March 14 Urges Suleiman to Call for Hizbullah Withdrawal from Syria
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A delegation from the March 14 alliance on Tuesday handed President Michel Suleiman a memo that calls for Hizbullah's “immediate” pullout from Syria and the deployment of the Lebanese army along the border with the war-torn country.
The delegation to Baabda Palace was headed by al-Mustaqbal bloc leader MP Fouad Saniora, who later held a press conference at the parliament along with several March 14 MPs to reveal the details of the memo, its second to Suleiman in nine months.
Around 50 signatories called for “Hizbullah's full and immediate withdrawal from Syria pending a solution to the problem of its arms.”
Hizbullah fighters are playing a prominent role in supporting regime troops against the rebels seeking to topple Syrian President Bashar Assad. Earlier this month, Syrian soldiers and Hizbullah members recaptured Qusayr following a more than two-week assault on the strategic town on the border with Lebanon.
The signatories claimed that the party's role in the fighting is a clear violation of the Constitution, the sovereignty of the Lebanese state and international resolutions.
They asked Suleiman to deploy the Lebanese army on the northern and eastern border with Syria with the assistance of U.N. peacekeepers and to control the crossings with the neighboring country.
The memo hinted that the March 14 alliance will not accept the participation of Hizbullah in the new cabinet that Premier-designate Tammam Salam is seeking to form.
The coalition wants a neutral government that adopts the Baabda Declaration as its policy statement, said Saniora.
The head of al-Mustaqbal bloc accused Hizbullah of using its “illegitimate arms” under the orders of its main backer Iran to “create a power stronger than the state and to impose its hegemony” on Lebanon's “sovereign decisions.”
He reiterated that Hizbullah “contributed to the proliferation of arms and gunmen in different Lebanese regions” and contravened the decisions reached at the National Dialogue since 2006 and the Baabda Declaration in 2012.
Saniora warned of a “disastrous situation,” saying Lebanese territories have become training grounds for gunmen being sent abroad under Iranian orders to fight alongside Syrian regime troops.
“Hizbullah is serving the Syrian and Iranian regimes at the expense of the Lebanese … This pushes the country to a war among the Lebanese,” said the memo.
It also accused the Assad regime of expanding its battle to Lebanon and committing crimes mainly in the northern city of Tripoli and the northeastern town of Arsal where occasionally it carries out air raids.

M14 is waisting their time, they know Hizbullah does not take orders from the President or any other authority in Lebanon. As Nasrallah said they are fighting to protect the Glorious Axis and that is that.

M14 is not wasting their time ... this part of their tactic to delegitimize the State of Lebanon through slander and lies.
And they have no substitute for the governance of Lebanon which onlyoves that they hope to destabilize Lebanon into civil war ....
They think that a civil war would be to their advantage which is just how vicious and insane their leaders are ...

the State? the governance? What planet are you from? Lebanon has been taken over by the Iranian militia and M14 is wasting their time on petitions and speeches. But I have not heard any of the M14 leaders say anything about a civil war. "vicious and insane" is a perfect description of Hizbullah a group that will murder anyone that gets in its way.

Translation: March 14 reject Hizbullah's role in Syria because of a slight miscalculation. The formula they applied was the following:
If Y = (Saudi Arabia + Qatar + Israel + Turkey + USA + Europe + March 14 + al-Mustaqbal al-Ta3ees + al-Nusra Banou Laden + Sannis from remote Syrian Provinces between Chechnya and the Chechma)
Then Y = 100% Topple of Syrian Regime
However, the correct formula is:
Syrian Regime + Friends = 100% Beat the Sh...t out of Y and Send their Heads Spinning
t3isho wa te7esbo ghayra, and good luck with our greatest president ever, the good-for-nothing corrupt president-by-parachute, may God bless him and extend his term and our days of misery under his presidency forever and ever, amen.

LOL, all these February 14 Saudi-Wahabi Al Qaeda sympathizers ever do is bark. Somebody deport them back to the deserts of Riyadh, please.

Hey all, Naharnet fighters: I'm doing a survey on young people's views on marriage and sectarianism: Please consider taking this survey: Your opinion is valuable to me!