Two Roadside Bombs Explode on Zahle Highway

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Two roadside bombs exploded at dawn on Friday on the highway at the entrance of the city of Zahle in the Beqaa region, but caused no casualties or damage.

A military expert said that the explosion was caused by two 90 mm mortar shells connected to a detonator, according to the state-run National News Agency.

The NNA said that the bombs, that where planted in the barrier separating two lanes, exploded at 5:30 a.m.

Media reports said that the bombs where targeting a convoy for Hizbullah heading to Syria.

The explosion prompted the convoy to open fire in the air, several reports said.

One of the bombs cause a 40 centimeters crater in the street, while the other 20 centimeters.

On Tuesday, a nail bomb exploded at dawn on the Masnaa main road in the eastern Bekaa valley, without causing casualties.

Earlier this month, a roadside explosion in Taanayel damaged a van that was heading to the Masnaa border crossing on its way to Syria.

Reports had said that the van was transporting Hizbullah fighters.

Comments 9
Thumb primesuspect 28 June 2013, 08:10

Franjieh is developing a new type of explosives to blow up Tamam Salam and anyone desiring democracy and modernization of Lebanon. the double detonations were only a test...

Thumb christianimmigrant 28 June 2013, 10:42

last time i checked franjieh doesnt have an armed militia or suicide bombers for that matter. can we be a bit more reasonable on here? everyone expects it is an open war going forward, just like it's in Syria. Sunnis and Chiaas killing/bombing each other. what a shame.

Thumb christianimmigrant 28 June 2013, 10:07

so many people on this page expected car bombing and Qaeda like explosions to happen now that it is an open sunni - chiaa. God bless Lebanon and protect all innocents out there

Thumb christianimmigrant 28 June 2013, 13:33

Agree Slash - but we need to keep quiet or at least try to cool the fire down. Some Christians enjoy seeing Muslims killing each others; this is sadly such an ignorant reaction because any war is likely to force out the few thousands of Christians which remain in Lebanon. Let's call for peace and stop igniting the fire. Chiaas and Sunnis are both capable of turning Lebanon into a fire zone. I hope they realize we did this between 1975 and 1990 and we all lost.

Thumb benzona 28 June 2013, 19:50

Slash, t'as raison.... Mais comment des demeurés tel le gamin prétendument chrétien immigré et encourageant la haine pourraient-ils se dossocier du conflit alors qu'ils avalisent le crime en Syrie? C'est une question que je me pose.

De plus, rester silencieux (et donc hypocrite) face aux exactions commises en Syrie et maintenant au Liban, c'est déjà prendre parti.... Car, dans ce bas monde, qui ne dit mot consent.

Triste pays, il n'y a qu'une solution... Déposer les armes, accepter d'être jugé pour ses crimes et appliquer la loi, toute la loi.

Thumb Elemental 28 June 2013, 10:58

Nonsense like this can easily be avoided, but when you have human nature and groups fueled by some "righteous" cause? Yeah great example to society.

Thumb Elemental 28 June 2013, 11:04

Ever wonder who's side God's really on?

Missing greatpierro 28 June 2013, 12:19

On the side of Peace and Love.

Thumb Elemental 28 June 2013, 12:45

I like your answer pierro, the thing is how these groups are defining peace and love. The methods they're using however are greatly flawed, dominance and weapons is definitely not the way to go. Plus the usual he-said-she-said arguments back and forth, don't solve a thing. Once they break past the control and pre-programming, then we'll see true progess.