Syrian Ambassador: This Govt. Has Met People’s Demands
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
The Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Abdul Karim Ali stated on Thursday that Syria wishes Lebanon well, hoping that its new government would be successful in its work because that would benefit Syria.
On March 14 camp claims that the new government belongs to Syria and Hizbullah, he said: “The statements of President Michel Suleiman, Prime Minister Najib Miqati, Speaker Nabih Berri, and all our brothers in Lebanon are a response to such allegations.”
He made his statements after holding talks with Interior Minister Marwan Charbel.
“This is a government that has met the demands of the Lebanese people,” the ambassador stressed.
Addressing the anti-regime protests in Syria, Ali stated that these developments are part of the conspiracy against it.
“Syria and Lebanon are doing well and the region will emerge stronger once these matters are resolved,” he added.
Charbel later held talks with the U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Maura Connelly on the the overall security situation in Lebanon and the continuing cooperation between the U.S. and the Interior Ministry to train and equip Lebanon’s security forces.

this governent has met peoples demand? thats why some people think its a syrian cabinet, why dont you go back to syria and comment on a cabinet that the SYRIAN PEOPLE NEED.

You and your masters who appointed you to represent their murderous regime are bunch of liars who no longer can mislead the Lebanese, the Arab countries as well as the rest of the world. You lied when you said whats happening in Syria is a conspiracy. Whats happening in Syria is that the factor of fear has been overcome and freedom from thugs like you and your masters is approaching. The day will come when these gangsters, who run Syria like a farm, will pay for raping Syria and the great people of Syira for over 40 years.

I am sure Assad's 99% support is similar to Ahmadinajad's 99% support by the great Iranian people which is also similar to Hizbollah's 99% support among Shia. No doubt those 1% who don't agree are terrorists and American/Israeli spies... May I remind you of Mubarak, Saddam or Khadaffi's 99% support and their fate, but why spoil all the fun from our Vichy Assad/Hizb government that in less than one week made Suleiman/Mikati irrellevant and wasted no time in embarking on the Hizbollafication of Lebanon so in just few months we'll have the same democracy and liberty as in Syria and Iran and our budget will be hijacked to buy arms as in all police states so Lebanon can be transformed into one big prison similar to Syria and Iran.

stay inside the compound of your embassy, and it is none of your business to interfere or even discuss anything about our country,,,, mind your own business

“This is a government that has met the demands of the Lebanese people,” if he considers that the arms of the hezb are the lebanese people then he is right!

Why don't you go tell your government what your people want! Unless you consider those of a different opinion than yours as animals, and only those who agree with you as people! Your days are numbered, I pray that all the suffering, destruction, theft and wars that your country brought onto Lebanon will happen there too!

Met what people's demand? It only met syria and irans demands and not the lebanese people. Who are you to talk in the name of lebanese people ? do you know how many lebanese people hate your guts and want you out ? Its only the guns in our people heads that is allowing you to talk. We do not have an army that is strong enough to fight you. We have the will to survive and fight you in other ways possible. you are forcing us to deal with the devil himself so we can eliminate you off the face of this earth and we will. your moallem asked the world not interfere in syria yet your fingers have the right to poke in lebanese affairs for your own profit. we are not your slaves and that will never happen. Just because you have guns and amo and we do not . that does not make you a winner.that makes you invadors. so why dont you mind your own business because if syria falls you are going to regret what you said.

I don't think he gets what "people" means...
Having said that, this government doesn't obviously meet the people's demand, nor does any government formed by the so called March 14 coalition...
We should first get rid of these little dictators called hariri, aoun, geagea, jumblat, nasrallah...
and elect competent people to represent us... such as Ziad Baroud , Amin Maalouf who just got elected at the Académie Française, Carlos Ghosn etc

you are totally right anonymouslb! all the leaders who have participated in the civil war should be banned from politics!
a law should be made to ban politicians to sponsor their sons!
all the parties with a religious connotations should be banned
all the parties with a name that has been used ib the civil war should be banned
but who will do thaht apart a huge revolution? the politics won t , it s killing their business!
the people? the parties corrupt them to have their voices!
the religious leaders? they are the first ones who make money out of this system of sects?
SO ?
i m rather pessimistic about the intelligence of the lebanese people concerning this matter....

@anonymlb & peace: we seem to share the same ideas and i am sure many lebanese citizens share our views. start a facebook page. let's make this happen.

It will meet the decent people's demands as soon as the low-life members of Mafia Hariri and his Christian Sunnis, known corruptors, thieves and criminals, are thrown behind bars awaiting their hanging for their crimes and fleecing of the country. As to Mafiosos Supremo Rafic, well, he got the ultimate punishment that all mafiosos deserve and the decent people's demands, in this respect, were met in advance. Those who inflicted this punishment on Mafioso Supremo deserve a medal of honor of the highest degree and our greatest appreciation for a job very well done.

poor rudolph.... already forgot aoun s speeches about corruption in lebanon in which his allies too took a great part and built fortunes!!!!! .. orange face even went to the US to cry for their help, don t remember? you know the country you now seem to hate cause they didnt help him get the presidency...
oh sorry it s true everything before 2005 doesn t exist!
you need to cure your alzheimer disease....

We are proud of that. But also it is not for you or any other foreigner to comment on that. No Foreign intereference or comment is allowed. thnks you