Tripoli and North Mufti to Launch Initiative to Put End to Clashes

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The Mufti of Tripoli and the North Malek al-Shaar launched on Saturday a series of contacts with officials from Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen in the wake of Friday’s clashes.

His contacts are aimed at paving the way for holding a meeting to set the appropriate mechanisms to end the unrest in the northern city of Tripoli.

Clashes erupted between gunmen from Bab al-Tabbeneh and Jabal Mohsen after the former staged a demonstration in support of the Syrian people, while the latter staged a demonstration in support of the Syrian regime.

Six people were killed in the fighting, while up to 30 were wounded.

Shaar had received telephone calls from Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat and a number of other officials on Friday asking him to intervene to end the unrest.

The Mufti is scheduled to meet with Prime Minister Najib Miqati on Saturday and later contact President Michel Suleiman, the Defense and Interior Ministers, and army commander.

Comments 3
Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 19 June 2011, 00:59

there is at least 8000 syrian refugees in tripoli,their # culd reach easily 30.000 at the end of july if the trend continue like it was last week.

Default-user-icon Nabil (Guest) 19 June 2011, 05:36

Mustapha, you are concerned about the Syrian people??? What a lie! After Hariri was killed in 2005 until his son was finally removed recently...more than 700 Syrian MUSLIM (mostly Sunni) workers have been murdered or have disapeared in Lebanon by the M14 criminals. I do not recall once you ever mentioned them? You M14 are such hypocrites, which is why increasing number of majority Lebanese do not want anything to do with you!

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 19 June 2011, 07:31

Let these salafi terrorists come to tripoli , they will all be killed like their brothers in naher el bared .

If you think you can make another naher el bared , you are mistaken , this time Hariri and Siniora are OUT , Ashraf Riffi is surounded , and his " porte flingue " el Hassan cornered like an injured beast ..

Your days are over . Terrorisme and corruption are over just like Hariri ERA and his big joke called Mahkama .

Tripoli is for all Lebanese , not only for Hariri's Wahbaby Sunnis or Salafis .