before al-Nusra and al-Nostras swoop in on them and terminate these Shaitans? Your feedback shall be much appreciated.

Please josh, Love Nasrallah and Assad as much as you want but for God sake leave Jesus out of your filth ........ you might be a Zionist Orthodox Jew, but you are not a Christian.