Israel PM Ready for 'Painful' Settlement Evacuations

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is ready to push through a "painful evacuation" of settlements as part of a final peace deal, a minister said Thursday just hours before the arrival of Washington's top diplomat.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was due in Jerusalem on Thursday evening for his fifth visit in as many months as he seeks to draw Israel and the Palestinians back to the negotiating table after a hiatus of nearly three years.

Kerry, who arrived in Jordan on Wednesday, was to have a dinner meeting with the Israeli leader and then meet with Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas a day later in Amman.

"Netanyahu knows there will be a painful evacuation of a number of settlements that are not in the settlement blocs, and that there will be a land swap," Science and Technology Minister Yaakov Peri told army radio.

"There is no doubt that Benjamin Netanyahu and a not-insignificant number of Likud ministers understand, or have reached the conclusion that it is in Israel's strategic interest... to return to the negotiating table," said Peri, who now belongs to the centrist Yesh Atid party.

Netanyahu's government which was pieced together in March is considered as even more hardline than his previous cabinet on the issue of a Palestinian state.

"Netanyahu is much more ready than in the past, whether it's for ideological or practical reasons, for an immediate return to the negotiating table," Peri added, saying there was a "new wind" blowing.

Similar statements were plastered across the front of Israel's left-leaning Haaretz newspaper, in which "a senior cabinet member from Netanyahu's Likud" said the premier would be ready to give up almost all of the West Bank if Israel's security needs were met.

"Netanyahu understands that for a peace agreement, it will be necessary to withdraw from more than 90 percent of the West Bank and evacuate more than a few settlements," he told the paper.

"His two key principles are maintaining the settlement blocs as part of Israel and a military presence in the Jordan Valley, without Israeli sovereignty there."

Comments 7
Thumb mckinl 27 June 2013, 12:07

We shall see ... The question is: What brought about this complete surrender of Netanyahu and his government on the West Bank issue?

Was it a threat that the US would allow Palestine full statehood by abstaining at the UN Security Council or was it exposing Israeli crimes?

The US intelligence community is now falling apart over revelations of domestic spying. Will a whistle blower expose Israeli crimes as revenge?

There are two crimes that Israel has been linked to ... 9/11 and the Anthrax attacks shortly thereafter ... both still unsolved despite the rhetoric.

Missing phillipo 27 June 2013, 12:11

Your warped mind forgot to mention other Israeli "crimes", didn't you know that they started the Arab Spring, didn't you know that they started the uprising in Syria, they started the Iran-Iraq War, and whatever else that happened in the world in the last 65 years.

Thumb mckinl 27 June 2013, 12:18

There is no other reason that Netanyahu and his government would even consider "evacuating" their treasured West Bank other than horrendous revelations of crimes against the US ...

Missing phillipo 27 June 2013, 12:09

The only question which remains is - Will Abbas come to the negotiation table with the intent of reaching a solution to the conflict, or immediately start throwing around preliminary demands in order that the talks won't be able to go forward. Then as usual he will be able to blame the Israelis for the failure.

Missing lappeaudecouille 27 June 2013, 14:18

It is funny if not sad that you think that Abbas should compromise and sit down with Israelis without preconditions. After all conquering the West Bank and building settlments to try and dearabise the land is very normal and Abbas should not ask for the rights of palestinians to be somehow restored. It really shows your complete misundersatnding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the history behind it.

Missing phillipo 27 June 2013, 15:59

"rights of palestinians to be somehow restored."
Don't you remember that the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan occupied the West Bank between 1948 and 1967 when they lost it in a war started by Egypt and Jordan.
The Palestinians ever since the time of the Prophet Mohammed had no rights which were taken away, in order for them to be now restored.

Missing lappeaudecouille 27 June 2013, 17:21

WOW. No comment.