Saad: March 14 Came to Sidon to Incite against Army, Their Statement Didn't Call for Holding Asir Accountable
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Popular Nasserite Organization chief ex-MP Osama Saad on Sunday said that the meeting held by the March 14 forces in Sidon earlier in the day was aimed at “inciting against the military institution,” saying March 14 had not criticized the practices of Sheikh Ahmed al-Asir in the past, prior to his ouster from the city through a military operation.
Saad described as “beautiful words” the content of the meeting's closing statement regarding “coexistence, civil peace, human dignity, the rejection of extremism and the just state.”
“But if only the March 14 forces would act accordingly and turn words into deeds,” he added.
Earlier, the March 14 alliance called for announcing Sidon an arms-free city, saying the presence of an “illegitimate statelet” was the reason behind the violence in the southern city.
“Unfortunately, the March 14 forces, topped by al-Mustaqbal movement, have only ruined coexistence and civil peace through the rhetoric of sectarian incitement and provocation and through keeping the situations tense for narrow political ends,” Saad added.
These forces “have only sponsored extremist movements, from Sidon to Tripoli and Arsal and other Lebanese regions,” the ex-MP said, reminding that “the deviant phenomenon of al-Asir would not have surfaced and grown without the political and security sponsorship and financial support of the al-Mustaqbal movement.”
“If only the forces that convened today in Majdelyoun had raised the voice, even once, against Asir's practices and strenuous efforts to ignite sectarian strife and against his blocking of roads and attacks on citizens," Saad added.
"These forces only came to Sidon today, after a blow was dealt to Asir's deviant phenomenon and the removal of his security zone, and they came to incite against the military institution which offered martyrs in defense of Sidon and its people and to protect civil peace," he went on to say.
Saad noted that “the Majdelyoun meeting ignored all of Asir's extremist and deviant practices, while exerting utmost effort to put the blame on others with the aim of acquitting him.”
The Sidon leader condemned March 14's statement, which “did not include a call for holding accountable Asir and his followers, backers and financiers.”
The gunbattles, which left 18 soldiers and around 20 gunmen dead, were sparked after al-Asir's followers opened fire on an army checkpoint.

Mr. Witty,
If you pay attention to Saniora's words, as you copy/pasted them... he says "whoever" without saying who that "whoever" is. That leaves space for a very wide interpretation, and because it is a double faced spoilitician from M14 who said those words, it leaves space to a very narrow interpretation, the finger always being pointed to the same group.
And not to Assir!
So yes, Saad is totally right on.
Thank you and Goodbye.
Yalla am expecting lots of thumbs down :)

"Whoever" doesn't really need much interpretation. It means if the army is willing to go after armed Sunnis, it's time the army goes to da7yi and Baalbek.
How many warrants are against members of the z3ayter and ja3far families? ... I'm originally from the Jabal, and I know if someone is wanted, for selling drugs for example, the darak will walk straight into his day3a and arrest him. Can we say the same for brital, hermel, yamuni???
Last time I checked, these clans weren't using they're weapons against Israel, but have on many occasions attacked army and darak. I can understand the resistance cannot be touched, but y 7arakit Amal too?
The rule of law has to apply to everyone, "whoever" they are.

Osama Saad hails from a family that is known for its staunch support of the Lebanese State and the Lebanese army (doesn't the name of the organization he heads reflect that>)..... below is brief outline of their Patriotic beginnings:
The PNO’s military wing, was started in March 1975 at Sidon by Mustafa Saad, son of the late Maarouf. Trained and armed by Fatah, the NLA was initially financed by Yasser Arafat’s organization and Libya,

He is Pro-Palestinian and anti-Lebanese. Pro-Arab and anti-Lebanese ........... the LAF can not survive without the support of the likkes of him.

This man has got zo3ran of his own... He dishonours his father's name.

"popular nasserite organization"... WTF? Why is this party still alive anyway? Nasser failed miserably, got syria and egypt back 100 years. Thank God Lebanon did not espouse his failed economic policies.
So my question is why is this party alive in our country today? Why is SSNP functional? Why is baath functional? These parties that represent old 60s rotten ideas should be outlawed and their leaders jailed.

Thats something I always wonder myself. Why are parties, who are fundamentally against Lebanon as a state, meaning they believe in a diff border under a diff leader, allowed to exist in that state??
I'm talking about parties like SSNP, Ba'ath, and salafist groups. They all have one thing in common, they have a higher cause that doesn't take lebanons existence into account. Be it a unified blad il sham, or an Islamic caliphate, these parties don't believe Lebanon should exist.
Plz dont say hizballah should be included in that list. It's a different matter all together.

M14 is wrong. They are focusing on the weapons of HA which is at present an impossible task. They should focus on dismantling all the parties that HA is covering. The big issue is those parties of thugs, before the weapons of HA.

That I agree with. Honestly I've never seen a hizballah guy n his weapon... But here in hamra I see soooooo many of these za3ran nawar on their jugs. These are the ppl I want out of my city!

Your are right but that is exactly what it is meant by whoever hold weapons. They have been on and on requesting that Tripoli becomes a weapon free city; same for siada and the palestinian weapons outside the camp. Because of Hizbullah and M8 there authorities do not have any political covering to enact this.

words words words and more words. they say something and do something else. in tripoli they covered and supported the arming of extremist groups, when they didnt arm them themselves.

This guy always sticks his neck out after there is trouble--never has anything to say during the other times. While his father may have been considered a great man by many people, he has strayed far, far from that tree.

Maybe I am missing something, but (I mean that) .... could you tell me what did his father do that can be construed as constructive and in favor of the Republic of Lebanon. I am humble enough to be schooled.

He helped the downtrodden in Saida, especially the fishermen so he became a kind hero to them--his pan-arab views were sort of reflective of what was going on at the time--nothing special, but sort of reflective of the times. His pan-arab views didn't make him popular with a lot of people however....

Thanks for the explanation .......
True that poor people look for a helping hand and in return they become followers. So this has been the story of the slippery slope Lebanon has experienced after the civil war impoverished most of the Lebanese. This is why the current Mafia (political class)ensures that the population is miserable and needy, then they partition the country into zones and each will give enough for people within his zone to garner their loyalty.
In Saad's case the money was given to him by Libya and the PLO and he handed some of it to the poor along with securing some fishing rights. Their loyalty is to Mr. Saad and Mr. Saad;s loyalty was to those financing him. And you can repeat the same story for most of the politicians - then we wonder why all these foreign alegiances. We need prayers to get us out of this vicious cycle.

This guys an idiot. He's criticizing them for not taking action earlier, meanwhile assir has been on tv for months begging the state to step in. He went on tv and called for jihad! What the hell were you doing at this time? are there no mediators in this country?... Or are they all like the naharnet moderators, only equal n balanced to one side? :p

To this blind politically I say: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
When you have only ONE armed militia post the 30 yrs civil war that refuse to disarm, eliminate citizens if they do not let them utilize the Government telecommunication infrastructure, meanwhile every militia was disarmed, then Assir and many other unknown names will rise out of frustration and to avoid intimidation. It does not matter who is financing these Lebanese groups but it is very unfortunate that our politicians cannot make their decisions without the backing of foreign power.

this guy looks like an Egyptian politician from the 50's.
what a reject.

law bass fina na3ref min bayyo el asleh...those genes are imported!

at least Saniora and M14 and Mustqbal are saying no to arms outside the army while your general aoun is silent over the militias armed by hizbullah in tripoli and saida and he is as much silent to weapons held by the palestinians outside the camps.

yea, they start by saying "whoever committed a crime should be held accountable" for the sake of being politically correct, and then there's a "but" followed by what they really wanted to say.
in that case case, the but was followed by intolerable slander against the army, calling it a militia and so forth...

It seems that I hate Aoun as much as you hate Hariri. The difference between the two is that Hariri has constantly backed a strong lebanese state whereas Aoun is supporting hizbustan at the expense of a strong national government and strong institutions. En bief, Ton Aoun is a traitor to the the Christians and to this country.